New banner and....
So... (guess I love to use.... and -). I think it's fun not having to worry about proper sentence structure and grammar on these blogs! Just write it as it comes out and don't give it a second thought! Imagine if our blogs got graded!! HUH!!!! I would fail!!! Oh man, I am just all over the place in la la land tonight. I hit my face on the front door the other day and my nose is hurting so much and it is affecting my sinuses. Don't ask how I managed to do that-I have no clue. I tell you again....I am a walking bruise. I stubbed my big toe the other day and thought nothing of it. Then, I started doing my workout and was thinking-hey my toe hurts a lot. Sure enough there's a big blood blister on it. I really scare myself at times! If I am this clumsy at 46 I can't imagine in years to come! Hopefully my workouts will keep me somewhat in shape.
Speaking of workouts...I have been very faithful with my video. Someone from America left it here probably 8 years ago and I found it in the church and started doing it with my daughter a couple years ago. I wasn't too faithful but after seeing some unattractive rolls starting to appear at my waistline I decided to get on the ball. No..not literally on one of those exercise balls....oh gosh that would be a fright!!! I would be rolling down the street getting caught under a car I think. I am what one would call "coordinationally challenged". Hmm do you think it's a word??? Anyway, this video is sooooo late 80's or 90's -fushia outfits, big hair...a crack up. But it's actually the best workout I have ever had. We ordered Pilates last year but it's too slow for me. I need to sweat with aerobics. Of course that's a crack up too. Here's the gal telling us to use opposite arm and leg to lift the weight and move the legs-uhmmm ok -I decided to just stand there amd lift the weights over my head because by the time I figured out how to lift one arm over my head and move the opposite leg in front of the other leg at the same time the set was over!!!! Yes, folks, I do believe if someone filmed me I could win Amercian Funniest Videos. My daughter loved working out with me because of my "gracefulness"!! LOL
Have you seen Janet Phillips is having a 6months anniversary sale at the Digi Shoppe. Her templates are wonderful-go check them out here. Also check out her blog entry from yesterday (I think it was) and see her inspiration to keep us gals scrappin' and not hoardin'! Just click on her name to the right of my blog. You won't be sorry :) I managed a LO the other day. I am not all that happy with it because I couldn't put the photos in the grids properly. They kept getting all distorted. I posted a question on Misty's blog (link to the right) to ask how to do this. Probably simple stuff, but, hey, I am complex LOL
I am gazing over at the Shabby Shoppe and wonderfing what to spend my gift certificate on. I know for sure I will get this:
I have noticed I am going to all the dark colors lately. I love the old, vintagey, rustic look but when I saw this kit I realize I miss the bright, fun whimsy look too. So, I am going to brighten things up a bit. It's tough narrowing down Shabby Princess kits because all of them are wonderful!
What else is new? Well, not too muchnew. We are still trusting in God to pull us through this trial I mentioned last time. It's really hard going through it but the Lord has already taught me so much through it. I love how He does those things. He uses everything for our good if we let Him. He even will use the pain someone else causes to show us things in our own life. I have to learn not to react in my flesh so often and commit things to prayer first. I always want to analyze things and try to figure out stuff and sometimes there's just no figuring it out. I love Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. I lean on mine so much and need to trust even when things don't make sense!!
Well folks, I think it is time for me to end this entry. I am tired and feel like reading someone else's blog than my own now :)
Have a blessed weekend!! I will put up the LO next time-that's how lazy I am right now :)
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