It's taking a bit longer than I anticipated to get back into the groove of being back in Hungary. It seems as though we arrived just in time for harvest and all kinds of other fun allergens that make my aging body go absolutely haywire!!! Sinus headache galore! Plus my asthma gets so bad I end up not being able to eat or just vomitting because of the coughing! Yuck! Hopefully it will calm down a bit and my body will return to somewhat normal!!
I got a new medicine in the states for my asthma. It was sort of funny because my friend's doctor saw me for free( I know there is a better word in english, but I can't think of it :) ) anyway, it's a powder inhaler rather than a spray. He said I should notice a difference within a week if it works-unfortunately I haven't seen any improvement. I am hoping that it is because of the weather and time of year before I actually give it up and say it doesn't help. The doctor couldn't believe my cough-he was wondering why in the world I am like this and couldn't believe I have it so chronic. It is really something that baffles all the doctors. But, after 6 years, I learn to live with it-not always bad each month so I just deal with it! I don't have TB, any spots on my lungs, so it can't be too bad right!!!
DH gave a great sermon today-I know he's my husband and all, but I have to say, I was really encouraged by it. We are in the book of Romans 12 now. Such an awesome book of the bible to study! God's grace is so amazing! We were learning about renewing our minds-not thinking the old way-the way the world tells us to think-but allowing God's Word to change our way of thinking-being kind when the world tells us we don't have to be-being longsuffering with people, merciful and full of grace towards others, just as God has been to us. Doing all we do fervently as unto the Lord. Not so we will gain applause from men-but because it pleases God. These things are only possible through the Word of God!! We can't muster it up in our own strength! We try and fail so often because we aren't relying on the Holy Spirit working in us! Everything comes down to us and Him!!! On the outward, we can do and be whatever we want people to see, but God knows EVERYTHING! He knows the motives of our heart, why we do the things we do, He knows the 'real' us! And He loves us even still!!! The more we read His Word, the more time we spend with Him, the more we will respond in faith and live the life He has called us to live.
I get to call my daughter a lot now that we have Skype. It's a great program!! It only cost me .017 per min. to call her cell phone!! That's such a gift from God!!!! Usually programs charge much more to call the cell than the land line, but this is the same when calling the states! She is fine but so busy adjusting to college life and also living back in the states. It's hard because she is doing a theatre internship and has to go about an hour away from the school and must depend on her roomate to drive her. It's sort of ridiculous to me that they have freshmen having to do this. She doesn't have a car, not even a license yet, and the school sprung this on her the second week. The internship wasn't supposed to be until her Soph or Jr year and now it has already begun. Hopefully, she and her roommate will be fine with it and everything will work out with their scheduling. Pray for their safety.
Finally, before I bore you to tears LOL, here is a LO I did for my beautiful daughter that I miss sooooo much!!! I used Jen Wilson's Spring Collection and Tammy Bankston's alpha
Oh-and another thing.....someone PLEASE tell me.......what's with the templates everyone is selling now???? I want to buy so many of them-they are awesome!!! But,,,,,,do they work easily with PSP8? I downloaded a trial one and couldn't figure it out-if you know-just email me!! :)
And,,,,,just one more side note-Mechelle....if you are reading this-I tried to leave a comment on your blog but it doesn't work for me anymore. So, I pray you and your family are staying strong in God's amazing strength!
Have a glorious day!
Oh well, Blogger doesn't want to be nice and let me upload my photo-we'll have to try next time :)
I got a new medicine in the states for my asthma. It was sort of funny because my friend's doctor saw me for free( I know there is a better word in english, but I can't think of it :) ) anyway, it's a powder inhaler rather than a spray. He said I should notice a difference within a week if it works-unfortunately I haven't seen any improvement. I am hoping that it is because of the weather and time of year before I actually give it up and say it doesn't help. The doctor couldn't believe my cough-he was wondering why in the world I am like this and couldn't believe I have it so chronic. It is really something that baffles all the doctors. But, after 6 years, I learn to live with it-not always bad each month so I just deal with it! I don't have TB, any spots on my lungs, so it can't be too bad right!!!
DH gave a great sermon today-I know he's my husband and all, but I have to say, I was really encouraged by it. We are in the book of Romans 12 now. Such an awesome book of the bible to study! God's grace is so amazing! We were learning about renewing our minds-not thinking the old way-the way the world tells us to think-but allowing God's Word to change our way of thinking-being kind when the world tells us we don't have to be-being longsuffering with people, merciful and full of grace towards others, just as God has been to us. Doing all we do fervently as unto the Lord. Not so we will gain applause from men-but because it pleases God. These things are only possible through the Word of God!! We can't muster it up in our own strength! We try and fail so often because we aren't relying on the Holy Spirit working in us! Everything comes down to us and Him!!! On the outward, we can do and be whatever we want people to see, but God knows EVERYTHING! He knows the motives of our heart, why we do the things we do, He knows the 'real' us! And He loves us even still!!! The more we read His Word, the more time we spend with Him, the more we will respond in faith and live the life He has called us to live.
I get to call my daughter a lot now that we have Skype. It's a great program!! It only cost me .017 per min. to call her cell phone!! That's such a gift from God!!!! Usually programs charge much more to call the cell than the land line, but this is the same when calling the states! She is fine but so busy adjusting to college life and also living back in the states. It's hard because she is doing a theatre internship and has to go about an hour away from the school and must depend on her roomate to drive her. It's sort of ridiculous to me that they have freshmen having to do this. She doesn't have a car, not even a license yet, and the school sprung this on her the second week. The internship wasn't supposed to be until her Soph or Jr year and now it has already begun. Hopefully, she and her roommate will be fine with it and everything will work out with their scheduling. Pray for their safety.
Finally, before I bore you to tears LOL, here is a LO I did for my beautiful daughter that I miss sooooo much!!! I used Jen Wilson's Spring Collection and Tammy Bankston's alpha
Oh-and another thing.....someone PLEASE tell me.......what's with the templates everyone is selling now???? I want to buy so many of them-they are awesome!!! But,,,,,,do they work easily with PSP8? I downloaded a trial one and couldn't figure it out-if you know-just email me!! :)
And,,,,,just one more side note-Mechelle....if you are reading this-I tried to leave a comment on your blog but it doesn't work for me anymore. So, I pray you and your family are staying strong in God's amazing strength!
Have a glorious day!
Oh well, Blogger doesn't want to be nice and let me upload my photo-we'll have to try next time :)
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