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Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Not sure if that is the right title, but it's what popped into my head! Ok-so I may step on some toes today with this post, but honestly, this is my opinion, this is my blog and we all have the right to our opinions-soooooooooo....with that out of the way.....

I have my home page set to Fox News so when I go online I see what the news is each day. Well, I happen to read an article this morning about people protesting at our Soldier's funerals! This is just absurd to me!!! The group are "Christians". Ok-what does the word "Christian" mean? It means Christ-like. Now I cannot for the life of me imagine my Jesus going around doing something like these people are doing and saying it is in His Name. No, folks, it's not in His Name. Jesus would be inside of the church with His arm around the wife, the husband, the parent, the child who just lost the person they love and admire. My Jesus would be comforting them, wiping away their tears. He would not be outside acting like an idiot and saying all sorts of things that have nothing to do with Him!! Where do these people get off? Is it any wonder that the world is easily turned off by Christians? This really annoys me! Why don't they use the energy and the resources they obviously have to travel from place to place, and help the families- rather than cause more pain and anguish??!!!
These protesters have a right to their opinion and they even have a right to their protesting. But, just because you can, does that mean you should? I better stop now because I get too wiled up thinking about it!!

Went to the outdoor market today. Found some good bargains. I got a pretty Bavarian teapot and some more glass bowls, my daughter got a Snoopy glass and some other odds and ends. I just love Wed and Sat when we go on our little treasure hunt! :) I have to start looking for things to bring back to the states with us this summer. I have so many friends that love old things so it's nice to be able to bring back stuff that they will enjoy and not have to spend much on it. Makes for very happy people :)
Other than that, not too much going on. Looking through some scrap kits trying to figure out which ones to use for a book for my parents. They went on a holiday through many different states this past summer so I am going to make a special book for them. I think I will use the Seasonal Scraps CD I got from Jen Wilson's sale this past Sat. The colors are great and I can mix and match and still keep with the same look.

Hope you have a blessed day!

Here's our Proverb for the day:
Train up a child in the way he should go
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally feel the same way! It makes me so angry that people call themselves Christians whose actions show that they are NOT in any way trying to be like Christ! That gets me all fired up too. I feel like we should issue a world-wide apology on behalf of Christ, LOL. --Kellie

11:59 AM  

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