Long time...
No write! The days go by so quickly and it seems I don't get around to updating my blog. I think about it, but then I end up drifting!!
So, about the previous post. I was a bit disappointed that only one person responded. But, no biggie.
Here is what I think about it:
I agree that we are "the light of the world". We are to take our lights and shine Jesus to the world around us. If we are only around other Christians it is not as easy. I will say that shining our light amongst Christians can even be challenging!!! LOL
I do beleive we should not alienate ourselves from others. But, I do lean towards not joining partnership with a non christian. Whether it is business partners or dating relationships I think it is wise to not enter into these.
I have seen too many times where the Christian ends up being pulled down into non-Christian ways. Usually we are hoping that we will be able to witness to the non Christian. Even in dating relationships I have seen the few that end up ok but more times than not I witness the opposite. We end up compromising and not holding up the standard we ought.
Now, many can say-well, I have seen Christian dating and business partners who are sub-standard, etc. Yes, it's unfortunately true. (The fish symbol has been used so liberally) But, I think it's best when we atleast begin with a solid foundation.
Does it make sense? I hope so.
Each situation should be carefully and faithfully committed to prayer. Not acting hastily. (business partner, not dating)
On another topic, I am busy preparing for our annual women's conference in Oct. Our theme this year is "The Fragrance Of Christ". I am really looking forward to it. When I was in the states I got some great packs of candles in small glass holders at Ross. I love that store!!!! We will tie ribbon around them with the theme on them. Also, I want to find some lavendar and put some pretty ribbon on them and have the fragrance fill the church. The Lord put on my heart last summer to have a foot-washing at the end of the day. Such a neat time it will be. I am not mentioning it to the ladies-only to the other pastor's wives who will help with this. We just want to honor them and show them humility and love. I found some beautiful smelling lavendar bath get and lotion at Ross and even tried it out-permeates the entire room!! Awesome!!! It's not so strong that it will affect allergies so that is good :)
Here is a layout I did the other day. Nothing fancy, just trying to get back into digi scrapping after a summer hiatus. Actually, I paper scrapped with all my friends this summer. We took this during our family cruise in May. Such a fun time with the girls. It was great to see Marla be with her sisters again and for Jim and I to have our family together for the first time in years!!! God is so good!!
Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice!

I used Robin Carlton's Feels Like Home kit
font is Vaguely Repulsive