I Made the TOP 10!!!
I am soooo excited about this!! Can you believe it??? After all these years, I finally won something. Ok-I will admit, it wasn't today, but a day ago that I was in the top 10-!
Do I have you in such suspense that you just can't stand it anymore....are you biting your nails, tapping your fingers on the computer desk, shaking your leg a kilometer a minute??? Just say it Margie PUHLEAZE just say it-tell us your wonderful news....top 10 hmmm.....what could it be?? No, it's not the Digi Blog thing (bottom 10 on that LOL) not top 10 wives or even top 10 pastor's wives....spill it already..................................I made the top 10 list at 2Peas. What's that you say...you didn't know there was a contest? Well, there wasn't. But I decided to make up my own little contest and I was the winner at one point and slowly declined in rank. I was one of the top 10 OLDER people who responded to the question "How Old Are You?". Yep, that's right, all 11 people above me were younger than me. And for awhile I was one of the 10 oldest posters :)
Do you think at this point I have completely lost my mind? You are right!!!!!! LOL!!!!! I have not been feeling good for over a week now. I didn't want to blog and just say-yep, another sicko day..so I didn't. But, today I tell you-still sick. My coughing has just been horrid and it is weakening me throughout the day. I think it's turned into bronchitis which doesn't mix too well with the asthma.
We had a busy Saturday. My daughter sings in a choir and they had a concert on Sat afternoon. We had students here for the weekend and had to cook for lots of hungry boys! It was fun though. We worked on props for the VBS and they helped clean the church. Today I did a bunch of stuff for VBS. I have to translate all the bible verses from English to Hungarian. That is initially what I used my PSP for. I never knew that the investment would open a whole new world for me with Digi-scrapping!!
Here's my BB for today. I am always amazed at what God shows me each day!! He is so faithful!!
Have a beautiful day!
Do I have you in such suspense that you just can't stand it anymore....are you biting your nails, tapping your fingers on the computer desk, shaking your leg a kilometer a minute??? Just say it Margie PUHLEAZE just say it-tell us your wonderful news....top 10 hmmm.....what could it be?? No, it's not the Digi Blog thing (bottom 10 on that LOL) not top 10 wives or even top 10 pastor's wives....spill it already..................................I made the top 10 list at 2Peas. What's that you say...you didn't know there was a contest? Well, there wasn't. But I decided to make up my own little contest and I was the winner at one point and slowly declined in rank. I was one of the top 10 OLDER people who responded to the question "How Old Are You?". Yep, that's right, all 11 people above me were younger than me. And for awhile I was one of the 10 oldest posters :)
Do you think at this point I have completely lost my mind? You are right!!!!!! LOL!!!!! I have not been feeling good for over a week now. I didn't want to blog and just say-yep, another sicko day..so I didn't. But, today I tell you-still sick. My coughing has just been horrid and it is weakening me throughout the day. I think it's turned into bronchitis which doesn't mix too well with the asthma.
We had a busy Saturday. My daughter sings in a choir and they had a concert on Sat afternoon. We had students here for the weekend and had to cook for lots of hungry boys! It was fun though. We worked on props for the VBS and they helped clean the church. Today I did a bunch of stuff for VBS. I have to translate all the bible verses from English to Hungarian. That is initially what I used my PSP for. I never knew that the investment would open a whole new world for me with Digi-scrapping!!
Here's my BB for today. I am always amazed at what God shows me each day!! He is so faithful!!
Have a beautiful day!

Well, I was probably in the top 10 with you!
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