Layouts and Learning
I found a study that I had asked for years ago. A friend of mine went through a very difficult time and through counseling was given this study. It's called "The Cost of Unforgiveness". There was a girl here that I know in the church that I thought might benefit from this study so I asked my other friend to send it to me. Isn't it just like the Lord, who knows all things before we do, to have me keep this study for myself one day. I haven't started it yet. I glanced through it and yet I know that God wants me to do this.
It's so opposite of what this world tells us. When we are wronged we are told to get revenge or to just do whatever makes us happy. If someone does something to hurt us-hurt them back. But as a Christian, we are told the opposite in God's Word. We are told to forgive. And I am realizing that God tells us this not only for the benefit of the other person, but really for our own heart and our own life. Unforgiveness is something that can destroy a life and I don't want it to destroy mine. I don't want to carry bitterness in my heart towards anyone. But, this cannot happen in my own strength. This is where I MUST put faith and obedience into action. I want to trust God with this because I know myself and I know that if I just put this in the back corner and don't deal with it, it will end up hurting more.
As I go through this study I will probably share on here the things I am learning. I believe that many of us can benefit from it. Many of us can be set free from the anger and frustration that easily sets in. And believe me, I don't think that forgiving someone means you must let someone who hurt you or your children or someone else you love, come and stay with you and babysit your kids. No, I fully believe in punishment and jail and all those things that are consequences for wrong doing. I am talking about the victim and all that goes on inside and is bottled up sometimes for years because we struggle with trying to forgive someone.
On a good husband comes home today from his conference. The congregation always benefits afterwards!! He always is refreshed and of course gets some great food :) You gotta love the food thing. I know I talk about food so much but that is because I miss some foods, mainly Mexican!! YUM! My daughter is thrilled that her Dad will be back today. She is definitely a "daddy's girl".
Speaking of my daughter, I did a layout with her the other day for Gina's sketch at SBB. I love the sketch challenge because it gives you the lo! That is always so hard for me and I end up putting things the same way all the time. This is something I am going to try to do each week.
I think I will post them here as well. I'm still a bit discouraged in the whole posting thing but I have decided I will atleast post from the challenges.
I hope you have a wonderful day and
Shine on :)
here's my daughter's photo. We took a few photos to send them to the states for her yearbook. We are going to go back in May so she can graduate with her former classmates. And if you have seen the pictures below, you may be wondering.....hmmmmmmmmm,,,,well, just to satisfy and curiousity, we adopted our precious daughter. Adoption is a beautiful thing :) Perhaps I will share the story one day.

Manda Bean's Southern Comfort Kit
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, and your sweet words about my layouts! I look forward to checking out your blog and more layouts too!
Love the LO of your daughter. Adoption is awesome... would LOVE to hear the story. We tried to adopt before having Isabella but since we were living in a church parsonage we couldn't get a loan. It will happen one day.
Praise god for your adoption!
It's wonderful to see!
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