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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Time just has gone by so quickly the past week or so. We had students over for the weekend and that was a lot of fun-busy but fun!! The kids have so much energy and sometimes I get lucky and it wears on me a bit too :)
We are busy planning for different events at the church now that the weather is better. We have people from the states coming at different times starting in April. We should be able to do some more construction on the outside of the church and also some cosmetic work inside. Lots of stuff to do in the next month to secure all the dates.
The high school girls want to have a get together so we are going to do that at my house in a few weeks. I think I'll make a nice brunch and do a devotional with them and some kind of craft afterwards. I'll have to find some good brunch ideas-and a good craft!!! Any ideas :)
In scrapping news, you should head over to Misty's blog (click on her name over to the right). She has an awesome tutorial on how to thread ribbon! It's probably one of the best I have seen out there on how to do this. I think Misty is so awesome and generous with all her knowledge! Have you seen her collection at SBB? You can find it here. It's a great kit with lots of colors and fun elements too. Here's a little peak at it:

We've been going through a bit of a trial here lately. So much good is happening but at times the trials feel like they can overtake us. The challenge of our faith is in these times. Trusting in the Lord in the hardships. He keeps reminding me of Job and how not one thing happened to Job without it going through the Lord first. I want to be strong in Him and know that all He allows in our lives will make me stronger and closer to Him if I allow Him to work these things out His way. It's not my first reaction to just let it be-I always want to react and it's my weakness. But God is so faithful and so gentle. He knows our breaking point and how much we can each handle-even though many a time I think He mixes me up with someone else LOL. But, He is right there in our midst helping us to stand through these times. I was reading through the Psalms today and once again found myself at Ps. 55:12-14 where David is anguishing the pain brought on by one he thought to be a friend. Those are the wounds that hurt the most-an enemy's wounds can be expected. The ones that surprise us are those that come from people we thought were our brother or sister in Christ. Yet, Jesus experienced the same and why would I think my life would be any different. I have learned through the years that there are some who are Judas in our lives-they never were with us and there are Peters in our lives-those that may betray us but we will once again be reconciled. I hope for the day of reconciliation.

I pray your day is blessed with the goodness of God :)

I used Fhung's border and Jen Wilson's paper for this

Thursday, February 22, 2007


I received a wonderful surprise in my Inbox the other day! It was a note from Kristie telling me I was given a gift certificate to the Shabby Shoppe!! Why???? I have absolutely no clue! Aren't those the best surprises-when we don't even know why but they are just given to us!! Who said only little kids like surprises??? I was all wide-eyed and reading and rereading to make sure what I was reading was right :)
There are so many wonderful kits I have had my eye on over at the Shabby Shoppe but just had to practice some self control. I try to do a bit of shopping here and there of my favorite things. What a fun treat this is going to be!
I finally got around to another LO. It took forever!!!! Looking at it you would think it's the easiest LO in the world-ok,,,,not for me LOL. I usually like to scrap with kits and if it's not in the kit, I don't use it. So, I made myself go for things from different designers!! Yikes...what a stretch!! I am always so amazed by these layouts that have tons of credits on them and I think-wow-that makes me dizzy trying to look through so much stuff! But, I did it-took about 5 hours or so...yep you read that right :) I put some layouts in my favorites to try with all the clusters and fun stuff. Oh and check out the have to know me to appreciate this little tidbit LOL. I am soooo not a great scrapper but I actually figured out how to put two layers of the string and then erase part of it. My fete accompli YEAH!!! Ok, go ahead and laugh now, it's ok :) I really wanted to do some fun stuff on the top corner but it took about a half hour to figure out where to put the heart-I mean I literally was moving it up, down, sideways, etc! It seems like it should be dangling off the cardboard, but oh well, I was getting tired!
So, anyway, that's the long story....because I am long winded I think :)

Funny thing last night...we usually have our midweek service on Thurs but last night we were to have a guest from the states come and teach. Well, he missed his flight or got snowed in, or something..he didn't end up making it. Well, on Sunday, Jim asked everyone to come out for Wed night even if they don't usually make midweek service...everyone came!!! So, Jim told them it was all a joke and he just wanted to see if they would all come for midweek!! They got a kick out of it. We ended up having a great service and DH taught from Isaiah 40. Such a good reminder of God's infinite power and might. Why do we fear and why do we doubt-He's God-He created the universe, He holds the world in the palm of His hand....can't He work out the things in our life!!!!
Those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint . Isaiah 40:31

Most of us know this verse by heart, but we forget to meditate upon the words and what they mean. That happens so many times with scriptures we memorize and have known for so long. It's easy for them to just become words and we lose the meaning in them! Let's choose some of the familiar verses and mediate on them again that they would come alive in our lives :)

You can see the credits here

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

So Blessed!

I am really overwhelmed by God's goodness and I should realize by now how good He is!
We had a wonderful time in Greece. It was so good to spend time with our friends and chit chat, hang out and be goofy together~the girls that is. The guys were...well...they were guys. My friend and I had a blast being silly and I felt like I was back in high school with all the giggling we did.
Our pictures came out good so I have lots of scrapping to do soon. We even went to Starbucks while we were there and I bought one of their collector mugs that has "Greece" written on it. We got one for DH while we were in the states this summer for Father's Day so now we can add to the collection. I told him I need to go back to Vienna now so I can get the one there. :)
We went to Corinth and saw the old market place. It was awesome. Also, we hiked to Mars Hill and Acropolis. Everything is so old and filled with history! Lots and lots of walking though. Took a toll on my poor feet. Of course it didn't help that I had 2 inch heels on either LOL. Ever since living in Europe I find myself wearing heels all the time-I was always into flats but I am just killing my calves for the sake of style!!! I told Jim I thought they should put one of those moving things they have in airports all around the attractions so we can have a leisurely look around without breaking a heel. LOL!!
I will add some pics real soon.
Sad news was on our flight from Athens to Munich I realized about 3 minutes after we got off the plane that I left my bible on the plane. Jim ran back to the plane and they wouldn't let him get back on nor would any of the workers at the gate go and check. We checked when we landed in Budapest to see if was turned in but it wasn't. So, I called Lufthansa the other day and they found it and they have it in Munich...well, I would think they could put it on a flight to Budapest and we can go pick it up...wrong!! They said the only way I can get it is to either go to Munich and pick it up or have a friend in Munich pick it up for me. Ok-that really doesn't help me. I am so sad about this because my Bible is so special to me. My husband bought it for me years ago for Christmas at a time when we barely had any money. It is now held together with duct tape and the pages actually are all apart from the actual cover-but, it's my bible. If you have a bible, you know what I mean. It's like I know where everything is-the side of the page the verse is 0n, if it's on the top, bottom, or's got all kinds of markings in it. Anyway, they will hold it three months so hopefully I will find someone to go and get it for me. We are going to Germany in May but not to Munich-a friend might go soon so I am praying I can get it back!!! Please pray!!
Here's a picture of DH and me escaping the rain storm while we were in Athens. It's Sunday and nothing is open-except Starbucks of course :) Had to grab a good ole coffee to warm us up!

Hope to write more tomorrow and put up some more pictures from the trip.

Have a blessed day:)
I used Fhung's border for this picture-they are great!

Friday, February 09, 2007

This time tomorrow....

We will be in Athens, Greece!!! We are so excited about our trip and being able to go see some great historical sites. Of course we are more thrilled that we will meet up with our friends who live in CA!! They are treating us to this wonderful trip for 5 days.

We will go to Corinth on Monday for a tour and that will be fun. Corinthians was actually the first book of the bible my husband taught when he became a Pastor. We will also see Mars Hill and other great places. I think I am like a little kid right now with such excitement. Plus, DH is teaching through the book of Acts for our midweek study so it will seem like it comes alive to me!! This is such an amazing dream for me! I always wanted to go to Israel and walk in the places of the bible, maybe some day, but this is just as thrilling for me.

I hope to get lots of good pictures while we are there. I don't have the world's best camera, but it should be fine and if not, I will have to get a lot of postcards! Hopefully the weather will be nice too. I checked and there could be some rain Monday but I pray it will just be a bit and not enough to ruin our sightseeing.

Hmm, I wonder what kind of food we will eat!! Ha ha!!! I think a gyros will be on my menu of what to eat-as long as it isn't lamb. I just don't care for the after taste from lamb. Chicken and turkey gyros are really good though. I heart they have great olive oil there too-can it compare to what I got in Sicily?????? We will have to see. Oh I just realized I can have a Greek salad in Greece!!! LOL.. Did you ever eat some ethnic food in the states and then have it in an authentic place and it's not even close?? My daughter was in shock to hear that they don't even have orange chicken in China!!

Ok-I better get going and fold another load of laundry....never ends does it :)
Have a blessed weekend and may Jesus's light shine brightly in your life!!
Here's a couple pics of some sites we'll see:
well, Blogger won't let me so we'll have to wait for the real pics when I return :)

Thursday, February 08, 2007

From My Heart

This will probably be a bit long of a post but I hope you indulge me and bear with me :)

This has been on my heart the past week and I have prayed about how to best word it so as not to offend people and not come off as judgemental, legalistic or any other words that so often are attached to a Christian who is wanting to stand up for her convictions. May I say, these are my convictions and you may not share in them and that is not my business, but I do feel a responsibility to speak from my heart the things the Lord puts there.

Being an American living overseas for the last 5-1/2 years has been quite a challenge. It's challenging to live in another culture where a different language is spoken, you eat different foods, you can't just call a friend and chit chat or go to Starbucks (there aren't any) and grab the latest latte. It's easy to find yourself isolated and even sad because you miss your family and friends and can't always talk about things with the people here as you can with your friends at home. I was thrilled when I found digital scrapping on the internet and even more excited when I saw that there were so many Christian women who hang out on these sites. I felt like I had a little connection with people in America. I am not able to support the designers in the community as much as I would like, but I do what I can. I don't post a lot or as much as I would like to but that is because I have to choose my words wisely. But, I still feel like a voice even if it is a small one :) (don't ask my husband if I have a small voice LOL)

Over the past few months, I have become so grieved in my heart at the things I read from Christians on different sites. This past week really put the brakes on for me. Christians who openly say they are Christians and yet out of their mouths come offensive speech. Yes, we as Christians have liberty, but we are not to use that liberty to cause others to stumble. We have a responsibility to live above reproach. If we are going to confess Christ, then we need to put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no room for the flesh. We shouldn't be using words and phrases that compromise the Lord. Joking and jesting are fun but they can be taken too far. Talking about God one minute and the next warming ourselves by the fire with the world is not how we should be behaving.
You can't imagine how many times I want to chime in with my opinion about something I think is unfair or some thread that might be amusing but I don't want to misrepresent my Lord. I have a responsibility as a professing Christian and it needs to be taken seriously. Does my opinion count? You know what....not always. How many times do we find ourselves tangled in worldly conversations because of our pride-wanting to get our opinion across and try to persuade others to take on our point of view. Unfortunately, in doing so we stoop to the level we ought not go. We let our guard down and find ourselves in places we don't belong.
There are so many ways that God wants to use His children. So many ways that we can be encouraging, uplifting and helpful to others. He has given people talents, scrapbooking included and brings people in our lives that we can have an effect on and be an example to. Should we not take this seriously? We don't need to participate in conversations that aren't edifying and only add more fuel to the fire.
I find myself so easily drawn to drama and things of the sort and want so badly to put in my 2 cents (funny I can't find the cent symbol lol ) and I really do have to pray for self control not to engage myself in these conversations because I will be ugly in my responses. Believe me friends, I know that there are non Christians who read the things we write and scratch their heads and think "Hmm, they are a Christian?" Is it unfair to be judged like that? Maybe, but that's the way things are. Our attitudes, our behavior, our lifestyles do have an effect on others whether we like it or not. Why not use the influences, the resourses, the talents that we have to influence others for Christ. Sure, we may get laughs and pats on the shoulders from others when we joke and say things in a worldly sense, but is that what we really want? Is that what Christ wants? We are to be a light to the world, shining brightly for Jesus. We are told to let our lights shine that others may see and glorify God. Is God glorified in the things we say?

In Ephesians 4:29 Paul writes: "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. " It's not always just what we say that can be a good example, but what we don't say. The bible says we will give an account for every idle word we speak-that keeps me on my toes!! The Lord wants so much to work these things out in our lives. He wants so much to use us in the places we are to bear fruit, to be a witness to Him, to stand for righteousness. Notice I don't say self-righteousness. I also don't say that we have to bombard the message boards with biblical messages and put people down, condemn them, point out their sins, absolutely NOT! But, there are plenty of times I see people asking for prayer, needing a helping hand...guess what-we are privlegded to pray for them! I know that many of you already do that and it's awesome, so let's try to keep it to those things and avoid the others. There are Galleries with layouts that have little or no comments. Use your time to praise if you can. Please don't look at what I am writing as a big "Oh another holier than thou Christian(believe me, I am far from that ) telling us what we can or can't do" rather "how can I best utilize the gifts God has given me-the gift of helps, the gift of encouragement, etc. Christians can be a lot of fun and bring excitement to places they hang out. What I do challenge we Christians to is to take a look at how we represent our Lord. Really go before the Lord and ask Him to use us for His glory. Ask Him to help us in areas we are weak in-our pride, self-control, whatever it may be. He doesn't want us to compromise and He will help us in these things. He calls us to be separate-to be consecrated to Him alone.

I will leave you with this and pray that you will be encouraged in the things of the Lord!
Thanks for listening :)
(I used Janel K's paper and milk and cereal font)

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Scraps and Sales

Wow-what a week in digiscrap land! So many sales happening it makes my head spin. I haven't clicked the "buy now" buttons yet. I am waiting for the last moment to make sure I don't just buy on impulse. I know that's not fun for the designer, but I can't impulse shop. I mean, I certainly can and enjoy it, but I am too concsious about spending on what I don't really need.
Of course today I see Misty's new kit-Classy and it's gorgeous!!! It's already in my Wish List waiting for a sale :)

Her work is just incredible. You can't go wrong scrapping with her designs. If you haven't tried her designs yet, you can go to her blog (link at side of my blog) and there is a sample up there today. Not only are her designs great, but Misty offers so many tutorials on her blog-a definite place to stop each day in blogland.
I love her new brag book templates too. I have them on my Wish List too. I need to make a book for my parents from their cross country road trip and this will be perfect!

My Mom emails me pics all the time and asks me to do layouts for her. That's what I love-I am not a great scrapper, but my family loves what I make for them and that's what counts!! Don't need to make it in any magazine or a CT or whatever....those things are great, but I think too many give up because they look at other's work and don't think they measure up. Plus, if you post in galleries and don't get a lot of praise it's easy to give up. That happened to me, but I just realized I am not scrapping for others and what they think, but for my family! They love it and are so blessed when I make something for them and it encourages me to do more :)

Ok-so I was thinking, yes, I know, I do that sometimes.....all these different ways to manipulate photos got me to thinking about stuff. I saw a thread at DST (sorry, but I don't feel like looking for the link right now, but it was in the Photography section)about a week or so ago. It was about this site that did amazing transformations to photos. They took all the wrinkles, even some extra skin(that's a nice word huh) and "fixed" it all up. There's nothing I like better than taking a photo of myself and trying to make it look more glamorous. Smooth out my skin, highlight this or that, put a sparkle here or there-but I was wondering how far do we go with photo alerations. You know how eating disorders and body image are so huge in the world and girls and women everywhere are wanting to look like the models in the magazines. Noone really looks like that in real life-we know the secrets of Photoshop now ! :) Yet, we want to manipulate our photos, our kids photos, etc to try to achieve this "perfect look". I don't know how to word this all properly, but hopefully you understand what I am saying. Back to the thread....there was a woman who tried this photo technique and now isn't embarrassed to show a photo of herself. She showed the before and after and was thrilled about the after. Honestly, it made me so sad because this person is so pretty without the photo altering and how sad that she doesn't think so. While technology is good and with Photoshop and other things we the people can now enjoy playing around with it, I wonder what will be next. Ok-thank you for indulging me here...I think out loud a lot and sometimes it's hard to put into words.

Now for my big news... I told you hubby and I are going away on a trip next week (a week from today) and here's where we are going: Athens, Greece!!! We are staying at this beautiful hotel Grande Bretagne. Our friends are going there and are treating us to a vacation also. I just can't even believe it!!! If you knew what it's like to live on a missionary budget (now you realize why I can't buy many scrap items) and yet here we are going to be staying 4 nights in this amazing hotel!!! God is just amazing with His blessings!!!! Truely when I think of all the ways He has blessed us I am overwhelmed! We have a deluxe room (you have to check it out) that overlooks the Acropolis. It's going to be an amazing trip. We will get to stand on some of the places that Paul the apostle was teaching and also we are going to take a trip to Corinth while we are there. I can't wait!! I hope I get lots of good pictures while we are there. I will share them with you when we get back.

Enjoy your weekend and may the Lord minister to your heart that you would know His amazing love for you!

Here are a couple LO's I did with Misty's Old Copper Penny kit (you can get it at SBB). On the LO with my dd and her cousin I used Misty's template and scraplifted her LO from the template. Of course it didn't come out exactly like hers....but :) I also used Jennilyn's photo bends but I couldn't figure out how to use them properly-I have to figure that out still