Busy as a bee
We had our teen girls brunch at my house last Sat. I didn't get pictures-I am waiting for someone to make a disk for me because DH had the camera for the Men's Pancake Breakfast-he took a whopping four pictures and they were mostly of the same thing!! Had a blast preparing for the girls brunch! I made homemade bagels, cinnamon rolls, craisin muffins, overnight french toast, fruit salad and some other little yummies!! Everything was delicious!!! It was so funny to watch the Hungarian girls sheepishly look at some of the food at first and not want to try it but let me tell you-by the time I was ready to eat there were only some muffins left!! Everything was gone in no time!! We had a great devotion based on Jeremiah 29:11. We talked about God's plans for us and His goodness. Of course before too much time, our focus was on guys and why do girls feel incomplete without a boyfriend. It was so neat to have this open talk with them. They want to come each month and talk like this. I think it's so good because when I became a Christian 25 yrs ago, noone talked about these things. You were told to be Godly, to be a "good Godly girl", but I had no clue what that meant! There was noone to disciple me and teach me what exactly it meant. Now, I want so much that girls and women would know these things. How precious they are in the sight of God and not to settle for anything less than His best!
We are busy planning a Youth Retreat in May. It will be the first one so we are a bit nervous to see what kind of response we will receive from the other churches. So far, so good. The theme is Committed to Christ. We still have to finish lining up the different speakers but hopefully that will happen this next week.
I have been working on the church scrapbook lately. I took advantage of Janet Phillip's awesome sale and bought some template packs to help me out. I want to scrap the last 6 years' events and make a nice book for the church to keep. Here's one I did the other day. I used Bek Cutshaw's holiday template and Kelly Shults's Christmas kit.
I figure if I scrap a LO a week I should be finished in about a year LOL!! I am going to get plenty of use from all the great templates-makes life so much easier for me. I am still debating whether or not to get PSE 5. I see that Holly's stuff is on sale right now and I really want to get her actions but they only work on Photoshop. So many of my photos need a POP and I can't work it out myself in PSP. Also, I love these by Jen Caputo:
And Janet also has this awesome ABC book that I have on my wish list. I think it would be great for a scripture book. Even just decorating the pages and giving it without the pictures would be great baby shower gifts don't you think!
Have you gone over to Shabby Princess's blog lately? Kristy has a beautiful desk top download for April!! I have a feeling that there are going to be some pretty kits coming out soon with these designs!! I can't wait until April now!! I just read that some new releases will be here shortly!! I guess I should get going-we have church tonight which means I may need to lay down and take a cat nap this afternoon. I haven't been getting good sleep the last few nights so I am a bit tired and I don't think DH would appreciate it if I fell asleep during his sermon LOL-
Have a blessed day :)
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