Another Year Older
So today I am 46 yrs old (or young) lol!!! It's funny but until I turned 40 I never felt like there was any difference in my age each year. Once I turned 40, I started getting muscle aches more often, and little twitches here and there. Now, as you can plainly see in my new photo....the wrinkles have set in!! I can't get rid of them no matter how much Oil Of Olay I use each day!! Some days I just look at pictures when I want to scrap and just see the progression of age....oh well, it's a fact of life right :) Enjoy the days the Lord gives to us and use them for Him!!!
I am all alone -my daughter is in the states, DH had to go 2 hrs away to register the car-it's just a headache over here!! I would gladly take the long lines back at the DMV over this any day LOL!!! Nightmare city!! Anwyay, yes, I have just been by myself and it's not 4:30 in the afternoon so my day is almost over! Boo hoo!! I miss my daughter so much. I cried and cried that she isn't here today and I can't imagine how Christmas is going to be...
I baked the pumpkins today and now they are draining so I can make pies on Wed. We celebrate Thanksgiving with our church each year. Since they have always had American Pastors, they love Thanksgiving and we kept the tradition up when we came over 5 yrs ago. It's fun but lots of work. Plus, we can't get the whole turkey here, only pieces. Someone sent me some cranberry sauce too which is what makes Thanksgiving for me. One year, we didn't have any and I was searching everywhere. Finally, one of the girls here found some cranberry jelly-it was totally a miracle because it's never been here since!! God is good!! I have to make stuffing and the pies. DH will make the turkey and gravy and others from the church will make potatoes, corn and bread. Can't wait to eat :)
I scanned a bunch of old photos from my daughter's younger years. I love having a 3 in 1 printer now!! It's exciting to be able to get out the old photos and make it easier for me to scrap them. They aren't the best quality being atleast 10 yrs - 18 yrs old but I don't care. I just want to scrap them anyway. There were the days we never cared about touching up photos or the best lighting-we just took pictures and put them in our photo books. That's how I am going to look at it for these older ones. If I can touch them up-ok, but if not, I am still going to scrap with them.
I can't wait for the Digi sales for Thanksgiving!! I hope there will be some awesome ones!! I have been waiting to get a few things and I want to treat myself for my birthday :) and Thanksgiving, and ......well, you get the picture, I just want to treat myself a bit :)
Have a wonderful day!! Be sure to stop and thank the Lord for all His marvelous blessings!!!!
Here's a couple pics I scanned of my precious daughter :) My the years go by!!

I am all alone -my daughter is in the states, DH had to go 2 hrs away to register the car-it's just a headache over here!! I would gladly take the long lines back at the DMV over this any day LOL!!! Nightmare city!! Anwyay, yes, I have just been by myself and it's not 4:30 in the afternoon so my day is almost over! Boo hoo!! I miss my daughter so much. I cried and cried that she isn't here today and I can't imagine how Christmas is going to be...
I baked the pumpkins today and now they are draining so I can make pies on Wed. We celebrate Thanksgiving with our church each year. Since they have always had American Pastors, they love Thanksgiving and we kept the tradition up when we came over 5 yrs ago. It's fun but lots of work. Plus, we can't get the whole turkey here, only pieces. Someone sent me some cranberry sauce too which is what makes Thanksgiving for me. One year, we didn't have any and I was searching everywhere. Finally, one of the girls here found some cranberry jelly-it was totally a miracle because it's never been here since!! God is good!! I have to make stuffing and the pies. DH will make the turkey and gravy and others from the church will make potatoes, corn and bread. Can't wait to eat :)
I scanned a bunch of old photos from my daughter's younger years. I love having a 3 in 1 printer now!! It's exciting to be able to get out the old photos and make it easier for me to scrap them. They aren't the best quality being atleast 10 yrs - 18 yrs old but I don't care. I just want to scrap them anyway. There were the days we never cared about touching up photos or the best lighting-we just took pictures and put them in our photo books. That's how I am going to look at it for these older ones. If I can touch them up-ok, but if not, I am still going to scrap with them.
I can't wait for the Digi sales for Thanksgiving!! I hope there will be some awesome ones!! I have been waiting to get a few things and I want to treat myself for my birthday :) and Thanksgiving, and ......well, you get the picture, I just want to treat myself a bit :)
Have a wonderful day!! Be sure to stop and thank the Lord for all His marvelous blessings!!!!
Here's a couple pics I scanned of my precious daughter :) My the years go by!!

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