It's interesting because I was looking for a song yesterday online by Selah and I happened to watch their performance during the 5 yr. Memorial for Sept 11th. I was looking at different news programs from that day and mentioned to Jim how the regular morning shows were on and news people were saying how beautiful it was outside, nice and calm and peaceful....30 minutes later everything as we know it would change. We had just moved here 2 months before so we didn't even know what was happening until we went to someone's house to watch the news. But I thought that this is how it will be when the Rapture happens. It will just be another day-nothing out of the ordinary and then complete chaos will take over the world. We talked about that this morning and how a tragic event like what happened in VA yesterday and Sept. 11th captivates everyone and we are so glued to the events on tv as they unfold. Imagine the day of the Rapture-millions gone and who that's left will know the explanation-just amazing to think about. I pray noone I love will be here to witness the events!
I did the challenge at My Digital Muse the other day. It was a cute template so I thought I would join in. One of the gals that did a LO with it mentioned how the template was good for not so great photos and it is so true! I don't always have great photos-mainly I don't have a great camera-but I still want to be able to scrap the pictures and this was a great way to do it. I had a lot of fun with it although I still can't get the pictures to quite fit as I want them to in the templates.
You can see the credits here
Oh and Mrs Miles had asked about the bagel recipe from a few posts ago. I can't even remember where I found it LOL. The only reason I made homemade ones is because we can't get them over here and I was craving them. They are quite a bit of work :) If you haven't gone to Mrs. Miles blog, you can check it out here. There is always such wonderful inspiration on her blog. She has a gift for writing!
Be sure to tell those you love how much you love them and ask forgiveness of those you need to. We never know when our lives will suddenly change and we can no longer do that.
He is our peace!