Opinions Please
Ok-so here goes....I was thinking about this and I would love to hear your opinions on this. Please don't respond rudely because it's just a question!!! :)
In 2Cor. 6:14 Paul is talking about not being unequally yoked with an unbeliever. Now, many times this scripture is used to teach about dating an unbeliever. I was wondering if you think this also can apply to other parts of life. Say in the work force. I am not speaking about those who have no choice in the matter. But, let's say you own your own business and have a choice as to who you do business with. I realize the non-discrimation laws, but I am not even talking about that big a business. Just small time-or would you join a partnership with an unbeliever given the opportunity?
I would love some feedback on this-constructive and thought provoked please :) I will give my thoughts the next time!
We are off to Budapest today. Hopefully the recent riots won't affect our trip! It's been pretty narly the past few days there. A lying government-who would have thought LOL!!!
I still haven't heard anything from anyone about the templates-looks like I will just be on my own about it. I have plenty of sketches I can use for inspiration anyway.
Ok-here's the layout I tried to upload the other day. See previous day for credits!
Enjoy your day :)
In 2Cor. 6:14 Paul is talking about not being unequally yoked with an unbeliever. Now, many times this scripture is used to teach about dating an unbeliever. I was wondering if you think this also can apply to other parts of life. Say in the work force. I am not speaking about those who have no choice in the matter. But, let's say you own your own business and have a choice as to who you do business with. I realize the non-discrimation laws, but I am not even talking about that big a business. Just small time-or would you join a partnership with an unbeliever given the opportunity?
I would love some feedback on this-constructive and thought provoked please :) I will give my thoughts the next time!
We are off to Budapest today. Hopefully the recent riots won't affect our trip! It's been pretty narly the past few days there. A lying government-who would have thought LOL!!!
I still haven't heard anything from anyone about the templates-looks like I will just be on my own about it. I have plenty of sketches I can use for inspiration anyway.
Ok-here's the layout I tried to upload the other day. See previous day for credits!
Enjoy your day :)

Hey -- you're back. I check your blog soemtimes, and I thought I'd weigh in on this question.
I don't think Christians should avoid being with, doing business with, associating with non-Christians. I think all the writings in the Bible need to be looked at in relation to Christ. Did Christ associate with non-believers? Absolutely. So that's my answer -- that Christians should probably seek out non-Christians rather than insulating themselves.
So curious to hear (read) your thoughts on this.
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