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Monday, October 02, 2006

Happy Monday

Can it be that the day is almost over already (well, atleast on my side of the hemisphere it is). It's been quite a busy week here-lots of this and that to do.

I decided to use my Joann's free shipping coupon this weekend. No, not free shipping all the way to Hungary-though that would be AWESOME!! I had a gift card from the states and I wanted a few things for the album I am making for my in-laws. I am using all the Basic Grey Sublime papers and some of the different accents that go along with it. I was able to get a lot of the supplies while we were in the states and using my coupons!! I think I was collecting everyone's coupons all summer!! Anyway, I needed some more stickers and eyelets and all that fun stuff. I used up my certificate and my friend will mail it with some other stuff for me. Nice to have sweet friends.

Also, I checked into making my own rub-ons. I saw some advertised and thought about how I could do this myself. It's quite easy!! You should try it. Go here for some instructions. I figured with all the doodles and alphas and sayings I have bought and collected over time I could make my own fancy smancy rub-ons. I will give it a try this week and let you know how it works out. I can't imagine it wouldn't. Also, you know how they sell the popsicle sticks with the sayings on them-well, I think we can just rub it on the pop stick-voila!!!! One of the sites with instructions also said just take a paper towel and clean your transparency afterwards and you can reuse it!! Not too bad at all huh!!

I read a great thing this morning!! It's in the book by Greg Laurie-Breakfast With Jesus. He is talking about how the trial against Jesus was totally illegal for that time and listed the various reasons why. But, at the end it just grabbed me when he wrote this "In the end, the only conviction they could obtain came when Jesus agreed with their statement that He really was "the Son of God'. Now, when you hear a confession like that, only two options remain. Either you bow before Jesus as Lord and Savior or you sentence Him to death as a blasphemer. The Sanhedrin chose the latter option. What have you decided?" WOW that was great!! Just putting it down to that question-what have you decided??? All the arguements about this that and the other thing-all the controversy about who Jesus is-it started all those years ago and yet the question still remains the same doesn't it-as Jesus asked Peter-"who do you say that I am?" Isn't that true-Each of us must decide that and one day we will actually all have the same answer. The bible says that one day EVERY knee will bow and EVERY tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord-(Phil2:10) I always say-not a question of 'if' but 'when'.
May the joy of the Lord be your strength today :)


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