are in my throat!! Atleast that is what it sounds like!! I have been coughing so much the past few days between having some kind of virus and then my asthma. It's not a fun combination! My throat feels so raw and there is nothing to take here!! I do have some Night Time that someone sent me but obviously I can't take it during the day. Plus, I don't know if it is actually good for my asthma. Who cares though huh-atleast it will let me sleep LOL!!! Plus, when I have my asthma attacks it is such a huge episode. I really scare people around me because it is such a horrendous sound but it makes me dizzy and so exhausted afterwards. I was taking ibupropen (can't spell tonight either) and then read that it's not good to take if you have asthma-oh I can't wait to get to the states and go to the doctor!!!!
Anway, I have no motivation whatsoever to do any scrapping. I am too tired to think about it. I start, then don't end up finishing anything!!! I did get my BB finished today. Didn't really get creative but I wanted to get it finished since I hadn't done one for yesterday. Most times I don't know what I am going to write for the day but God is so faithful and always reminds me of something to be thankful for each day and to see how I am blessed!!
Today we have guests for the night. They are actually students from the bible college. They come and help with the youth group sometimes and they are a real blessing. There are 8 that came tonight-and I was sort of worrying about feeding them all. They love to have a home cooked meal and really enjoy cooking for them when they are here. But, this is a rough month because we are doing so much construction at the church and of course we have our winter heating bills too! But, God!!!! So as I was creating today's Blessing Board I was reminded that God provides for everything! Sometimes I feel like the widow who's oil never ran out. I really can't explain it -how we continually have enough food to feed whoever shows up at our house. We had a delicious meal too!
I made pasta with chicken and pesto sauce!! So yummy!!! I made some foccacia bread with garlic and rosemary too. That is one of my favorite things to make. Ever since we went to Rome a few years ago I am hooked on the stuff. We stayed at a flat that was right above a bakery. Every morning at 4am we awoke to the greatest aromas!!
Well, I will bid you a good evening for now!! I am going to check around the internet for awhile while everyone is at youth group. I love my alone time :)
Here's today's BB. If you ever want to know the credits and I don't have them (like tonight because I am too tired to write them) please just drop me a note in the comments. You can drop me a hello anytime LOL :)
I really appreciate those of you who leave such sweet words for me!! Brightens my day :)
Have a blessed evening-think of how you are blessed today no matter what you might be going through :)
Anway, I have no motivation whatsoever to do any scrapping. I am too tired to think about it. I start, then don't end up finishing anything!!! I did get my BB finished today. Didn't really get creative but I wanted to get it finished since I hadn't done one for yesterday. Most times I don't know what I am going to write for the day but God is so faithful and always reminds me of something to be thankful for each day and to see how I am blessed!!
Today we have guests for the night. They are actually students from the bible college. They come and help with the youth group sometimes and they are a real blessing. There are 8 that came tonight-and I was sort of worrying about feeding them all. They love to have a home cooked meal and really enjoy cooking for them when they are here. But, this is a rough month because we are doing so much construction at the church and of course we have our winter heating bills too! But, God!!!! So as I was creating today's Blessing Board I was reminded that God provides for everything! Sometimes I feel like the widow who's oil never ran out. I really can't explain it -how we continually have enough food to feed whoever shows up at our house. We had a delicious meal too!
I made pasta with chicken and pesto sauce!! So yummy!!! I made some foccacia bread with garlic and rosemary too. That is one of my favorite things to make. Ever since we went to Rome a few years ago I am hooked on the stuff. We stayed at a flat that was right above a bakery. Every morning at 4am we awoke to the greatest aromas!!
Well, I will bid you a good evening for now!! I am going to check around the internet for awhile while everyone is at youth group. I love my alone time :)
Here's today's BB. If you ever want to know the credits and I don't have them (like tonight because I am too tired to write them) please just drop me a note in the comments. You can drop me a hello anytime LOL :)
I really appreciate those of you who leave such sweet words for me!! Brightens my day :)
Have a blessed evening-think of how you are blessed today no matter what you might be going through :)

Margie, I'm so behind on your blog. Just spent (probably too much) time reading here at the office. Thankfully it's a bit of a slow day. Hoping to maybe leave a little early. :) It looks like you've been struggling with the asthma and being sick for awhile now. I'll be praying for you. I can't imagine not being able to go see a good doctor and get something to help you feel better.
Also, I'm late but I'm so sorry about your DH's cousin. I can imagine times like that must make you feel so isolated there. Sending a big cyber hug from across the pond. I know it's not the same but I'm sure you'll get tons of them when you make it here in May.
Where will you be staying when you come to the states? I mean not an address or anything (lol) but what state? Do you have one area that you can see at least a majority of your family while you're here? You must be so excited!
Love your 'blessings' post too, btw. Such a great idea. I haven't been able to commit to the 21 day thing on Rhonna's blog (not that I don't have plenty of habits I should start/stop) but maybe a weekly blessings page would be a do-able goal. :)
Love your new header! Been wanting to ask... where did you get the grass that you had on your previous one?
I hope you are having a great time with your guests but are feeling better too!
Have a wonderful day!
Hi Margie!
I too am Asthmatic so i feel for you!
It's so important to get on a regimen so I hope you can find one with the doctor when you come home.
I hope you're doing better. You'll be in my prayers.
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