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Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The funniest valentine

Just had to share this one real quick-I made a card for hubby using one of Dani Girls pages (didn't have a lot of time that day) and gave it to him. Here's the one I sent:
So, today I get this in my email:

Is he a crack up or what!! I suppose I could say this was his first scrapping attempt! He keeps it fun I tell ya :)

We are pretty sure we will be moving in July. Just waiting to be sure. I am so sad to leave here but I know God is showing us that our work here is finished and He will use us in the next place. Do I know the next place?????????????? Yep!!!! That is going to be an exciting adventure. If you read my blog you can probably figure out where....I will keep you guessing. Sorry, if you guess, I can't give you a prize though :) We made the announcement to our leadership a couple weeks ago and it was pretty sad, but for the most part, I think they could tell it was coming. We will be here 7 yrs in July and isn't that the number of completion :) I pray for a smooth transition and God's grace over all the details!!!

I have been busy looking around the house seeing what I need to accomplish...notice I said looking, not actually doing LOL. It's going to be a pain (literally) to move all our stuff, but hopefully we will get some help from the college students and I know the gals from church will help too.

I need to make a new blog header and update my blog list too. I have a couple different blogs I read when I can so I want to add them to the list. It will have to wait a bit til I have a little more energy. My back has been hurting so badly and there's nothing you can take over here. I need to find some of those packs that have the nice smell and you can put it in the microwave and freezer. I think that will help a lot. I have heard it is better to have moist heat rather than just the heating pad. Maybe I will check Amazon to see if I can order one.

Ok-have a blessed day!!!

Friday, February 08, 2008


Busy doesn't begin to describe life around here these past months! Getting prepared for the holidays, we also went back home to the states for Christmas this year. It was our first Christmas home in 7 years. Lots of fun but boy oh boy-lots of FOOD!!! Yikes, I gained about 3 kilos (over 6lbs) and now I have to figure out how to get them off!!!

It was a trip filled with ups and downs-always wonderful to see family and friends but the stress of buying all the presents and organizing everything-wow-I forgot how that was! But it was fun.

I broke my rib the 2nd day after we arrived. Our oldest daughter just went to give me a hug and I heard something snap. So, for about a week I had to just sit around because it was so painful. We went to Santa Barbara to stay with some wonderful friends and ended up staying longer for doctor visits. One thing about being out of the country-we never go to the doctors here! So I had to have a bone density test and it turns out I have osteoporosis. My hip is the worst with the spine next to worst. Not joyful news by any standards. I am still working this through my brain-I think I am still in a bit of denial about it. It just hasn't completely sunk in yet.
The Lord gave me His promise to see me through this and He will be glorified in it-I just have to learn to be more dependent upon Him and now even others including my husband. I am not one who waits around for things to be done. If something needs to be moved, carried, fixed, whatever, I do it. Now, I have to retrain myself to ask for help. Not in my personality!! Such a stubborn one I am!! It's going to be a difficult road I know. Our last Sunday in CA I just broke down during the worship as the Lord spoke ever so gently to my heart about the difficult road yet comforting me with His promise that He will be my strength when I am weak. That verse became very real to me that day and I believe it will become one that I will cling to for a long time now.

I have so much news, but I can't sit here too much longer. Hopefully it won't be too long before I come back and update the blog. I want to journal my days and make a scrapbook (ha ha-so I have that in my mind to do now....we'll have to see how it works out).
Here's the LO I did about the news. It's therapeutic to scrap it!

I used Shabby Princess's Rummage Chic, Janet Phillip's template, Tia Bennet's frame fonts are SP Wonderful Wendy, SP You've Got Mail
Anna Aspnes paper curl