I wanted to start out by warning anyone reading today's entry that my layout will be quite graphic and some of you may choose not to look at it. It has a photo depicting Jesus from the Passion movie. I will post another warning after my writing before I post the picture.
I renewed my subscription to SBB today! YEAH!! And as I sit here, my hair is air drying LOL-(you have to read the post from a couple days ago to get it) It is so worth it!! Plus, it was only $10.00 this time. Last year I paid more but it was on sale today!! Yippee!!! I just love the site and all they offer to their customers!
I am excited to take some good photos this weekend. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we will be able to have the Church egg hunt outside Sunday. Last year we had to have it indoors and it wasn't as much fun. It is rainy and dreary here the past few days-we need some sun!!!
Went into the attic today and got summer summery clothes out. Maybe that will help move Spring along! Next week we have to go through EVERYTHING that is up there-so much junk get thrown up there~I have to figure out what is what and then throw stuff out!!!
I have just been reflecting so much today on the sacrifice Jesus made. I was reading different scriptures and it brought everything back into perspective for me. Think about this: have you ever gone and plucked your eyebrows or had the leg shaving treatment? (sorry, I don't know what the right term is) I have not done it, but I do have an occasional one hair growing from my leg somehow at times and I need to pull it out. It hurts!!! I have heard horror stories from women who get the hair from their legs off with wax. OUCH!!
I was reading from Isaiah and how they plucked the beard off of Jesus!!! Can you imagine the pain He endured! And through all that He went through, Isaiah says-that He opened not His mouth! They were beating Him, punching Him, spitting upon Him and mocking Him-and He never said a word!
How quick I am to answer back at an accusation or something untrue that I hear people say about me or my family. How I want to be more like Jesus!! Only by His grace!!!! I can't handle people not liking me or being mean-I don't know how I would endure such persecution. What I go through is nothing compared to so many! My husband was telling me that the soldiers would play a game. And they blindfolded Jesus and one of the soldiers would punch Him and then they would make Him try to guess which one it was -of course you would not get the answer right and they beat Him more! For you and for me He went through this!!
There wasn't a song I wanted to use today-nothing except scripture could express the sentiment I wanted to get across today.
I pray that your heart will be touched in an incredible way today.
W A R N I N G....graphic photo will follow...................please do not scroll down if you don't want to see it!!!!!!!!
Dianne Rigdon's paper and Jen Wilson overlay
I renewed my subscription to SBB today! YEAH!! And as I sit here, my hair is air drying LOL-(you have to read the post from a couple days ago to get it) It is so worth it!! Plus, it was only $10.00 this time. Last year I paid more but it was on sale today!! Yippee!!! I just love the site and all they offer to their customers!
I am excited to take some good photos this weekend. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we will be able to have the Church egg hunt outside Sunday. Last year we had to have it indoors and it wasn't as much fun. It is rainy and dreary here the past few days-we need some sun!!!
Went into the attic today and got summer summery clothes out. Maybe that will help move Spring along! Next week we have to go through EVERYTHING that is up there-so much junk get thrown up there~I have to figure out what is what and then throw stuff out!!!
I have just been reflecting so much today on the sacrifice Jesus made. I was reading different scriptures and it brought everything back into perspective for me. Think about this: have you ever gone and plucked your eyebrows or had the leg shaving treatment? (sorry, I don't know what the right term is) I have not done it, but I do have an occasional one hair growing from my leg somehow at times and I need to pull it out. It hurts!!! I have heard horror stories from women who get the hair from their legs off with wax. OUCH!!
I was reading from Isaiah and how they plucked the beard off of Jesus!!! Can you imagine the pain He endured! And through all that He went through, Isaiah says-that He opened not His mouth! They were beating Him, punching Him, spitting upon Him and mocking Him-and He never said a word!
How quick I am to answer back at an accusation or something untrue that I hear people say about me or my family. How I want to be more like Jesus!! Only by His grace!!!! I can't handle people not liking me or being mean-I don't know how I would endure such persecution. What I go through is nothing compared to so many! My husband was telling me that the soldiers would play a game. And they blindfolded Jesus and one of the soldiers would punch Him and then they would make Him try to guess which one it was -of course you would not get the answer right and they beat Him more! For you and for me He went through this!!
There wasn't a song I wanted to use today-nothing except scripture could express the sentiment I wanted to get across today.
I pray that your heart will be touched in an incredible way today.
W A R N I N G....graphic photo will follow...................please do not scroll down if you don't want to see it!!!!!!!!

That is an amazing photo and very moving.
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