As I Promised
I will have some links for you to check out today.
I didn't get my BB finished, ok, honestly, I didn't even get it started today. Still battling a fever. Plus I know I am sick because I slept until 9am!! Two times in 2 weeks I think it is that I have slept past 6:30am!!
Anyway, I tried to make some layouts with PSP today but just couldn't get it to work. Nothing was feeling right and I just kept erasing and deleting everything. Finally, I closed the program and said "enough is enough"!!! Ha ha!! Then, I realized how much I LOVE digi scrapping even more than ever. Imagine this happening to me if I was paper scrapping! Mind you I am not a great scrapper, but I do enjoy it. So, if it's with paper, I would have wasted not only time, but real live products!! I LOVE the delete button!!!!
I was thinking so much today about my walk with the Lord and I so want to grow in Him! I really want to have the attitude and the compassion that Jesus has towards people. I think I do alot of times, but not towards people I don't get along with or don't see eye to eye with. You know how you can not really care for someone and so every little thing the person does or says gets on your nerves. Well, I am really bad about stuff like that. I start to nitt-pick everything in my mind about them. It's so wrong and only through the Lord can my heart change this heart of mine. I have to be willing to yield though-willing to give up my stubborness and allow Him to do the work He chooses to do in my heart. And I have to admit it's usually stupid petty stuff I am talking about here. This is not about people that are really doing things wrong-just different personalities. People that I should be able to love for who they are-doesn't mean I have to agree with them or even like the way they do things, but I shouldn't be judging them in my heart like I tend to do. Praise the Lord for His longsuffering and His willingness to help us!!
Ok-so here you go.....some links to people's blogs and sites I have been checking out lately. I don't see them on the usual boards so you may not have heard of them and now you can check them out. In no particular order....(do I sound like a tv announcer?) LOL Khristy Schmidt. Check out her blog. She has amazing "gifts" on there. Unfortunately, and I mean unfortunately, I think she had to change the way people receive them because so many would download the gifts and not leave a little Thank You!! That is really sad!!! I know people are busy, but come on, we're not talking about anything difficult here!! She sells at TDS. Now, you know that as a PW and one who serves on the mission field I am not able to spend too much...but I do try to get a little something from those who treat us when I can. So....I went and bought a couple of her kits. You MUST check her stuff out!! I have tried for 20 minutes to upload a photo of the kits but once again this website is not cooperating!! take my word for it and go on over :)
Another new person I found is Janel. You can check out her blog and also her store is called The Digi Shoppe.
I haven't been able to shop there yet, but it's on my "next up" list LOL. Janel has a sketch challenge and some other things going on over at the site so be sure to check it out. I love her kits-they are so bright and cheery. She has an 80's challenge going on right now that sounds fun! I tried to get the 80's out of my head but it's not working :) Once you are on her site, there are some links to other blogs that are fun too.
So there you have it. I will post a few more later this week. Don't want the post to be too long! So, have fun at these places and make some layouts!!!
Have a blessed Wednesday!
Shine on :)
A man's pride will bring him low
But the humble in spirit will reain honor.
Proverbs 29:23
I didn't get my BB finished, ok, honestly, I didn't even get it started today. Still battling a fever. Plus I know I am sick because I slept until 9am!! Two times in 2 weeks I think it is that I have slept past 6:30am!!
Anyway, I tried to make some layouts with PSP today but just couldn't get it to work. Nothing was feeling right and I just kept erasing and deleting everything. Finally, I closed the program and said "enough is enough"!!! Ha ha!! Then, I realized how much I LOVE digi scrapping even more than ever. Imagine this happening to me if I was paper scrapping! Mind you I am not a great scrapper, but I do enjoy it. So, if it's with paper, I would have wasted not only time, but real live products!! I LOVE the delete button!!!!
I was thinking so much today about my walk with the Lord and I so want to grow in Him! I really want to have the attitude and the compassion that Jesus has towards people. I think I do alot of times, but not towards people I don't get along with or don't see eye to eye with. You know how you can not really care for someone and so every little thing the person does or says gets on your nerves. Well, I am really bad about stuff like that. I start to nitt-pick everything in my mind about them. It's so wrong and only through the Lord can my heart change this heart of mine. I have to be willing to yield though-willing to give up my stubborness and allow Him to do the work He chooses to do in my heart. And I have to admit it's usually stupid petty stuff I am talking about here. This is not about people that are really doing things wrong-just different personalities. People that I should be able to love for who they are-doesn't mean I have to agree with them or even like the way they do things, but I shouldn't be judging them in my heart like I tend to do. Praise the Lord for His longsuffering and His willingness to help us!!
Ok-so here you go.....some links to people's blogs and sites I have been checking out lately. I don't see them on the usual boards so you may not have heard of them and now you can check them out. In no particular order....(do I sound like a tv announcer?) LOL Khristy Schmidt. Check out her blog. She has amazing "gifts" on there. Unfortunately, and I mean unfortunately, I think she had to change the way people receive them because so many would download the gifts and not leave a little Thank You!! That is really sad!!! I know people are busy, but come on, we're not talking about anything difficult here!! She sells at TDS. Now, you know that as a PW and one who serves on the mission field I am not able to spend too much...but I do try to get a little something from those who treat us when I can. So....I went and bought a couple of her kits. You MUST check her stuff out!! I have tried for 20 minutes to upload a photo of the kits but once again this website is not cooperating!! take my word for it and go on over :)
Another new person I found is Janel. You can check out her blog and also her store is called The Digi Shoppe.
I haven't been able to shop there yet, but it's on my "next up" list LOL. Janel has a sketch challenge and some other things going on over at the site so be sure to check it out. I love her kits-they are so bright and cheery. She has an 80's challenge going on right now that sounds fun! I tried to get the 80's out of my head but it's not working :) Once you are on her site, there are some links to other blogs that are fun too.
So there you have it. I will post a few more later this week. Don't want the post to be too long! So, have fun at these places and make some layouts!!!
Have a blessed Wednesday!
Shine on :)
A man's pride will bring him low
But the humble in spirit will reain honor.
Proverbs 29:23
I hope you're feeling better it's been a couple of days since you've posted. I just hope that means you're getting rest.
I love reading your bb!
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