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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Here there and eveywhere

We are now staying at another friend's house. Boy did I ever feel like a princess when I walked into our room!! Everything was so beautifully arranged and little gifts of a journal and Max Lucado book and even a beautiful scrapbook to scrap some CA summer memories!! Such a joy!! I was so thankful and reminded that I am the King's Daughter and that makes me a real princess!! What a treasure we have in Jesus!!!
So, it's been wild and crazy-I am not able to blog like usual as you might have guessed. It won't be getting any better either! I won't be faithfully blogging again until we are back in Hungary in Sept. It's too hard to keep up with all the things here and being around so many friends is better than sitting at a computer for me :)

I was going to work for a couple of weeks to earn some spending money but I have no peace about it. It's so hard for me because I am having to really trust the Lord in this area. Living on a missionary and pastor salary isn't always easy but God has always provided for our needs and even many wants!! He is teaching me to be faithful and depend on Him alone. We have friends from Hungary coming out and they will not have spending money so I wanted to have some to give them but it seems like I am going to have to rely upon the Lord fully in this area to bless them as He does us. After all, He provided the tickets so He will provide whatever else is needed. I am not always that great about trusting in this area!
It will be the last two weeks I spend with my daughter alone too so that is another major reason I chose not to take the job. I wnat to have precious alone time with her and feed into her heart as much as possible while we share this time together. Wow-I can't believe it's coming so quickly that she will be in college and we will say good bye for who knows how long. Pray for us please!!!! I am so sad!!!! But, I know that she will shine and God will show her His plans for her.

Ok-once again I will be off and running!
May God's love bring you much joy today !


Blogger scrappylove said...

Hi Margie!
Seems we're both busy huh?
I'm glad you're having a good time here and I think it's wonderful how you've put your daughter first- you'll reap the rewards!

God Bless and see you in September!


4:14 PM  
Blogger alane said...

God bless you as you serve the Lord, and you'll be in my prayers!

10:15 PM  

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