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Thursday, January 12, 2006


Some days are obviously going to be harder than others. Tonight was one of those nights. It's so hard to put on the happy face when you know someone is betraying you behind your back. Betrayal spares noone. It didn't spare Jesus Himself. And so, as we try to imitate His actions, we look at how He handled these situations. Well, I totally fail when it comes to this. The minute I come home I just get all emotional about it and let my emotions take over. Then, I ask myself why can't I just be one that takes it to the Lord and completely gives it over to Him in the very begining. Why do I rant and rave first and then say enough is enough-I can't deal with it. It's really painful. I can't stand people who are fake. I would much rather someone come to our face and say they don't like us rather than pretend they care about us and go bad mouth you. It just really irks the daylights out of me. Why can't people be real? What is their motivation behind wanting to cause pain to others? I am not perfect in any way but I just can't think that I would go and deliberately be mean to someone or say hurtful things about someone.

How could Jesus stoop down and wash Judas's feet? I mean He knew he would betray Him and yet he humbled Himself and washed Judas's feet. I can't imagine myself washing this person's feet right now. So, I must pray for God to soften my heart and give me His love for this situation.

Thankfully my day is about over and tomorrow is a new day :)


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