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Saturday, October 21, 2006

Moving slow

That's how I feel lately. My body just doesn't seem to want to cooperate much these days. I guess it is bound to come with age LOL!
I have had pain in my right arm for over a year off and on. Not a constant pain but it I move my clothes in the closet area or dig through a pile of clothes at the 2nd hand stores here it just hurts and I can't use it for long. Now, it's gotten to the point of feeling all bruised inside-nothing is showing on the outside as being bruised but it just feels that way. Who knows, could be the way I sleep-I don't know. I only know that it hurts!!! OUCH!

So, we have 17 college students here for 10 days! Thankfully our church has a kitchen so they are able to do all the cooking over there. It would be too hard to fit that many people here-plus cook in our small kitchen!! I sure do miss American kitchens-well, atleast the ones we used to have! See, something to be thankful for when we realize we don't have it anymore.

Oh-I tried the home-made rub ons with transparencies. They work pretty good-transfer nicely too. The thing is that you have to make sure they dry and then use them right after that. I left mine overnight and they didn't work.

Thank you for the chocolate cake recipe :) I had to make from scratch though because we don't get mixes here. I found an awesome recipe from Ghiradelli and just used the chocolate from here instead of there's. The cake recipe is here and the frosting recipe is here. I dont' use as much powder sugar as the recipe calls for-a bit less. Also, when you make the frosting, it might seem as though it is not thick enough-frost the cake and then put in fridge about 15 min or so and it comes out perfect!! It tastes awesome with some vanilla ice-cream!! YUM

Haven't been scrapping much-arm pain :) Been sort of looking around at ideas-still loving these templates. I haven't been able to buy any lately but hopefully soon. I really like to use them and they make life so much easier for me. I just want to scrap and get pages done-I have no desire to put in magazines or even upload to galleries anymore. Just doing it for me and my family :) Of course, I can put some on the blog now and then too :)

Ok-I have to prepare something for lunch-don't know what yet LOL!! Nothing like last minute!

Shine on :)


Blogger Lynds said...

Id love to see some of your layouts. I hope your arm is feeling better, Id like one of those big american kitchens too, ours is "big" for our price range, but put all 5 of us in there and someone is stepping one someone, and not enough counter space for the kids to all crowd around. I hope you have a nice week!

7:04 PM  

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