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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Scattered Thoughts

What a day today was!! Nothing major, just a lot of the little stuff. Sometimes I think it's better if it's one MAJOR thing rather than lots of odds and ends KWIM??
I was doing my usual blog reading and I was reading Andrea's blog and it really hit home. You can read her blog to find out what she wrote about. My DH is a Pastor too and I emphathized with some of her things she is going through. It caused me to think about this whole online blog thing and writing on message boards and stuff. It's been so theraputic for me. I treasure the fact that I can read someone asking people to pray for them for a job, a sick family member, whether we know them or not!! It's such a blessing to be able to pray for so many different people I would never have known except through digi scrapping!! Also, being so far away from my country it makes me feel a little connected. Plus, I have never had a hobby that I enjoy so much as digi-scrapping. And believe me, I know I am low on the creativity pole-but it doesn't matter to me. I enjoy it and my family and friends love what I do and that's what matters!! So anyway, (gosh, when I read what I write I see how horrible my grammar is on this blog!!!) if you ever just want to say hello-feel free :)

We had women's study tonight. It's so challenging some nights for me to teach when the women are tired but it always ends up good. The Lord is faithful!!! But, I am tired now. My mind closes up after 8pm :) There is a situation that I liken to a power struggle going on right now with some women and I am not one that deals with these things correctly. I mean I do, but only because I am totally in prayer about it so that I can deal with it right. Otherwise, I am the type that just gets mad and ignores the person. So, God is teaching me to confront situations and do it His way and not be so afraid of it. Sometimes women just downright scare me!! LOL
Hmm, what else can I rattle on about-too much LOL-but I won't -just have to tell you this......
Miss Creativity (moi) decided it would be a neat idea to download a free trial of PSE 4.0 Ok-it's downloaded and on my computer now. Well, how come I can't even copy and paste????? I go to copy a paper and paste it to another and the copy thing doesn't even light up??? I just can't believe this is happening-it's the most basic thing in the world!! I am actually going to have to find a tutorial for copying and pasting! DUH!!!!! Time to dye my roots :)

I hope your day is filled with all the good things the Lord has for you today :)

Every wise woman builds her house,
But the foolish pulls it down with her hands
Proverbs 14:1


Blogger Amanda said...

I love how strong your faith is!!

Thanks so much for the sweet comment on my blog. It really means a lot to me!

7:56 AM  

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