Little Treasures
Hooray, today is Saturday!
When we lived in the states I was an avid garage sale shopper. Each Sat. I would get up early and head out the door with a coffee mug in hand and tour the neighborhoods for great sales. It was so much fun to do. I would always find my daughter's Barbie toys and playhouses, ride-on jeeps, etc for so cheap. I think at one point when my daugher was little we had our extra bedroom just for Barbie LOL
I found all kinds of furniture and once I stumbled across a bunch of beatiful tea cups and saucers from England and Germany. I asked the guy how much and he was just wanting to get rid of it (I think his wife left or something) and I think for about 15 cups I paid about $5.00! Not too shabby huh! Poor guy! Thus started my tea cup collection. It continues to this day.
When my daughter was in 1st grade, we decided to have an Easter Tea Party every year. The girls would come over in their pretty dresses and we would have real tea and use the real china. The parents couldn't believe it. But do you know that from 1st grade until 7th grade not a single thing was ever broken. It was always fun year after year to have most of the same girls over and a few more. After 7th grade, we moved to Hungary and had stop the Easter Teas. Now, I am waiting until the day I am a Grandma and can have teas for my granddaughters :)
We have a Women's Christmas Tea every year year at the church. God blessed us so much by providing for us to pack a huge container when we moved to Hungary and so I brought all my tea sets and china with us. I knew it would come in handy over here and it has. The women here always look forward to our annual Tea.
So, that brings me to today... (yes, as my husband would say, it always takes me a few paragraphs to get to the point lol) Hungary has joined the EU and now it is easier to bring goods from other EU countries over here. We have an outdoor market 2x a week and usually it is produce and some swap meet type clothes that I don't trust enough to buy. But, around Oct. we noticed a couple selling some used items at their table. Well, come to find out, they are travelling to Holland and Germany and getting so much stuff! I am not sure if they are buying from things that didn't sell at swap meets or what but the things they bring back are amazing! They seem to be from thrift stores because you can see the euro tags on them and we aren't using the euro yet. So, each week my daughter and I get so excited to go to the market and see what treasure we can find. Everything is so inexpensive it's unbelievable! I have bought Bavarian china, beautiful glass bowls, espresso sets, tons of things! They usually have the neatest tins too so I grab those for storing my craft supplies. I have had to start putting things in boxes for distributing to friends when we go to America this summer. We find such great deals. My daughter loves to collect the Disney cups now and has been able to get quite a few. Most are stamped with Disneyworld in France and today she found a couple of the glasses with Dutch writing. She is so thrilled!
I decided to take a few photos to share with you. I am so loving this white piece. I think it is so adorable.
Ok-gotta run. It's snowing and since DH is at band practice today (with no voice) I have to shovel the snow at our house and probably walk to the church and shovel the snow there too. Ah, all in a day's work :)
Blessings to you all!
Shine on :)

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