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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Just wanted to make a quick post and ask for prayer (again). But, I shouldn't feel guilty I know this-about asking for prayer even if it is from people I don't know. We as Christians don't need to know each other to pray for one another. So, it's just been a really difficult 2 days. I dont' know if I can explain it all but let's just say I was freaked out yesterday big time. I was working at the church alone and some guy came in. I am never afraid to be there-have worked there alone for 5 years now and never worried. But yesterday was different. I wasn't harmed, but enough was done that I am a wreck inside right now. This guy told me he was s.a.t.a.n which didn't scare me because I am used to people being weird. But because of the wind blowing the door slammed and he stopped talking and told me he thinks he made that happened. Ok-so I am praying like crazy for God to protect me-and I can't explain it-I was scared, very scared by this guy, but at the same time I knew God was with me. The guy kept touching my face and I can't stand for anyone to touch my face (childhood thing) After about 1/2 hour or so he finally left when the college kids arrived-and then I just broke down. All the emotion inside me and the fear of it all just came pouring out. Anyway, please pray for me. I am so upset about this situation and it just made me think about so many things last night.
Sometimes I don't know what to do as a PW-I was actually afraid to tell my husband this happened because I knew he would want to find the guy and beat the daylights out of him. And I was thinking ok-so DH is a pastor and we have to have a certain behavior-and to what extent? Would it have been wrong if my husband found the guy and beat him up? Yes, I know legally it is wrong, but it's a natural reaction from a man to protect his wife and family. And as a PW am I supposed to just allow people to treat me any way they want because I am supposed to be show the love of Jesus to everyone?
I will stop here because I don't want to stumble anyone as a PW and don't speak for any other PW-just please pray for me!!!
Thank you :)


Blogger Amanda said...

I'll definitely pray for you.

10:54 AM  
Blogger Mechelle said...

Oh hun, What an awful time but I know that God will use this to his Glory somehow... For one we can start by praising God that you are OK! I'm praying that whoever that person was he is long gone. I'll be keeping you in prayer.
God Bless!
((Hugs)) Mechelle

9:52 PM  

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