Just wanted to make a quick post and ask for prayer (again). But, I shouldn't feel guilty I know this-about asking for prayer even if it is from people I don't know. We as Christians don't need to know each other to pray for one another. So, it's just been a really difficult 2 days. I dont' know if I can explain it all but let's just say I was freaked out yesterday big time. I was working at the church alone and some guy came in. I am never afraid to be there-have worked there alone for 5 years now and never worried. But yesterday was different. I wasn't harmed, but enough was done that I am a wreck inside right now. This guy told me he was s.a.t.a.n which didn't scare me because I am used to people being weird. But because of the wind blowing the door slammed and he stopped talking and told me he thinks he made that happened. Ok-so I am praying like crazy for God to protect me-and I can't explain it-I was scared, very scared by this guy, but at the same time I knew God was with me. The guy kept touching my face and I can't stand for anyone to touch my face (childhood thing) After about 1/2 hour or so he finally left when the college kids arrived-and then I just broke down. All the emotion inside me and the fear of it all just came pouring out. Anyway, please pray for me. I am so upset about this situation and it just made me think about so many things last night.
Sometimes I don't know what to do as a PW-I was actually afraid to tell my husband this happened because I knew he would want to find the guy and beat the daylights out of him. And I was thinking ok-so DH is a pastor and we have to have a certain behavior-and to what extent? Would it have been wrong if my husband found the guy and beat him up? Yes, I know legally it is wrong, but it's a natural reaction from a man to protect his wife and family. And as a PW am I supposed to just allow people to treat me any way they want because I am supposed to be show the love of Jesus to everyone?
I will stop here because I don't want to stumble anyone as a PW and don't speak for any other PW-just please pray for me!!!
Thank you :)
Sometimes I don't know what to do as a PW-I was actually afraid to tell my husband this happened because I knew he would want to find the guy and beat the daylights out of him. And I was thinking ok-so DH is a pastor and we have to have a certain behavior-and to what extent? Would it have been wrong if my husband found the guy and beat him up? Yes, I know legally it is wrong, but it's a natural reaction from a man to protect his wife and family. And as a PW am I supposed to just allow people to treat me any way they want because I am supposed to be show the love of Jesus to everyone?
I will stop here because I don't want to stumble anyone as a PW and don't speak for any other PW-just please pray for me!!!
Thank you :)
I'll definitely pray for you.
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