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Monday, November 27, 2006

And we're off...

Yep, we are on our way to Salzburg! I am so excited! DH and I just had our birthdays a couple weeks ago and now we are going to celebrate!! DH turned 50 so I wanted to do something a bit special. We are going to stay here:

We haven't been away together in years so this should be fun!
I am excited because they have the famous Christmas markets out now too. Lots of neat trinkets and what have yous (how do you like that word) LOL. Can't wait to take it all in. I'll be back with lots of pictures to scrap :)

Have a blessed day :)

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Couldn't post yesterday so I am putting it here today :)
Hope your day was filled with joy and remembering all that we have to be thankful for!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Another Year Older

So today I am 46 yrs old (or young) lol!!! It's funny but until I turned 40 I never felt like there was any difference in my age each year. Once I turned 40, I started getting muscle aches more often, and little twitches here and there. Now, as you can plainly see in my new photo....the wrinkles have set in!! I can't get rid of them no matter how much Oil Of Olay I use each day!! Some days I just look at pictures when I want to scrap and just see the progression of age....oh well, it's a fact of life right :) Enjoy the days the Lord gives to us and use them for Him!!!
I am all alone -my daughter is in the states, DH had to go 2 hrs away to register the car-it's just a headache over here!! I would gladly take the long lines back at the DMV over this any day LOL!!! Nightmare city!! Anwyay, yes, I have just been by myself and it's not 4:30 in the afternoon so my day is almost over! Boo hoo!! I miss my daughter so much. I cried and cried that she isn't here today and I can't imagine how Christmas is going to be...
I baked the pumpkins today and now they are draining so I can make pies on Wed. We celebrate Thanksgiving with our church each year. Since they have always had American Pastors, they love Thanksgiving and we kept the tradition up when we came over 5 yrs ago. It's fun but lots of work. Plus, we can't get the whole turkey here, only pieces. Someone sent me some cranberry sauce too which is what makes Thanksgiving for me. One year, we didn't have any and I was searching everywhere. Finally, one of the girls here found some cranberry jelly-it was totally a miracle because it's never been here since!! God is good!! I have to make stuffing and the pies. DH will make the turkey and gravy and others from the church will make potatoes, corn and bread. Can't wait to eat :)

I scanned a bunch of old photos from my daughter's younger years. I love having a 3 in 1 printer now!! It's exciting to be able to get out the old photos and make it easier for me to scrap them. They aren't the best quality being atleast 10 yrs - 18 yrs old but I don't care. I just want to scrap them anyway. There were the days we never cared about touching up photos or the best lighting-we just took pictures and put them in our photo books. That's how I am going to look at it for these older ones. If I can touch them up-ok, but if not, I am still going to scrap with them.

I can't wait for the Digi sales for Thanksgiving!! I hope there will be some awesome ones!! I have been waiting to get a few things and I want to treat myself for my birthday :) and Thanksgiving, and ......well, you get the picture, I just want to treat myself a bit :)

Have a wonderful day!! Be sure to stop and thank the Lord for all His marvelous blessings!!!!

Here's a couple pics I scanned of my precious daughter :) My the years go by!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I could tell I was coming down with something the past few days. So, last night I went to bed and didn't have a great sleep. This morning I woke up and took my temperature. So,,,,here is my conversation with DH after the thermometer beeper went off :

DH-oh do you have a fever?
Me-yes it almost 100
DH-oh can you be sure to steam press my suit for the funeral today?

Yes, life is grand!!! He does that all the time-waits til the last minute and lets me know something needs ironing or fixing that he has to wear. Normally I couldn't care less because it's just a part of what I do anyway, but today I was not feeling like ironing one bit!! So you may be wondering why they are in his closet and not ironed......well,they were at one point. Unfortunately, he just shoves stuff in there so tightly that it has to be reironed all the time!!! Ok-I guess I sound crabby. I really am not..maybe just a bit but I have a fever so I am not myself!! LOL

So DH had to do a funeral today. There was no way I could go since I would infect everyone and believe me you don't go around the people here when you are sick. It's a huge NO NO!! So, he went alone and said it was went as well as could be expected. We didn't know the guy who died very well. He daughter in law goes to our church so they asked DH to perform the funeral. So, get this...the guy was a Com*unist in days past so there was someone there to speak about when they knew him. DH couldn't understand what she was saying anyway so it didn't matter. Such a different world!

Well, we are trying to figure out what to do for Christmas. I really don't feel like celebrating much this year since we will be without our daughter. Oh I just dread thinking about it. It's so hard being away from her. I guess it's all the "firsts" without her that hurt so bad. But, we are thinking about going away somewhere. First, we thought we would go to The Netherlands because we have some friends that live there. But, today I was thinking about going to Wales. My father's side of the family is from there and I thought it would be nice to visit there. We could spend a couple nights in London and then drive to Wales for a few nights. Hopefully I can find some good fares. The scenery is gorgeous. I have to find out what the weather is like around the holidays. Hopefully not so rainy! I'll keep ya posted :)

I am having such a hard time figuring out our Women's Christmas Tea invites for this year. Our theme will be "Seeking Him...Worship Him". I can't find the right picture to use either. I don't want to use the Wise Men but maybe if I could find just a nice star with a red or green or even redish/pink background. I have scoured the digi kits for some backgrounds but can't find any!! That is just a shock to me. I don't know if I am overlooking something or what! Seems like everything is snowflakes. I picked up a kit from Kelly Shults the other day and there is a star paper but I just don't know if it's the right one or not. I just love Kelly's designs!! She has a great talent and has a style I really like.
Here's what I picked up the other day:

Have a wonderfully blessed day!!

Monday, November 06, 2006

Totally Blessed

Wow-some friends are here from CA and just brought some great goodies for us!! One in particular I was so shocked! Here are some samplings:

Just a few "essentials" from Costco :) LOL We just can't live without them!!! Actually it seems funny since we live in Europe and the chocolate here is absolutely amazing!!! But, there's something about chocolate from America that my husband likes. I think it's more reminiscent (sp) than taste though :)

Ok-now here is what I was so blessed to receive. My husband had told them I would really like one and imagine my surprise when I found out they were bringing one for me!!!

Isn't it wonderful!! I have wanted a flat screen monitor for so long and now I finally have one!! It's such a difference from my old one! I am so thankful for this!!!

I really haven't been scrapping too much lately. Too much going on with visitors and other preparations. I told myself I wouldn't be buying any scrapping stuff until December. I wanted to pay down my charge cards from being in the states all summer. Well, yesterday, I couldn't resist. I have been wanting to purchase some of Gina's templates and finally gave in since she was having a sale. Check them out they are really great!

You can find Gina's templates here (as if noone knows where by now LOL) Info about her birthday sale is there too :) Hurry on over!!

Well, I think I have blogged enough for one day-I have such a headache already. Waking up with one is no fun. Usually means it is not going to be a very productive day.
Hubby had a concert last night in Budapest so I was all by my lonesome last night and most of today until he returns. I watched part of The Passion last night but had to turn it off. It's just so emotional. I can't even imagine that Jesus would suffer so much on my behalf. I remember people were so upset about the film because of the violence. Yet, as difficult as it is to watch Him being beaten and scourged, it was still worse in real life. The Bible says He was beaten beyond recognition. I can't imagine how He took it all. He is God and yet He chose to suffer like that-the Spotless Lamb became sin for you and for me. Wow-just mind blowing!!! I think as Christians we forget to ponder that often enough. Be thankful!! Be gracious and merciful to those around you. Remember what we have been forgiven of and let us not be quick to judge or to pass judgement on others around us.

May the Lord bless your day richly!!