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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A bit of this and that

Well, I went to the big grand re-opening at Shabby Princess yesterday. There were so many beautiful kits to choose from. I rarely am able to do as much shopping as I did but I have to go back for more before Monday! I got the Flea Market, Bluebird, For the Boys by Holly, and one of my favorite new kits from Dianne Rigdon Love. I have nicknamed Dianne "DR. Love" (wasn't that the name of a movie or something)It's such a huge kit and so beautiful! I love the shabby papers and all the elements. Amazing artists in the digi world. I am in awe of the talent in the digi scrapping circle! I have to get some other things though because when I checked out Sara's new kit wasn't posted yet and my daughter wants that one so I have to order it. And, why just buy one item when I can buy a few and get another chance to win something! Ha!!! I have never won anything-probably because I don't enter anything so that would make it quite difficult! LOL

Hopefully with all the new kits I will have time to scrap a bit this weekend. I desperately want to get a new camera. I saw a thread at SP about what kind of camera's people have. Holy moly! I looked to see and then went "internet shopping" to see if they might be good for me-uh big fat NO!!!! Way too much money for me. Before being a PW, no problem, now, not even a figment of the imagination! We were so blessed to be given our camera when we moved to Hungary. Our friends bought it for us so we could put pics of the new church and congregation on the website so they could see. Now, it is in pretty bad shape. I have duct tape keeping the battery thingamajig together and the pixel size is 2. It's not taking very good photos these days either. It's been great having it though and since learning a bit better how to fix photos in PSP with some filters I can doctor them up a bit. But, I still am praying for a new one this summer. I really like the Canon s1 IS. They have a newer version out but I don't need that since it is about 100.00 more.

For any of you who have daily devotions or any who don't and would like to start somewhere-I read the Proverb for whatever day it is. So, today I read Proverb 15. I had an idea to leave one verse on my blog each day from whatever Proverb I am reading. I am also reading Revelation which is mind boggling at times. So many descriptions and I have to reread sometimes just to grasp what it is saying. I do get such a heaviness when reading it though. I was reading a thread from a message board a few months back and people were talking about hell and going there. And the attitude about going to hell as long as their friends were with them was so bothersome to me. I know that so many don't believe the way that I do, but it just made me cry to think that some people joke about spending an eternity in hell. People just don't believe the Bible. They believe everything else they read, but the Bible is a fairytale to so many. About a month ago I read the words to a song on someone's blog-I think it was Christine (I'll look it up later and tell you for sure tomorrow) and it was What If by Nicole Nordeman. It's such a powerful song. It goes straight to the heart of the matter. You can think I am wrong in believing every word of the Bible to be true, but have you ever considered as the song says-What if I'm right. Ok-I am going to find the right blog and credit them and google the song and put the words up tomorrow. It's so heavy!

I hope your day is blessed with all the things the Lord desires to give you today :)

So, here's a portion of today's Proverb.
A soft answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger
Proverbs 15:1


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