Happy Monday
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Mine was very relaxing. Cleaned quite a bit on Sat. and then went to a couple of the chats at SBB. Had a fun time. I haven't been to a chat in ages so this weekend I think I made up for it. It was fun because there were some other ladies from Europe so it made it a bit funner for me. Also I won a prize!!! Yep,,,can you believe it!! I guessed the actual day of SBB's birthday (Jan 25th) and won a 15.00 gift certificate to Fungh Lie's store!!! I am so thrilled! I have had my eye on some of her products and now I am able to get them. I truely have been blessed!!
I purchased my very first "not on sale" item ever!! It was Misty Cato's Northwest Casual kit. I bought some of her elements that were marked down to $1.00 but I couldn't resist her kit. Of course my wish list has more of her stuff in it but I am happy I could get what I did. We just had our anniversary and since we didn't get each other gifts for it or really for Christmas I was able to treat myself to some goodies. It was fun! Jim is thrilled that I have a great hobby and that it also blesses our family and friends when the LO's are finished. Good to have a supportive husband. Guess he can't say too much since my hobby is much less costly than his music! Ah, that's a whole different topic.
We had such an encouraging message at church yesterday! We are studying Luke's gospel right now and DH was reminding us Jesus is coming back soon!! We lose sight of this so easily. Life takes over and the day in day out stuff takes priority so often that we are not occupied with the things of the Kingdom. How many people we know and love -even people in our cities are going to hell because the don't know Jesus! And how many times we don't share the message of the Gospel because we are afraid to offend someone! I am not talking about being beligerent and in someone's face-I mean giving the message of the Gospel-giving them the opportunity to except or reject the message. We take for granted we will see them a different day-maybe we won't. Whatever God has called us to do, we must do it. Don't think we have days, or months or years to do what we know He is saying to do! Also, DH talked about repentance and how we must remember what we have been forgiven. Being broken before the Lord-keeping that awe and reverance before Him. I think that it's good for us to read Revelation 20 every now and then and get the realization of eternity without Christ. Remembering that so many will die separated eternally from Christ. This should make our hearts break-it should make us on fire to bring the message of the hope that we have to others. Don't be afraid-yes, some will think we are off our rockers-we are extreme, we are judgemental, we think we know it all, we think we are the only true ones-whatever people think, they will think. We are not responsible for others and their choices. We need only to obey what God tells us and get beyond the response of others. Think of Jeremiah's ministry-not one repented, not one turned from their sin...was Jeremiah doing something wrong? Maybe if he had the latest Christian band, or the latest Christian this or that people would have responded better-NO!! Jeremiah had the Words from the Lord and he obeyed his call-he wasn't called to change the hearts of the people-only to deliver the message. I encourage those of you on the mission field, those who diligently share the Gospel-don't give up-don't judge your effectiveness based on how many respond. You stay true and faithful to what God is calling you to do. He has given every person a free will and allows them to reject or accept.
Sorry, didn't mean for this to be so long-just got very passionate about this subject. Look around at the things happening in our world. Birth pains!!!
I put up a couple more blog links and notice my new blinkie! Check them out when you have time.
I did a couple LO's for the SBB chat. I'll post one and you can check out the others over at my gallery there if you want.

Have a blessed day!!!!
I purchased my very first "not on sale" item ever!! It was Misty Cato's Northwest Casual kit. I bought some of her elements that were marked down to $1.00 but I couldn't resist her kit. Of course my wish list has more of her stuff in it but I am happy I could get what I did. We just had our anniversary and since we didn't get each other gifts for it or really for Christmas I was able to treat myself to some goodies. It was fun! Jim is thrilled that I have a great hobby and that it also blesses our family and friends when the LO's are finished. Good to have a supportive husband. Guess he can't say too much since my hobby is much less costly than his music! Ah, that's a whole different topic.
We had such an encouraging message at church yesterday! We are studying Luke's gospel right now and DH was reminding us Jesus is coming back soon!! We lose sight of this so easily. Life takes over and the day in day out stuff takes priority so often that we are not occupied with the things of the Kingdom. How many people we know and love -even people in our cities are going to hell because the don't know Jesus! And how many times we don't share the message of the Gospel because we are afraid to offend someone! I am not talking about being beligerent and in someone's face-I mean giving the message of the Gospel-giving them the opportunity to except or reject the message. We take for granted we will see them a different day-maybe we won't. Whatever God has called us to do, we must do it. Don't think we have days, or months or years to do what we know He is saying to do! Also, DH talked about repentance and how we must remember what we have been forgiven. Being broken before the Lord-keeping that awe and reverance before Him. I think that it's good for us to read Revelation 20 every now and then and get the realization of eternity without Christ. Remembering that so many will die separated eternally from Christ. This should make our hearts break-it should make us on fire to bring the message of the hope that we have to others. Don't be afraid-yes, some will think we are off our rockers-we are extreme, we are judgemental, we think we know it all, we think we are the only true ones-whatever people think, they will think. We are not responsible for others and their choices. We need only to obey what God tells us and get beyond the response of others. Think of Jeremiah's ministry-not one repented, not one turned from their sin...was Jeremiah doing something wrong? Maybe if he had the latest Christian band, or the latest Christian this or that people would have responded better-NO!! Jeremiah had the Words from the Lord and he obeyed his call-he wasn't called to change the hearts of the people-only to deliver the message. I encourage those of you on the mission field, those who diligently share the Gospel-don't give up-don't judge your effectiveness based on how many respond. You stay true and faithful to what God is calling you to do. He has given every person a free will and allows them to reject or accept.
Sorry, didn't mean for this to be so long-just got very passionate about this subject. Look around at the things happening in our world. Birth pains!!!
I put up a couple more blog links and notice my new blinkie! Check them out when you have time.
I did a couple LO's for the SBB chat. I'll post one and you can check out the others over at my gallery there if you want.

Have a blessed day!!!!
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