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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I have been waiting

for Jen Wilson's Summer Travels CD to go on sale ever since I heard about her designs. I happened to find a thread at 2Peas asking to see layouts using the CD and read that it was on sale!!! I couldn't get to SBB fast enough LOL!!! I was sooo excited!!! This is such a great CD!!! It took over 3 hours to download though-and that's with ADSL! I am so thrilled and the CD is so worth the money!! You should go over to SBB and get the CD -you won't be sorry. There is so much in there you could scrap forever with this!!!! Take a look at Digital Scrapbook Previews if you want to see exactly what you get in the CD.
We are going on a week long cruise to Mexico with DH's family and this CD is so perfect for the photos!! My daughter and I had a blast looking through all the fun stuff!
My eyes are painful tonight so I am not going to write too much-I think the pollen is too much right now.
We had our women's study tonight and my eyes were so bad. Great study though-we just finished up for this year and we will begin again in Sept. We were talking about God's faithfulness and having faith!! It's so easy to believe God for everyone else and their lives, but we doubt Him so much in our own!! It's interesting how the disciples who were always with Jesus panicked on the boat when the storm came and yet the centurion had so much faith that he believed Jesus could heal his son with just His Words!! Amazing!!! I want to have that kind of faith in my walk with the Lord!! Believing that what He says, He will accomplish!!!

Ok-gotta run-I feel like I only have one eye tonight!!
Soak in the Lord's goodness :)


Blogger Diane Viere said...

First time visiting your blog--love your energy! Hope your eyes are feeling better today--is it the time of year? Spring is beautiful..but can be difficult for allergy related symptoms!

God Bless!


8:25 PM  

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