Make Me
Kind of a funny title huh!! But, it's all I could think of LOL :)
It actually has to do with a scripture I read today in Psalm 119. It is the perfect one for me right now because I have been struggling with certain things in my life and it gets to the point where I just cry out to God "make me" and then I go and read this. It just overwhelms me with the grace of God. David is saying this to God and I felt a great relief reading it and knowing that I can say it too. There are times that it is just so hard to do the Godly thing, to respond to each situation in the way I know I ought. It's like I can do it in public because I sort of have to being a PW but it's my mind that I battle with-thoughts that come and go and it seems I spend so much time entertaining the thoughts, then feeling bad that I thought them, and then wondering who in the world am I that God even coniders me. It gets to be a vicious cycle. Thankfully, I can pull myself away from this and turn to His Word and there I find peace. I can't imagine not having God's Word -I would be a wreck!!!
Then reading further in the verse,,,,another thing I am struggling with at times-covetousness. I can't help it when I read the Scrapbook boards and this one got a new camera and this one got that...etc, etc. etc. Now, I know that these women are a small percentage and not everyone can afford these things in life. But, I just look and find myself thinking back to the days we had a business and weren't in full time ministry and what do you think happens?????????? Ah, I condemn myself again, thinking of scriptures like "noone who puts their hand to the plow and looks back is worth of the kingdom". Ok-that's a real comfort LOL. Am I like the children of Israel who longed for Egypt? I don't want that life again, I know God has called DH to pastor and for us to live as we do, but it's hard sometimes. Ok-enough whining.
On the positive side, I was so inspired by Jess Gordon. There's something about her personality that leaps through cyberspace and reaches me :) She has incredible talent and she started to write verses using brag book pages. I love that idea!!! I immediately decided to start doing the same. I think it will be neat to have them around the house and give as gifts too. I started today using Shabby Princess's badge album. So adorable!! Plus, we can use this idea for our ladies in the church. We meet each month to do some crafts. I have paper supplies and stuff so they are learning about scrapbooking. It's a lot of fun to sit and watch them ooh and ahh over all the stuff!
DH returns today. Hopefully he will tell me if we are moving or not. I am getting on pins and needles waiting to hear! He was teaching Thurs, Sat night and twice on Sunday while he was in Italy and is battling the flu. Poor guy! He will have some work waiting for him when he arrives ...our sink was clogged so I decided to "fix" it!!! LOL LOL!!! Yep, I took the pipes apart but unfortunately I can't remember how to put it together again so water drips every time you try to drain it!! Oh well, he will see he is so needed by me here :)
Take time to thank God for His goodness today :)

It actually has to do with a scripture I read today in Psalm 119. It is the perfect one for me right now because I have been struggling with certain things in my life and it gets to the point where I just cry out to God "make me" and then I go and read this. It just overwhelms me with the grace of God. David is saying this to God and I felt a great relief reading it and knowing that I can say it too. There are times that it is just so hard to do the Godly thing, to respond to each situation in the way I know I ought. It's like I can do it in public because I sort of have to being a PW but it's my mind that I battle with-thoughts that come and go and it seems I spend so much time entertaining the thoughts, then feeling bad that I thought them, and then wondering who in the world am I that God even coniders me. It gets to be a vicious cycle. Thankfully, I can pull myself away from this and turn to His Word and there I find peace. I can't imagine not having God's Word -I would be a wreck!!!
Then reading further in the verse,,,,another thing I am struggling with at times-covetousness. I can't help it when I read the Scrapbook boards and this one got a new camera and this one got that...etc, etc. etc. Now, I know that these women are a small percentage and not everyone can afford these things in life. But, I just look and find myself thinking back to the days we had a business and weren't in full time ministry and what do you think happens?????????? Ah, I condemn myself again, thinking of scriptures like "noone who puts their hand to the plow and looks back is worth of the kingdom". Ok-that's a real comfort LOL. Am I like the children of Israel who longed for Egypt? I don't want that life again, I know God has called DH to pastor and for us to live as we do, but it's hard sometimes. Ok-enough whining.
On the positive side, I was so inspired by Jess Gordon. There's something about her personality that leaps through cyberspace and reaches me :) She has incredible talent and she started to write verses using brag book pages. I love that idea!!! I immediately decided to start doing the same. I think it will be neat to have them around the house and give as gifts too. I started today using Shabby Princess's badge album. So adorable!! Plus, we can use this idea for our ladies in the church. We meet each month to do some crafts. I have paper supplies and stuff so they are learning about scrapbooking. It's a lot of fun to sit and watch them ooh and ahh over all the stuff!
DH returns today. Hopefully he will tell me if we are moving or not. I am getting on pins and needles waiting to hear! He was teaching Thurs, Sat night and twice on Sunday while he was in Italy and is battling the flu. Poor guy! He will have some work waiting for him when he arrives ...our sink was clogged so I decided to "fix" it!!! LOL LOL!!! Yep, I took the pipes apart but unfortunately I can't remember how to put it together again so water drips every time you try to drain it!! Oh well, he will see he is so needed by me here :)
Take time to thank God for His goodness today :)