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Friday, March 31, 2006


are in my throat!! Atleast that is what it sounds like!! I have been coughing so much the past few days between having some kind of virus and then my asthma. It's not a fun combination! My throat feels so raw and there is nothing to take here!! I do have some Night Time that someone sent me but obviously I can't take it during the day. Plus, I don't know if it is actually good for my asthma. Who cares though huh-atleast it will let me sleep LOL!!! Plus, when I have my asthma attacks it is such a huge episode. I really scare people around me because it is such a horrendous sound but it makes me dizzy and so exhausted afterwards. I was taking ibupropen (can't spell tonight either) and then read that it's not good to take if you have asthma-oh I can't wait to get to the states and go to the doctor!!!!
Anway, I have no motivation whatsoever to do any scrapping. I am too tired to think about it. I start, then don't end up finishing anything!!! I did get my BB finished today. Didn't really get creative but I wanted to get it finished since I hadn't done one for yesterday. Most times I don't know what I am going to write for the day but God is so faithful and always reminds me of something to be thankful for each day and to see how I am blessed!!
Today we have guests for the night. They are actually students from the bible college. They come and help with the youth group sometimes and they are a real blessing. There are 8 that came tonight-and I was sort of worrying about feeding them all. They love to have a home cooked meal and really enjoy cooking for them when they are here. But, this is a rough month because we are doing so much construction at the church and of course we have our winter heating bills too! But, God!!!! So as I was creating today's Blessing Board I was reminded that God provides for everything! Sometimes I feel like the widow who's oil never ran out. I really can't explain it -how we continually have enough food to feed whoever shows up at our house. We had a delicious meal too!

I made pasta with chicken and pesto sauce!! So yummy!!! I made some foccacia bread with garlic and rosemary too. That is one of my favorite things to make. Ever since we went to Rome a few years ago I am hooked on the stuff. We stayed at a flat that was right above a bakery. Every morning at 4am we awoke to the greatest aromas!!
Well, I will bid you a good evening for now!! I am going to check around the internet for awhile while everyone is at youth group. I love my alone time :)
Here's today's BB. If you ever want to know the credits and I don't have them (like tonight because I am too tired to write them) please just drop me a note in the comments. You can drop me a hello anytime LOL :)
I really appreciate those of you who leave such sweet words for me!! Brightens my day :)

Have a blessed evening-think of how you are blessed today no matter what you might be going through :)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

As I Promised

I will have some links for you to check out today.
I didn't get my BB finished, ok, honestly, I didn't even get it started today. Still battling a fever. Plus I know I am sick because I slept until 9am!! Two times in 2 weeks I think it is that I have slept past 6:30am!!
Anyway, I tried to make some layouts with PSP today but just couldn't get it to work. Nothing was feeling right and I just kept erasing and deleting everything. Finally, I closed the program and said "enough is enough"!!! Ha ha!! Then, I realized how much I LOVE digi scrapping even more than ever. Imagine this happening to me if I was paper scrapping! Mind you I am not a great scrapper, but I do enjoy it. So, if it's with paper, I would have wasted not only time, but real live products!! I LOVE the delete button!!!!

I was thinking so much today about my walk with the Lord and I so want to grow in Him! I really want to have the attitude and the compassion that Jesus has towards people. I think I do alot of times, but not towards people I don't get along with or don't see eye to eye with. You know how you can not really care for someone and so every little thing the person does or says gets on your nerves. Well, I am really bad about stuff like that. I start to nitt-pick everything in my mind about them. It's so wrong and only through the Lord can my heart change this heart of mine. I have to be willing to yield though-willing to give up my stubborness and allow Him to do the work He chooses to do in my heart. And I have to admit it's usually stupid petty stuff I am talking about here. This is not about people that are really doing things wrong-just different personalities. People that I should be able to love for who they are-doesn't mean I have to agree with them or even like the way they do things, but I shouldn't be judging them in my heart like I tend to do. Praise the Lord for His longsuffering and His willingness to help us!!

Ok-so here you go.....some links to people's blogs and sites I have been checking out lately. I don't see them on the usual boards so you may not have heard of them and now you can check them out. In no particular order....(do I sound like a tv announcer?) LOL Khristy Schmidt. Check out her blog. She has amazing "gifts" on there. Unfortunately, and I mean unfortunately, I think she had to change the way people receive them because so many would download the gifts and not leave a little Thank You!! That is really sad!!! I know people are busy, but come on, we're not talking about anything difficult here!! She sells at TDS. Now, you know that as a PW and one who serves on the mission field I am not able to spend too much...but I do try to get a little something from those who treat us when I can. So....I went and bought a couple of her kits. You MUST check her stuff out!! I have tried for 20 minutes to upload a photo of the kits but once again this website is not cooperating!! take my word for it and go on over :)
Another new person I found is Janel. You can check out her blog and also her store is called The Digi Shoppe.
I haven't been able to shop there yet, but it's on my "next up" list LOL. Janel has a sketch challenge and some other things going on over at the site so be sure to check it out. I love her kits-they are so bright and cheery. She has an 80's challenge going on right now that sounds fun! I tried to get the 80's out of my head but it's not working :) Once you are on her site, there are some links to other blogs that are fun too.

So there you have it. I will post a few more later this week. Don't want the post to be too long! So, have fun at these places and make some layouts!!!

Have a blessed Wednesday!
Shine on :)

A man's pride will bring him low
But the humble in spirit will reain honor.
Proverbs 29:23

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

This and That

Rough battle today with my asthma. I am so glad for the Spring but boy oh boy it's getting to my lungs something fierce!! It just seems to get worse these days. I am definitely going for a check up when we get to the states.

I found out we will be in CA when Spirit West Coast is happening. I am so excited about this. The last time we were there (2 yrs ago) we were given tickets for the 3 day concert. It was awesome!!! So many great Christian bands were playing. This time we are hoping we get to go-or atleast my daughter can go for two of the days. It's going to be HUGE!!! So much fun too!!

DD and I did our workout again. We are on a 2 day roll!!! YIPPEE!!! I can only do so much of it before coughing away but it still feels good to exercise! Living over here, we walk a lot so that helps a lot too. Hopefully I will walk with my friend this summer. She power walks though and I don't know that my lungs will be able to handle it. We'll see.

Taught women's study tonight- Sooo challenging at times but God is so faithful. I love to teach His Word but I am sort of like Moses asking God to choose someone else. We are learning so much about faith and obedience!! They go hand in hand!

I'll have to put up some links for you tomorrow. Maybe I will make a little treasure hunt of links HA HA!!! Not really, I will just put up some links for you to check out some blogs I have recently found and a few new designers and a couple different stores. Atleast they are new to me!!! Check back tomorrow and I will have them up for you.
Have a blessed Tuesday!!
Everything by Gina Miller except set of three "Collage Flowers" by
Donna Rafferty

To show partiality is not good
Because for a piece of bread
a man will transgress.
Proverbs 28:21

Monday, March 27, 2006


Yep, that's what we have in our house once again!! It seems that so many are sick this year and it's just weird!! We are just not getting over it! I have been running a low grade fever for over a week now and today my daughter has one. It's just so strange!!
I went to bed at 9pm last night!! That is an amazing record for me. Usually I am up until midnight or so. And,,,,I didn't even get up until 7:45am!! It felt so good to sleep so long. I was surprised I could sleep for so many hours! Had a good work out today too. DD and I are doing a video workout. It's such a crack-up because it is from the 80's so everyone is dressed in fushia or some other bold color!! LOL!!! I can only do 1/2 hour though because of my asthma and I get too out of breath. But, it's a good aerobic and fitness workout for us.

I am so struck with the news story about the woman who shot her husband that was a minister. It just sent chills down my spine when I heard about it. I feel so bad for the congregation right now. They really need our prayers. I can't imagine something like that happening and the people just being in shock! I read about what people said about how "perfect" the family was. No family is perfect!! I thought back to this one family I knew in church and thought they were "the perfect family" and sure enough they weren't. You hear about things all the time-even in the church. It's so grieving for all involved!
Today I made my BB about digi-designers. I was really thankful as I looked through my collection today and thought about how many designers there are and how sweet a lot of them are! I can't think of another industry that reaches out to their customers like Digital Designers! I just love the fact that I found this hobby!!! It has really been a thrill for me to get into this and learn about how to make the pages on my computer. Being over here we have no scrapbook supplies and this has turned out to be the perfect solution for me! I can't afford to buy everything I want (most of us probably can't) and I just love the fact that there are beautiful designs out there for us to try this craft with!
I was reading about all the stealing going on of designers kits and I just cringed. I can't figure out why people would do this. Why don't people view it as stealing just because it's on the internet. To me it's the same like people who download music and videos and all that stuff on the internet when they shouldn't. It's stealing and there is NO rationale for it!!! NONE!! There's simply NO excuse for stealing!!! It just ruins it for everyone!! Anyway, I think we need to remember also to thank the designers when they give out their designs for free to us. I remember when I first started all this I had nooooo clue as to what I was doing!! I just saw a "download here" link and downloaded. Never thought about saying "thank you" !! Imagine that-ugh!! But, now, I am more mature LOL and understand the whole thing and always try to say "thank you" when I can. It's just the polite thing to do :)

So, here's my BB for today! I think you can click on it if you can't read it and it might be a bigger picture.

Faithful are the wounds of a friend,
But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.
Proverbs 27:6

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Woke up to sad news

today. We had our time change last night so we lost one hour of sleep. I much prefer Oct when we turn the clocks back an hour!! Sundays are really long days for us so that extra hour would be nice! DH and I both were up early and the phone rang. It is rare for people to have land lines here-most everyone uses cell phones, but we had to get one so we can have internet. So, when the phone rang, we knew it must be important and from the states because everyone here will call us on our cell phones. Sure enough it was DH's Mom. DH's first cousing died last night. They grew up like brothers. It's really sad.
Needless to say, we won't be able to go back for the funeral. If we weren't going back to the states in May then he probably would go, but it isn't going to work out this time.
This is the 4th person that we are close with that has died since we've been here. I haven't been able to go to any of the funerals. It's a hard thing. You want to be with your friends and family and mourn together. When we return in May we will see friends who have lost a husband, a child, grandmother and now our cousin. I think it's going to be a difficult thing to deal with-seeing the families without the other person.

Sorry this isn't exciting news. I am just sad today. Sad for my husband and our family. After the news, life had to go on as normal and DH finished preparing the message to teach this morning. He taught from Ecclesiastes today and it was so fitting. There is a time and a season for everything. We never know what tomorrow holds.

Didn't get around to my BB today. But I am blessed-blessed to be alive and able to enjoy the things God has given me. I've been blessed with today and I am thankful for that!

Look around your surroundings today and find something you can thank God for!! I am sure you will be able to find many things :)

Shine On :)

Friday, March 24, 2006

Today is....

Friday of course!! The house is all quiet now and it's pretty nice!! DH is teaching youth group and DD is in youth group!! Makes for a relaxing Friday night :) I have been so tired lately it's unbelievable. Today I was so ready for a nap but time wouldn't allow for one. I have been staying up past midnight and still get up around 6 or 7 am. Why? I have no idea!!! I am not one that can just fall back asleep very easily. Hopefully tomorrow I will sleep in a bit because we have to turn the clocks ahead this weekend and I am so not looking forward to that!!
I went to the women's shelter this afternoon and did some crafts with the kids. I am so glad that we were able to ship all our stuff when we moved! I had tons of craft stuff and stamps when we lived in the states and brought it all over with us. Good thing because there isn't a great selection here and what there is is quite expensive. So today the kids made cards with rubber stamps and fun foam. I think when I get to the states this summer I am going to order from Oriental Trading. It makes it so easy when everything is in one kit. The prices are good too so we will see what I can muster up. There's a brother and sister there that were thinking back in Dec they would be moved out by Feb but now it is May. They are so cute and I feel so bad for them. I am really glad I get to spend this time with them. It's a bit tough though because I can't speak fluent Hungarian and it makes it hard to have a conversation. But, we do our best and kids love when adults are stupid so it's good! LOL
I put a layout up over at SBB. I attached it to my BB below but you can see the full one here. There's just something about this photo of my daughter that I love. I had a friend scan some photos for me so you will see a lot more layouts from years past. I wrote the lyrics to a song I haved loved for about 10 years by Cheri Keaggy. It's so exciting to digi-scrap now and be able to include the lyrics on my pages! I wrote the lyrics out over at SBB if you want to read them. To me, they are such special words for my daughter.
I am enjoying making my Blessing Board each day. It causes me to think of what I am blessed with each day no matter what my day may have been like. It's so easy for me to whine and complain about little things and I want to be mindful of what I have been given each day!

So, that's it for tonight. My eyes are bugging me today. I went and got glasses for reading a few months ago and it's wonderful but I am wondering if I need to wear them more often. Maybe I just need a good 10 hours sleep and that would solve the problem!!

Have a fabulous Friday :)

Board and some elements from Gina Miller paper and other elements from Melany Violette

Do not rejoice when your enemy falls and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles. Proverbs 24:17

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Short and sweet

Not me, but today's post :)
Felt under the weather today. I have been running a low grade fever off and on for weeks now and my asthma has been acting up all day!! So.....needless to say, I am exhausted and lucky for you it's another short post day!! Ha Ha!!! I will probably write a book tomorrow LOL!! :) I put today's BB together rather quickly due to the fact I don't feel well. But, I realized these are just a few of the things we are blessed with in our lives that we so easily take for granted!

I pray you have a Tremendous Thursday!!
Shine ON :)

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Had a long but fun day today-we went to Budapest. It's late and I am tired so not much of a post today. I wanted to put up my BB for the day though. The picture of my daughter is from 2nd grade. She is now a Sr in HS!! Time goes by so quickly!! I have it up in the gallery at SBB if you want to see the bigger version and also the credits. It's here. I had read some posts about families whose children have cancer or some other fatal disease and it just reminds me to remember how blessed I am to have my daughter with me!

I'll write about today-tomorrow. I am too tired to write much--ha ha---this will go down in history as my shortest post ever!!!

Have a wonderful's 11:40pm here so I have to try to get my beauty sleep (see you next year LOL)

Credits for BB are Gina Miller BYOBB kit, Kimberly Giarusso ll paper, Aunty Pea alpha

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Yep, that's right...I banged my head really hard this morning. It still hurts this afternoon but the bump is just small. You might think I have some heroic act to tell you about which leads to my head-bumping experience....alas....none!! Just your plain ole bend down, get up and BANG!! Right on the corner of the synthesizer! (you know I have been around British English so long now that I just can't remember when I am supposed to use an "S" or "Z") So, that is my trauma today. Didn't even get that much sympathy from DH-more like-"oh~what did you do this time?"~I am so accident prone it's not funny! (literally) I always have a bruise or two somewhere on this aging body of mine LOL

We received our e-tickets yesterday and are so excited about going to CA!! I have seen so many "To Do" lists on the blogs lately and I would shutter to think how long mine would look if I wrote out everything that needs to be done before May 16th!! YIKES!! Oh well, we can only do what we can do right!! Not that the new Digi Blog Site is helping me much! I used to think I was spending too much time reading about 10-15 blogs per day-ok so now I just go to this site and read through over 100!!!!! Is it any wonder our "To Do" lists are so long!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If anyone who uses Blogger knows how to add an email link to the site can you let me know. I can't figure out where to do this. TIA

I found such another neat Digi Site-ELEMENTAL SCRAPS (You can click on the link I have to the side). They have some really cool free gifts and other great kits available. Go check them out!

Have you seen the latest from Dianne Rigdon? She has the s-w-e-e-t-e-s-t Purse and Template for sale right now. It's only $1.50 and it is a MUST buy!!! These are so cute for so many ideas. I have to get this this week myself. I have seen people make little party favor bags with them and also photo albums with them. They would be so adorable for a girl's Tea Party or shower favor....etc,,,etc,,,, It would be fun to see what people make with these!!!
We have women's study tonight so I prepared for that today too. It's such a good study and we are learning so much through it! Great encouragement!!

Have a great and glorious TUESDAY!

Gina Miller's BYOBB kit, Floral doodles by Kim Giarusso, "Joy" by Amy Teets, Blessed alpha Ronnie McCray, fonts are Karen's Hand, Barbara and Leftovers

Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles. Proverbs 21:23

Monday, March 20, 2006

Happy Monday

A day of rest!! And to make it even better it seems as though Spring has arrived right on schedule!! The sky is blue and when I went outside and it was WARM! So exciting! I hope it lasts longer than a day! My daffodils and freesia bulbs are starting to bloom. I am hoping they will bloom by Easter!

We had some guests at our house this weekend. We were so blessed by their visit. Both the husband and wife have had amazing miracles in their lives. One had cancer and was treated successfully and the other had a brain tumor and was completely healed!! It's so amazing to hear these testimonies. We are reminded of the wonder of our GOD! Both were just seeking whatever the Lord had in mind whether it meant healing here on earth or God would choose to take them home where they would be healed. He chose to do it here and now they are seeking His will for their lives. Such a testimony of faith too!

I added the Top Digi Blogs link to my site-you can click on it and find so many AWESOME blogs!! I was amazed at the different blogs I found. Lots I hadn't heard of before. I am just going to use the site for my list of daily blog reading. Try it out-you will find some great sites. I added mine to the list so some people might find mine and who knows...might even like it LOL!

Today I "launch" my BLESSING BOARD on the blog. I am enjoying this and believe it or not-it is quite a challenge for me. It's serving two purposes. One is that I am being mindful of the blessings I do have and to be thankful for them. Also, I am creating a memory to one day give my daughter. It's a bit challenging with the scrapping-I will have to learn more creativity! But, I am up to the challenge. Gina's BYOBB is perfect for this and I am sure I will be using a lot of different elements and papers I have collected. If you are up to it, you should try it to. Doesn't have to be fancy, just something to keep us focused on what we have been given and not always thinking of what we don't have!

fonts used:Barbara hand Al Sandra Beach Type

Counsel in the heart of man is like deep water,
But a man of understanding will draw it out.
Proverbs 20:5

Friday, March 17, 2006


A few posts ago I was mentioning about the Digital Club over at Digital Freebies. Well, I was on such a Kim roll because I have just been "discovering" her kits and I failed to mention the other great kit that is being offered with the Club Price (very inexpensive price too) I think it was like 5.00 for both kits. So, here's a pic of the other kit by Lauren Grier.

The kits are for the month of March so go pick them up while you can!

I am going to get my BBOBB(good thing I have the extra B there or I might get in trouble lol) I am really excited to use this on my blog everyday as a "Blessing Board". Eventually, as the pages progress, I will be able to print them and have a Blessing Book to keep and pass along to my daughter :) Can't wait!!! Gina is having an AMAZING sale at SBB so don't delay-go and shop!!

We are having a couple visit us this weekend. We are praying they may want to come and help out in the ministry here. It's just my husband and I for the past 5 years here and we can sure use some extra people! There are some people in the church that help out, but noone is available full time and we are at the point we need someone like that. Plus, the guy speaks the language (he's a native so I hope so :)) That will be a terrific blessing if they would come here! I need help with the kid's ministry and women's ministry so that would be wonderful. We'll see what happens.

I think we are going to book our airline tickets this weekend!! YIPPEE!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOO excited that we will be going to CA!!! It's been 2 years and I miss everyone so much!!

I better go now-going to the women's shelter today so I have to figure out a craft to make with the kids.

Have a blessed day today !

Better is a dry morsel with quietness

than a house full of feasting with strife.

Proverbs 17:1

Thursday, March 16, 2006


You know, it's so hard to think of a title. Most times I never really know what I am going to write until I actually start to write!! I never thought life could be so complicated LOL

Woke up this morning to more snow although it stopped as quickly as it started. I am hoping this is the end!! So ready for SPRING!

I read some really touching blog entries this morning. One was Ronnie's-please keep her and her family in your prayers.
Another one is Amanda's. I was so moved by reading her entry! There's so much fluff in life and yet we are reminded sometimes about the real life stories that are out there. Please go and read these two blogs and then add them to your favorites because they are just great!
Both of these women are awesome designers too so you won't be disappointed!!

I decided to uninstall the PSE 4.0 from my computer-just not into it right now. I downloaded the trial of PSPX and I am really enjoying that. I think I will upgrade to that and stick with what I know how to use. I have also decided that I am going to save, save, save so that I can buy a new camera this summer when we are in the states. It sort of dawned on me that when I look through the galleries, it's 95% the photos that stand out the most. My camera is lagging big time-but I have learned about the 'curves' in PSPX now-see, I am learning something new now LOL. I just love the toothbrush affect they have too! So much easier than me trying to paint each tooth!! My teeth will probably never be so white so this is a great tool. I really destroyed my teeth years ago when I was killing myself dieting!! If you do that (and if you do, you already know what I am talking about) DON'T!!!!!!!! The effects will stay with you for years for what you do to your body!! Oh my, how do I go from scrapping to dieting talk----I am really pathetic! :)

If any of you reading have done the Prayer Safari VBS and have any craft suggestions, would you mind leaving me a note in the comments-I would really appreciate some ideas that the kids could do. I have the curriculum but not the crafts part.

As soon as I have some time I am going to update my blog links so you can see if there are any you don't read. Maybe I will get to it this weekend-I know you are waiting impatiently hee hee!

Here's a lo I did yesterday. It's of my cute little niece from a few years ago. I used Kimberly G's AMAZE kit at Digital Freebies. I am practicing different angles and what nots (is that a word). Just the basics to many of you pros, but I am still learning! :)
I pray your day is blessed no matter what the circumstances around you may be!! Remember the Lord is faithful and He gives us the strength and everything else we need to accomplish whatever He has put before us this day!

How much better it is to get wisdom than gold!
And to get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver!
Proverbs 16:16

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Scattered Thoughts

What a day today was!! Nothing major, just a lot of the little stuff. Sometimes I think it's better if it's one MAJOR thing rather than lots of odds and ends KWIM??
I was doing my usual blog reading and I was reading Andrea's blog and it really hit home. You can read her blog to find out what she wrote about. My DH is a Pastor too and I emphathized with some of her things she is going through. It caused me to think about this whole online blog thing and writing on message boards and stuff. It's been so theraputic for me. I treasure the fact that I can read someone asking people to pray for them for a job, a sick family member, whether we know them or not!! It's such a blessing to be able to pray for so many different people I would never have known except through digi scrapping!! Also, being so far away from my country it makes me feel a little connected. Plus, I have never had a hobby that I enjoy so much as digi-scrapping. And believe me, I know I am low on the creativity pole-but it doesn't matter to me. I enjoy it and my family and friends love what I do and that's what matters!! So anyway, (gosh, when I read what I write I see how horrible my grammar is on this blog!!!) if you ever just want to say hello-feel free :)

We had women's study tonight. It's so challenging some nights for me to teach when the women are tired but it always ends up good. The Lord is faithful!!! But, I am tired now. My mind closes up after 8pm :) There is a situation that I liken to a power struggle going on right now with some women and I am not one that deals with these things correctly. I mean I do, but only because I am totally in prayer about it so that I can deal with it right. Otherwise, I am the type that just gets mad and ignores the person. So, God is teaching me to confront situations and do it His way and not be so afraid of it. Sometimes women just downright scare me!! LOL
Hmm, what else can I rattle on about-too much LOL-but I won't -just have to tell you this......
Miss Creativity (moi) decided it would be a neat idea to download a free trial of PSE 4.0 Ok-it's downloaded and on my computer now. Well, how come I can't even copy and paste????? I go to copy a paper and paste it to another and the copy thing doesn't even light up??? I just can't believe this is happening-it's the most basic thing in the world!! I am actually going to have to find a tutorial for copying and pasting! DUH!!!!! Time to dye my roots :)

I hope your day is filled with all the good things the Lord has for you today :)

Every wise woman builds her house,
But the foolish pulls it down with her hands
Proverbs 14:1

Monday, March 13, 2006


Well, what can I say...(a lot if you know me lol) Here we were thinking that Spring was right around the corner and we wake up to a blizzard of snow this morning! I can't take the snow anymore-please just go away :) By this afternoon it turned more to wet snow which is fine because that means no shoveling!! That makes for a happy couple! It's still snowing and it's 6pm!!

Oh, and bad news-well, not for you but for me. I am chatting on Skype last night with my friend in the states and I linked her to that beautiful dress I was hoping to get. So she says-"hey how can you fit in that?"-and at first I was thinking-wow, does she think I have gained weight and can't wear XS anymore-but then she was reading it's a size 6-8 and she says "There's no way you can wear it, it's too big". So, I look at the description again and sure enough it's that size. So, it must be too long, (actually it's been over 2 years) since I have bought a dress and didn't realize the name of the dress is IN-XS so I am thinking the size is XS-what's a girl to do. I am so bummed about this. But, there must be that perfect dress out there for me somewhere. My friend is going to ask around and see if anyone has formal stuff.
I don't want to have to spend much because DH needs a new suit desperately. He had two really nice ones from when we lived in CA. But now they are with moth bites. He had to wear one last year for a funeral and so he took a Sharpie and colored it-he's too much!!!! Hopefully he can find a new one for a good price and have it last long. I have to stock up on moth stuff when I get back to CA and bring it back with me. They just started to sell it here, but I don't like the ones they have.
I have so much work to do and I am being such a procrastinator!! I have to get so much stuff ready for VBS. I am not going to be here when the team comes so I have to do all the art work and props before we leave for CA. Plus, I have to figure out a party or two for my daughter. The real fun is going to be packing DD's stuff to bring back to CA. How am I going to survive that one-she thinks she is going to bring back so much and I have to convince her that less is better-explain that to an almost 18 yr. old!! Ha ha!! Wish me luck.

Well, haven't scrapped in a bit-haven't really felt the groove-but I have to do Gina's sketch for this week because I love the sketch. Oh-I just realized I can save the sketch and do a layout another time-I am sooooo bad and soooo lazy today!! Oh-and you should go to her blog because she is so sweet and offered the curvy template to help make it easier!! Is that awesome or what!! Can't imagine the hours (literally) it would take me to try and make a curve the right way. Yes folks when I say I am digitally challenged I am not exaggerating!!LOL

I am going to continue on in my relax mode now-enjoy your day and count all of your blessings!!

There is one who makes himself rich
yet has nothing.
And one who makes himself poor,
yet has great riches.
Proverbs 13:7

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Back home

It's good to be back home after a couple days away! There's just nothing like sleeping in your own bed! But, the retreat was wonderful and I think all the pastor's wives felt like princesses!! We were so spoiled by the good food and all the pretty decorations. I wasn't expecting anything like that over here. Some things were donated from the states and it was really a blessing! We even had Starbucks Christmas blend coffee which is my favorite!!!!! Yes, we were all joking that when people ask us about the conference it would be all about the food! And then my friend that lives at the bible college made me special coffee each day and had Coffee Mate flavored creamers!!! OK-so what's wrong with this picture-I am having the creamer and then all of a sudden I start thinking to myself-oh hey-I need to let Gina know I had Vanilla Nut Creamer---hello!!!! We don't even know each other!!!! I read her blog, I love her designs, and think she's a crack up, but I never met her and here I am at a pastor's wives retreat thinking about how I need to share this with her :) Too funny. If you don't understand the reference to Gina you need to read her blog and you will see that she loves these creamers so much she made a layout about it once lol!! You will enjoy it :)

Ok-so besides the great food, we had such a refreshing time. We were reminded of our calling as pastor's wives and even though most of us never dreamed this kind of life for ourselves, it is what God has called us to. And He equips us to do what He calls us to do. It's all about what He can do in us and through us-not what I can or can't do. It was neat to talk to the other wives and hear the struggles others face. Everyone goes through struggles and it's good to be reminded we are not alone in this race! The worship was beautiful!!! We could all sing in our own language. So, we had some people singing in English, some in Hungarian, some Serbian, it was so beautiful!! It was funny too because as we sang one of the songs I realized I didn't even know it in English, only in Hungarian. Funny how that happens after living in another country for some time.

If you read the post below you know we are going on a family cruise this summer. DH's parents are treating everyone-what a blessing!!! But I need to get some formal dresses and it's quite a challenge on our budget. I was looking at e*bay and found one I like so much so I checked again and noone is bidding on it yet and my husband said if it stays at the 20.00 price I can get it!!! Here's a picture of it:
Isn't it so pretty!! It's gold and says it's stretchy a bit. It's an XS which shouldn't be much of a problem. I am going to exercise starting tomorrow again and make sure it will be a good fit. I am a bit nervous about buying something without trying it on, but I think it will be ok. There was one other I liked but it was XXS and I don't think I can risk that. So, hopefully it will be a good fit :)
I gave some photos to my friend who has a scanner so I am hoping they turn out nice so I can make some layouts for my daughter from when she was little. I want to make a "Through the Years" book for her for graduation.

Well, I think I am going to check out the digi boards and see some layouts and get inspired again :)
Have a blessed Sunday :)

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Where's Spring??

Just when I thought Spring was well on its way, I looked out my window and saw snow! I am getting a bit tired of snow!!! Seems like we are getting little teases of spring-like weather and then all of a sudden it starts to snow again.

On a good note-it seems that our tickets to fly back to CA in May are being provided for. Praise the Lord. I always know God will provide because I have seen His incredible provisions over and over again-even when things seem impossible!! So, my faith has been increased tremendously but there are those instances where I just wonder...hmm.. but I knew we were to go home for a visit this summer because it's been 2 years already and we need a bit of home! Plus, our daughter will graduate with the school in June and we have so much to do to prepare her for going to college in Sept. Drivers license, job, etc. As for me, I plan to spend as many days as possible laying on the beach and soaking in every ounce of sun I can. Yes, I know it's not good for me, but I just need it!!!LOL
I'm so excited because Jim's parents are celebrating their 50th anniversary and they are paying for everyone-kids, grandkids, go on a week cruise to the Mexican Riviera. SO EXCITING!!!! I have never been on a cruise and it is going to be fantastic!! We have to get dressed up 2 of the nights so I think a trip to Ross will be in order when we get back to CA. Plus, I saw an incredible dress on e*bay yesterday and I want it!! It's gold but not too gold. I will have to get a photo and post it. It was only at 20.00 and I am praying it won't go up-but...5 more days to bid so I imagine it will. But, I think there are some really pretty things-I spent waaayyyy too long looking online. I tell you it's addicting!
I am leaving in a few hours until Sat. There is a Pastor's Wives Retreat that I have to go to. Yes, I say have to go to because I really don't feel well and would much rather be home in my pj's (like now-even though it's already 12:30) and sleep in my own bed. But, I must go. It's the first one they are having here so we'll see how it goes. I have been to them in the states and love the one I went to a couple years ago but there are also tons of people there. This one is small and I will probably be one of about 2 that are American. Oh well, I am sure the Lord will bless our time together.
So, don't miss me too much lol-I'll return in a couple days!
Oh and keep your eyes and ears alert-if you check on my little ole comment from yesterday there is a nice secret there LOL -ooh la la ~ can't wait to start my "Blessing Board"! I think it will be so fun to make up the board each day and then have a little collection of blessing to print out one day!! Oh and did you see the adorable mini kit on Gina's blog yesterday? Too cute!!!

Here's a funny lo I did with my daughter when she rec'd her college acceptance letter-I told her to pose like she's really smart lol
used Manda Bean's Southern Comfort Kit
Have a blessed day :)
Shine on!
The fear of the LORD is the begining of wisdom,

And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Kits and Sales and Doodles....Oh MY!

I tried so many times yesterday to make a new post but Blogger was not cooperating much. I had so much fun looking through Digital Freebies yesterday. They sent out an email about their 40% off sale and of course I had to go and check it out. You MUST go to the sale!! They have two kits up right now for the month of March that just ROCK! I absolutely adore Kimberly G's work. I first saw her stuff on MizAmyLou's site. She used her Sweetheart Kit(see below) as her header and it just brought me right to the store! Anyway, Kimberly is also selling her stuff at TDC now and of course I had to grab her Missy Anne goodies during the wonderful 50% off sale Sat. Yes!! I was so bummed at first because I couldn't get into the store, but Laura must have let the sale go on a bit longer because I was able to get in on Sunday and purchase a few items! Back to Kimberly....keep your eye on her because I think she is amazing!! You must get the kit from Digital Freebies-there are two that come with it and it's only $5.00!! Plus the 40% off I think applied to it too. Her Amaze Kit is jammed packed with amazing things!! No, I don't work for her, don't even know her but I am just so impressed with this gal's kits :) Wish I could do them justice!!
Take a peek

And one more new thing I discovered while at Digital Freebies. A Doodle Challenge with Amanda. I think I must try this out. Head on over if you have time because it looks like a lot of fun!I just LOVE Doodles!!
I have to get Gina's BBYOBB. I know I am not the smartest gal in the world. I should have bought it when it was on sale. I will still wait for another sale. Plus, Gina was too sweet and had a coupon hidden on her blog the other day and I was just feeling too sick and couldn't look. Sooooo, I must wait. But, I am excited to get it because I want to use it daily on my blog as a "Blessing Board". I saw on another blog someone writing out their blessings and thought what a wonderful idea. Then, thought Gina's kit would be perfecto!!

I am curious about e*bay. When we lived in the states I bought some things from time to time and never had a problem. But, no big ticket items, just clothing mostly. Now, I checked out some cameras there yesterday and I saw some really good prices on them. I am just not sure how trustworthy it is to buy from the internet. Have any of you had any experience with electronics? I would love to bid and save some money but not if it is just going to cost more in the end. Any thoughts??

Ok-I think I have said enough! I sound like a door to door salewoman today. But, love to pass on good deals when I find them.

I love those who love me,
And those who seek me diligently
Will find Me.
Proverbs 8:17

Monday, March 06, 2006

Refreshed, Revitalized

Well, I am sooo sorry for the whining in my last post. I am not usually a whiner (well, try not to be anyway lol) but it was just the last straw or so I thought. And, when I start taking my eyes off of what is true and right and focus on the negative and the stuff around me I get side-tracked and weary. The Lord is just so amazing and so gracious because He knew even in my whining prayers that I needed encouraging and so He sent it in ways I would not have expected and through people I would not have expected. One was a friend and she just gave me a verse. Then, yesterday at church during worship the Lord gave me such a picture. I was thinking of the verse in Isaiah 40-they that wait on the Lord will mount up with wings like eagles. And the picture of a pilot came to mind and how when there is a storm the pilot has to rise further up above the clouds to get out of the storm. And I so clearly saw the answer-in the storms we have to rise above. Most times it's easy to take our eyes off the Lord and look around and lose perspective but He has given us this promise that we will RUN and not grow weary. Only with Him are we able to do this!!

I put a spring themed blog header up today. Thought it was time even though there is snow on the ground still! And there was where my other encouragement came from!! I played with different papers I have and different kits to use for my header~well, I remembered some flowers I downloaded and thought it would be cool to use those and then went and emailed Deb to find out if it was ok to use them on my Blog-now I don't even know Deb or anything about her except I have seen some designs she has made. Then, I get an email from her approving the use but more importantly was the encouragement she gave and the perspective to keep! How amazing is that!!! I know some of you may think I am out of my mind, but, believe me, God knows ALL!!!! He knows exactly what words we need to hear and all because of some flowers I was encouraged!! I can't put the emotion I am feeling about how GREAT my God is on paper-but believe me I am just blown away by His power and LOVE!!!

Hope to share some lay outs tomorrow :)
May the God of all hope strengthen you and bless you abundantly today!!

For the commandment is a lamp
And the law is light,
Reproofs of instruction are the way of life.
Proverbs 6:23

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Feeling Blue

Just feeling blue and down. So much has been happening in the past months and it's taking its toll. I'm so tired of it. I just want to have a breakdown and be selfish-I know it sounds so self absorbant and wrong but I think I am just tired of being the encourager-I would like people to encourage me for a change. I feel like I have nothing more to give at this point. My heart just aches from people just hounding on us constantly. I guess when people have nothing else to say And I try to think of the Lord and how it says blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you for My sake, for great is your reward-well, today I feel like I don't even care about the reward. I am tired. I'm tired of people who don't believe in the bible and believe in the Lord like we do and feel they have the right to spread lies about us and say all sorts of evil things just because we choose to believe the bible. You know what, I don't go around and say anything mean or lie about people who don't believe what I believe-we have a right to believe or not-I don't force my life on anyone. And you would think that when people lie it wouldn't matter because we know it's lies. But, you know what, when you give up your life as you know it and give everything to serve the Lord and people just say the awful things they do because obviously they have nothing better to do with their time-it's draining. It's hurtful and painful. And we never defend ourselves because how can you? You can't reason with unreasonable people.
Sorry-I just had to write it out before I just explode. Then people would really have something to talk about huh!
So, I thought, hey go buy some kits at the Digi sale-just my luck can't get into the place!! Too many people. So, I guess it's not my day. My head is killing me, my asthma is not helping matters-just an all around fun filled day!

Tomorrow will be better-I will be in church and have a better perspective (hopefully-lol) can't be sad in front of anyone or they will all get nervous! Ahhh, I just say-come quickly Lord Jesus come quicky!!!!

Sorry if I made you depressed-I try not too, but I don't have any friends to talk to here.
I'll try for a happy post next time :)

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Well, my title was Tired the other day, and I upgraded it to "Exhaustion" today. Do you feel for me yet??? lol
Yesterday was spent on the computer basically ALL day trying to update our church website. I was at the point of taking down the whole site and trying to figure out how much it would be to pay someone to do it for me! We have Dreamweaver and someone set up our site but I don't know the program too well. I uploaded two different things with photos but for some reason, even though it showed fine in the Dreamweaver and the FTP it wouldn't upload. So, around midnight I said forget it and decided to go to bed!! Yes, when I say ALL day, I mean ALL day!!
Today I had to make up some papers (can't remember what they are called in English) isn't that bad, I speak English as my first language but there are so many things I forget :) anyway, it was for a funeral from someone's relative in our church. DH did the service for the funeral and afterwards we had the reception at the church. The funeral services are at the grave site here. There is a tiny place to gather and only a select few can go in-needless to say, it was snowing today and by the time the service was over I literally couldn't feel my feet! I was frozen solid.
But, all went as well as can be at a funeral.
I will have to upload my lo tomorrow that I made~too tired to do it tonight! Didn't read my Proverbs today so I will have to write one tomorrow. Hopefully I will be in the land of the conscious tomorrow lol :)

Have a blessed day!