Happy Wednesday
My goodness this week is just passing by so quickly!!
I was supposed to go up in the attic today and start helping my daughter prepare to pack to move back to the states and also get our spring/summer clothing out....you guessed it....didn't happen. It's winter weather again and if I go to the attic it is so cold and there are no lights up there either. Plus, I have to crouch down the whole time I am up there because there are beams that always get in the way of my head! LOL
So, still have to go grocery shopping for our Easter dinner. We invited a couple college students over for the weekend who didn't have any plans. That will be fun for my daughter too. We may even go see a movie on Monday if we can find a good one in English. We have to travel to Budapest though because they don't show English ones here. It's a holiday here on Monday-the guys go to the girls houses (the one's they like) and spray them with the most putrifying perfume imaginable. Then, the girl is supposed to invite the guy in for cakes and give him a red foiled chocolate egg. My dd can't stand being home on this day so we told her we will go see a movie.
I wanted to give a link to a really cute Easter idea. It's the Resurrection Eggs. We had someone mail us the plastic eggs and we just fill them ourselves with the items. We'll use it for Sunday School on Easter. We did it a couple of years ago with the kids and they loved it!!! I know you can buy them already prepared, but we like doing it this way. Here is a link for the eggs. When we lived in the states, I used to have a Tea Party for my daughter and her friends every Easter vacation. One year, I made a scavenger hunt out of these items. I divided the girls into 2 teams and gave them the list of items they had to go and find. It was good because while they were out hunting, I could straighten up from the Tea and then when they returned we would talk about the items.
I did a layout today with the song Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus. There are more verses than what I wrote but I couldn't fit them all in the right way so I just put the first verse and chorus. I was thinking about what song to use today and started thinking about Jesus when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane. The pain and the agony He endured. So much so that He asked His Father if there were any other way...and there wasn't. The only way there would be to make atonement for our sins was through the shedding of His blood. It was true then and it remains true to this day. There is NO other way! I thought about Jesus's next words...nevertheless, not My will, but Yours be done. Wow!!!! It's just so amazing to me!!!!! Sometimes the things we are asked to bear in our lives seem so overwhelming, so tragic even and maybe unfair. We want God to take these things from us-to find another way...have you ever found yourself praying to just really know Him better-and along comes some difficult trial or situation. He wants us to be able to say..not my will, but Yours be done. Jesus did ALL of this for us. To be loved by someone that much is incredible!!
I pray your day is filled with all His blessings!

I used Jen Wilson's
Everyday Bliss kit
I was supposed to go up in the attic today and start helping my daughter prepare to pack to move back to the states and also get our spring/summer clothing out....you guessed it....didn't happen. It's winter weather again and if I go to the attic it is so cold and there are no lights up there either. Plus, I have to crouch down the whole time I am up there because there are beams that always get in the way of my head! LOL
So, still have to go grocery shopping for our Easter dinner. We invited a couple college students over for the weekend who didn't have any plans. That will be fun for my daughter too. We may even go see a movie on Monday if we can find a good one in English. We have to travel to Budapest though because they don't show English ones here. It's a holiday here on Monday-the guys go to the girls houses (the one's they like) and spray them with the most putrifying perfume imaginable. Then, the girl is supposed to invite the guy in for cakes and give him a red foiled chocolate egg. My dd can't stand being home on this day so we told her we will go see a movie.
I wanted to give a link to a really cute Easter idea. It's the Resurrection Eggs. We had someone mail us the plastic eggs and we just fill them ourselves with the items. We'll use it for Sunday School on Easter. We did it a couple of years ago with the kids and they loved it!!! I know you can buy them already prepared, but we like doing it this way. Here is a link for the eggs. When we lived in the states, I used to have a Tea Party for my daughter and her friends every Easter vacation. One year, I made a scavenger hunt out of these items. I divided the girls into 2 teams and gave them the list of items they had to go and find. It was good because while they were out hunting, I could straighten up from the Tea and then when they returned we would talk about the items.
I did a layout today with the song Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus. There are more verses than what I wrote but I couldn't fit them all in the right way so I just put the first verse and chorus. I was thinking about what song to use today and started thinking about Jesus when He was in the Garden of Gethsemane. The pain and the agony He endured. So much so that He asked His Father if there were any other way...and there wasn't. The only way there would be to make atonement for our sins was through the shedding of His blood. It was true then and it remains true to this day. There is NO other way! I thought about Jesus's next words...nevertheless, not My will, but Yours be done. Wow!!!! It's just so amazing to me!!!!! Sometimes the things we are asked to bear in our lives seem so overwhelming, so tragic even and maybe unfair. We want God to take these things from us-to find another way...have you ever found yourself praying to just really know Him better-and along comes some difficult trial or situation. He wants us to be able to say..not my will, but Yours be done. Jesus did ALL of this for us. To be loved by someone that much is incredible!!
I pray your day is filled with all His blessings!

I used Jen Wilson's
Everyday Bliss kit
What a great idea those eggs are! I didn't grow up as a Christian so I didn't get to do any little activities like that as a kid. And now that my first kiddo is 2 1/2 I'm definitely looking for some creative ways to talk about Jesus with her. Thanks for posting the link!
I'm getting ready for Easter too at our house. The whole family is coming over on Sunday. We're not really having a traditional Easter meal though...we're doing it Texas style. -Having baked beans, pototo salad, grilled fish and steak! Take Care,
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