Kits and Sales and Doodles....Oh MY!
I tried so many times yesterday to make a new post but Blogger was not cooperating much. I had so much fun looking through Digital Freebies yesterday. They sent out an email about their 40% off sale and of course I had to go and check it out. You MUST go to the sale!! They have two kits up right now for the month of March that just ROCK! I absolutely adore Kimberly G's work. I first saw her stuff on MizAmyLou's site. She used her Sweetheart Kit(see below) as her header and it just brought me right to the store! Anyway, Kimberly is also selling her stuff at TDC now and of course I had to grab her Missy Anne goodies during the wonderful 50% off sale Sat. Yes!! I was so bummed at first because I couldn't get into the store, but Laura must have let the sale go on a bit longer because I was able to get in on Sunday and purchase a few items! Back to Kimberly....keep your eye on her because I think she is amazing!! You must get the kit from Digital Freebies-there are two that come with it and it's only $5.00!! Plus the 40% off I think applied to it too. Her Amaze Kit is jammed packed with amazing things!! No, I don't work for her, don't even know her but I am just so impressed with this gal's kits :) Wish I could do them justice!!
Take a peek

And one more new thing I discovered while at Digital Freebies. A Doodle Challenge with Amanda. I think I must try this out. Head on over if you have time because it looks like a lot of fun!I just LOVE Doodles!!
I have to get Gina's BBYOBB. I know I am not the smartest gal in the world. I should have bought it when it was on sale. I will still wait for another sale. Plus, Gina was too sweet and had a coupon hidden on her blog the other day and I was just feeling too sick and couldn't look. Sooooo, I must wait. But, I am excited to get it because I want to use it daily on my blog as a "Blessing Board". I saw on another blog someone writing out their blessings and thought what a wonderful idea. Then, thought Gina's kit would be perfecto!!
I am curious about e*bay. When we lived in the states I bought some things from time to time and never had a problem. But, no big ticket items, just clothing mostly. Now, I checked out some cameras there yesterday and I saw some really good prices on them. I am just not sure how trustworthy it is to buy from the internet. Have any of you had any experience with electronics? I would love to bid and save some money but not if it is just going to cost more in the end. Any thoughts??
Ok-I think I have said enough! I sound like a door to door salewoman today. But, love to pass on good deals when I find them.
I love those who love me,
And those who seek me diligently
Will find Me.
Proverbs 8:17
Take a peek

And one more new thing I discovered while at Digital Freebies. A Doodle Challenge with Amanda. I think I must try this out. Head on over if you have time because it looks like a lot of fun!I just LOVE Doodles!!
I have to get Gina's BBYOBB. I know I am not the smartest gal in the world. I should have bought it when it was on sale. I will still wait for another sale. Plus, Gina was too sweet and had a coupon hidden on her blog the other day and I was just feeling too sick and couldn't look. Sooooo, I must wait. But, I am excited to get it because I want to use it daily on my blog as a "Blessing Board". I saw on another blog someone writing out their blessings and thought what a wonderful idea. Then, thought Gina's kit would be perfecto!!
I am curious about e*bay. When we lived in the states I bought some things from time to time and never had a problem. But, no big ticket items, just clothing mostly. Now, I checked out some cameras there yesterday and I saw some really good prices on them. I am just not sure how trustworthy it is to buy from the internet. Have any of you had any experience with electronics? I would love to bid and save some money but not if it is just going to cost more in the end. Any thoughts??
Ok-I think I have said enough! I sound like a door to door salewoman today. But, love to pass on good deals when I find them.
I love those who love me,
And those who seek me diligently
Will find Me.
Proverbs 8:17
Hi Margie! Don't worry- there will be a sale soon enough? *wink*
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