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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Woke up to sad news

today. We had our time change last night so we lost one hour of sleep. I much prefer Oct when we turn the clocks back an hour!! Sundays are really long days for us so that extra hour would be nice! DH and I both were up early and the phone rang. It is rare for people to have land lines here-most everyone uses cell phones, but we had to get one so we can have internet. So, when the phone rang, we knew it must be important and from the states because everyone here will call us on our cell phones. Sure enough it was DH's Mom. DH's first cousing died last night. They grew up like brothers. It's really sad.
Needless to say, we won't be able to go back for the funeral. If we weren't going back to the states in May then he probably would go, but it isn't going to work out this time.
This is the 4th person that we are close with that has died since we've been here. I haven't been able to go to any of the funerals. It's a hard thing. You want to be with your friends and family and mourn together. When we return in May we will see friends who have lost a husband, a child, grandmother and now our cousin. I think it's going to be a difficult thing to deal with-seeing the families without the other person.

Sorry this isn't exciting news. I am just sad today. Sad for my husband and our family. After the news, life had to go on as normal and DH finished preparing the message to teach this morning. He taught from Ecclesiastes today and it was so fitting. There is a time and a season for everything. We never know what tomorrow holds.

Didn't get around to my BB today. But I am blessed-blessed to be alive and able to enjoy the things God has given me. I've been blessed with today and I am thankful for that!

Look around your surroundings today and find something you can thank God for!! I am sure you will be able to find many things :)

Shine On :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much, Margie, for leaving me a sweet comment on my blog. I wasn't sure anyone actually read it! And I LOVE your idea of your daily blessings page. I SO WANT to do this...I might not get a chance to do it every day but I'm going to try to be regular about it!

9:58 AM  
Blogger ~Melissa~ said...

That is one of my biggest fears about living here in HK away from family. Dealing with loss that is inevitable. I would love to discuss this issue with you some time as it almost caused us not to follow God's leading. I'm so sorry for your loss and will pray for you as you deal with this now and when you return in May. Praying for extra blessings to be poured out on your family today!

5:41 PM  

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