Passing by
so quickly....are the days!!!! Yikes, I can't even believe that we are going to CA!! Marla's room is slowly showing signs that there really is a carpet in there and my suitcases are filling up. We had to weigh the suitcases today which led to such drama and disappointment....not the suitcases, but the scale!! We bought a scale a few months ago and it's terrible!!!!! I think it's off by atleast 5 kilos. There's no way that we weigh what the scale said!! It's really heartbreaking for my daughter because she has been working out and watching her food intake so much in the past months. She isn't even 5' tall and has such a struggle with weight. I just don't understand why she never grew much. I saw her birthmom and her family was all short but we never saw the guy. We thought she would atleast get to 5'. Do you know if girls grow past the age of 18? I always was told that most girls grow til about 16 and stop. The poor thing just has such a hard time. So, when she went to weigh her suitcase she got on the scale first and was so bummed because it was so much more than she thought-so I tried to comfort her and tell her that I think the scale is off, but she's bummed. Her clothes are all loose though and you can tell she's lost weight, but I guess the scale got to her-I am ready to throw it out. I used to live my life by the stupid scale so I wouldn't mind getting rid of it LOL!!! Ok-so once again, I think I am going to write about one thing and it leads to another...
I've been taking lots of photos at the church lately. Some of the girls are putting together a book for Marla as a going away present. They are so funny because they told me I had to stay out of it. They are doing it their way so I have to just be quiet. I am behaving and staying quiet!!! It will be a blessing to her and a great memory of her 5 years here.
I made a layout with her and one of the girls. I tried the blending, erasing thing today. Not so thrilled with it, but I thought the paper and photo really went well together. I used Josafeen and Sally's paper (IOD) and Katie Pertiet's words.

We had our midweek church service tonight. We are finishing up 2Thess. and it's so good. It's great to be reminded that Jesus is coming back one day!! So often I get side-tracked in the everyday hustle and bustle of life and fail to live in the eager expectation of His return. Even when DH was teaching he said that at any moment Jesus could return-even now. So at first I was thinking to myself-oh yeah, that would be awesome, but then I realized that after a few seconds I was sort of casual about it like-well, we know it won't actually be now. It's like I really didn't believe it or have the expectation - I want to live more and more each day that this could be it-there's a song I heard before-I just remember the chorus and it says "I want to be found ready". That's what I want-ok so I am thinking of this analogy now-maybe it's weird, but my family and friends know that we are coming to CA to visit and they are preparing for our visit...and when the day arrives, they will be waiting with eagerness for our return to CA. They will plan their day accordingly around our arrival and be there to greet us when we arrive. It should be all the more with Jesus!! We don't know His time of return, but we know it will happen and we should have that eagerness and making the preparations in our lives for His return. Be found ready!!! What is He calling you to do today? What has He put on your heart to do now? Don't wait until a better time, a better day. Don't wait until there's financial security so you can freely serve Him-no, just do it!! I am reading in 1 Samuel for my devotions and read the greatest thing the other morning-Samuel was talking to Saul and said to him " ...that you may do as the occasion demands for God is with you. 1 Sam. 10:7b. I must have read that verse so many times in my life but it didn't stick out to me like now! Do what the occasion demands-don't put it off, don't fear or fret over it, just do what God wants you to do even if it doesn't make sense because He IS with you!!
I have talked your ears off once again-sorry I am so long!!!
Have a joyful day in Him :)
I've been taking lots of photos at the church lately. Some of the girls are putting together a book for Marla as a going away present. They are so funny because they told me I had to stay out of it. They are doing it their way so I have to just be quiet. I am behaving and staying quiet!!! It will be a blessing to her and a great memory of her 5 years here.
I made a layout with her and one of the girls. I tried the blending, erasing thing today. Not so thrilled with it, but I thought the paper and photo really went well together. I used Josafeen and Sally's paper (IOD) and Katie Pertiet's words.

We had our midweek church service tonight. We are finishing up 2Thess. and it's so good. It's great to be reminded that Jesus is coming back one day!! So often I get side-tracked in the everyday hustle and bustle of life and fail to live in the eager expectation of His return. Even when DH was teaching he said that at any moment Jesus could return-even now. So at first I was thinking to myself-oh yeah, that would be awesome, but then I realized that after a few seconds I was sort of casual about it like-well, we know it won't actually be now. It's like I really didn't believe it or have the expectation - I want to live more and more each day that this could be it-there's a song I heard before-I just remember the chorus and it says "I want to be found ready". That's what I want-ok so I am thinking of this analogy now-maybe it's weird, but my family and friends know that we are coming to CA to visit and they are preparing for our visit...and when the day arrives, they will be waiting with eagerness for our return to CA. They will plan their day accordingly around our arrival and be there to greet us when we arrive. It should be all the more with Jesus!! We don't know His time of return, but we know it will happen and we should have that eagerness and making the preparations in our lives for His return. Be found ready!!! What is He calling you to do today? What has He put on your heart to do now? Don't wait until a better time, a better day. Don't wait until there's financial security so you can freely serve Him-no, just do it!! I am reading in 1 Samuel for my devotions and read the greatest thing the other morning-Samuel was talking to Saul and said to him " ...that you may do as the occasion demands for God is with you. 1 Sam. 10:7b. I must have read that verse so many times in my life but it didn't stick out to me like now! Do what the occasion demands-don't put it off, don't fear or fret over it, just do what God wants you to do even if it doesn't make sense because He IS with you!!
I have talked your ears off once again-sorry I am so long!!!
Have a joyful day in Him :)
Your trip is almost here!
It's always good to see family especially is it's been a while.
How exciting that it is almost time to go!
Great job on the scrapbook page. LOVE your blending - don't be so critical of it; it's beautiful!
Really appreciate the reminder about Christ's return. It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day stuff and not stay focused on what is MOST important. Thanks for sharing!
Well, I grew a whole inch right before I turned 19, so your daughter might too. Good luck with all the preparations.
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