Where's Spring??
Just when I thought Spring was well on its way, I looked out my window and saw snow! I am getting a bit tired of snow!!! Seems like we are getting little teases of spring-like weather and then all of a sudden it starts to snow again.
On a good note-it seems that our tickets to fly back to CA in May are being provided for. Praise the Lord. I always know God will provide because I have seen His incredible provisions over and over again-even when things seem impossible!! So, my faith has been increased tremendously but there are those instances where I just wonder...hmm.. but I knew we were to go home for a visit this summer because it's been 2 years already and we need a bit of home! Plus, our daughter will graduate with the school in June and we have so much to do to prepare her for going to college in Sept. Drivers license, job, etc. As for me, I plan to spend as many days as possible laying on the beach and soaking in every ounce of sun I can. Yes, I know it's not good for me, but I just need it!!!LOL
I'm so excited because Jim's parents are celebrating their 50th anniversary and they are paying for everyone-kids, grandkids, spouses..to go on a week cruise to the Mexican Riviera. SO EXCITING!!!! I have never been on a cruise and it is going to be fantastic!! We have to get dressed up 2 of the nights so I think a trip to Ross will be in order when we get back to CA. Plus, I saw an incredible dress on e*bay yesterday and I want it!! It's gold but not too gold. I will have to get a photo and post it. It was only at 20.00 and I am praying it won't go up-but...5 more days to bid so I imagine it will. But, I think there are some really pretty things-I spent waaayyyy too long looking online. I tell you it's addicting!
I am leaving in a few hours until Sat. There is a Pastor's Wives Retreat that I have to go to. Yes, I say have to go to because I really don't feel well and would much rather be home in my pj's (like now-even though it's already 12:30) and sleep in my own bed. But, I must go. It's the first one they are having here so we'll see how it goes. I have been to them in the states and love the one I went to a couple years ago but there are also tons of people there. This one is small and I will probably be one of about 2 that are American. Oh well, I am sure the Lord will bless our time together.
So, don't miss me too much lol-I'll return in a couple days!
Oh and keep your eyes and ears alert-if you check on my little ole comment from yesterday there is a nice secret there LOL -ooh la la ~ can't wait to start my "Blessing Board"! I think it will be so fun to make up the board each day and then have a little collection of blessing to print out one day!! Oh and did you see the adorable mini kit on Gina's blog yesterday? Too cute!!!
Here's a funny lo I did with my daughter when she rec'd her college acceptance letter-I told her to pose like she's really smart lol
used Manda Bean's Southern Comfort Kit
Have a blessed day :)
Shine on!
The fear of the LORD is the begining of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10
On a good note-it seems that our tickets to fly back to CA in May are being provided for. Praise the Lord. I always know God will provide because I have seen His incredible provisions over and over again-even when things seem impossible!! So, my faith has been increased tremendously but there are those instances where I just wonder...hmm.. but I knew we were to go home for a visit this summer because it's been 2 years already and we need a bit of home! Plus, our daughter will graduate with the school in June and we have so much to do to prepare her for going to college in Sept. Drivers license, job, etc. As for me, I plan to spend as many days as possible laying on the beach and soaking in every ounce of sun I can. Yes, I know it's not good for me, but I just need it!!!LOL
I'm so excited because Jim's parents are celebrating their 50th anniversary and they are paying for everyone-kids, grandkids, spouses..to go on a week cruise to the Mexican Riviera. SO EXCITING!!!! I have never been on a cruise and it is going to be fantastic!! We have to get dressed up 2 of the nights so I think a trip to Ross will be in order when we get back to CA. Plus, I saw an incredible dress on e*bay yesterday and I want it!! It's gold but not too gold. I will have to get a photo and post it. It was only at 20.00 and I am praying it won't go up-but...5 more days to bid so I imagine it will. But, I think there are some really pretty things-I spent waaayyyy too long looking online. I tell you it's addicting!
I am leaving in a few hours until Sat. There is a Pastor's Wives Retreat that I have to go to. Yes, I say have to go to because I really don't feel well and would much rather be home in my pj's (like now-even though it's already 12:30) and sleep in my own bed. But, I must go. It's the first one they are having here so we'll see how it goes. I have been to them in the states and love the one I went to a couple years ago but there are also tons of people there. This one is small and I will probably be one of about 2 that are American. Oh well, I am sure the Lord will bless our time together.
So, don't miss me too much lol-I'll return in a couple days!
Oh and keep your eyes and ears alert-if you check on my little ole comment from yesterday there is a nice secret there LOL -ooh la la ~ can't wait to start my "Blessing Board"! I think it will be so fun to make up the board each day and then have a little collection of blessing to print out one day!! Oh and did you see the adorable mini kit on Gina's blog yesterday? Too cute!!!
Here's a funny lo I did with my daughter when she rec'd her college acceptance letter-I told her to pose like she's really smart lol

Have a blessed day :)
Shine on!
The fear of the LORD is the begining of wisdom,
And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10
Great blog you have here! I saw your comments and came to have a peek. Love your qoute!
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