Happy Monday
Hah! Is it actually possible? Isn't it funny how Monday gets such a bad rap?? I guess it's a bit different for me since my routine is different than most. Sundays are our exhausting days so I actually love Mondays! It's the day we all just try to stay home and do nothing except school and reading, computer stuff, whatever. At night there is prayer at the church and my husband gives some of the teens guitar lessons, but that's it for our schedule. No beforehand preparation.
The weekend was good-pretty tiring and even today I am so exhausted. I am still feeling sick and so is my daughter. We were saying today how we wish we would just get really sick and have to lay down all day and then let it get over with! It's horrible just having this hang on day after day-stomache pains, headaches, fever off and on for weeks now! I want it over with NOW!! I say that in my best toddler voice too :)

I made a special layout for my parents the other day. They are so special! My Mom's first child was stillborn and shortly after that happened they started to take in foster children. In the meantime, she got pregnant again and shortly after that, my brother and I came to live with them, another baby and then another child they adopted. This all happened within 3 years. Two birth children and 4 adopted! I was the oldest -about 51/2 at the time I met them and I can only say they didn't have it easy! I had such a horrid past and didn't like or trust anyone. It was so hard on them I know because people didn't really take to adoption then. They went to Catholic church and the priest told them they couldn't take Communion because there was no reason for them to adopt when they could have children on their own. I don't know about you, but I think that sounds a bit hyproctical since it contradicts the Bible and the teachings of Jesus!! Anyway, I think they are amazing!
(I used Dianne Rigdon's Dependable kit for the lo) You can click on the photo if you want to read the journaling
I so want to buy another Digital CD-this time it is the Summer Travels CD by Jen Wilson. I saw it but I just can't afford to spend any money right now because we want to go to the states in May. Someone posted a preview of part of the kit on 2Peas and I was amazed!! I am really enjoying using the Season 1 and Season 2 CD's. There is so much flexibility on them. I must save up for a new camera though. Someone was telling me at a chat the other day about the Canon A510 (I think that is what it is ). I looked it online and it's pretty affordable. But, I really want the Canon S1 IS. That is my dream camera right now. I want to get it without putting it on my credit card-we'll see how that goes in the summer.
Ok-gotta go and finish dinner. Made the sauce and now for the rest of it-Eggplant Parmigagna tonight. YUM!!
Have a blessed day :)
As iron sharpens iron,
So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17
Great layout!!
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