Yep, that's what my husband is tonight-delayed in New York. He is stuck at the airport there and they don't even give him a voucher for a hotel. He has to spend 13 hours at JFK. What a wonderful welcome to the states after all this time!! He was delayed by Customs or something for 2 hours while they quizzed him. Who knows what for-it's just ridiculous that they did that for such a long time and made him miss his connection and lost his luggage for awhile and then found it. I totally understand security and questioning but 2 hours when he has travelled back and forth for so many years and has all the right paperwork, etc. Then, not to give any food or hotel voucher is just beyond my comprehension!!! I am really upset about this -mostly because my husband is just so deserving of a rest and just gives 110% of his life for others and now this-ok-so he will be here tomorrow morning and I am glad!! He should be with us around noon and it will be good to see him. I am just such an emotional wreck lately. It's so hard to adjust to being here. I was telling my friend that it is like trying to live in a world that you don't really belong in right now. Everything is so different and people and time just continue on and I am still stuck in the way things were when I left CA. I just about broke down in tears at Ross yesterday because everything just got to me. It's all so big, so many questions, I can't remember how to use the ATM machines the right way and to check out at the stores is so different than when I lived here. I think the jet lag is just making everything more difficult to handle. Thank God for His grace and that He never changes!!! Something that we can depend on always!!!
I am going nuts not being able to scrapbook!! I have to wait for my daughter's laptop and then hope it has enough memory on it to do some things. My Mom wants me to teach her digi scrapping so that will be fun. She has dial-up though so it's going to be weird with her downloading when I am so used to my DSL. Well, just wanted to update a bit-please be praying for our family if you think of it. It's been a couple years since being here so we need to adjust our ways and it's not as easy as I thought. We leave for our family cruise on Sunday and it's going to be a blast! ! I can't wait-just relax and eat :)
Blessings to you and may the love of Jesus fill your hearts:)
We are still trying to adjust being back in CA. Everything is so big--the cars, the homes, the grocery stores, etc. It's hard to come back and see how much there is compared to what we are used to. Living in CA for so many years you would think that we are accustomed to this lifestyle, but how quickly you acclamate to your new environment. The housing prices are so ridiculous!! I don't know how we could ever live here again-it would totally have to be a God thing!! Miracles happen I know-but boy oh boy this would really be a miracle LOLMarla had her banquet last night. Wish I was on my own computer and could show you some photos. My husband is bringing her laptop next week when he flies out so maybe I can do it with hers. It's a pretty old laptop though and I don't know how the memory will be. I will try though. She had a great time and got to see many old friends she hasn't seen in two years. I can't download any scrap kits to this computer so I am just dying here!!lol!!! I just saw that Shabby Princess has a new free kit that is awesome!! I can't wait to download it. Haven't done any scrapping at all since being here. Sort of impossible, but I will try once we return from the cruise. My sleep schedule is messed up still. Can't sleep past 6am it seems and I don't mind that because I am usually awake in Hungary at that time too, it's just that I go to bed too late here. Hopefully within the week I will be back to normal. Just in time for DH to get here and see him be jet lagged!!Thanks for you faithful readers!! Say hi if you want :) Praying your day is wonderfully blessed in Jesus!! He is our all in all!! Our might fortress, our joy, our strength!!
good ole USA
We have arrived safely in CA and are experiencing wonderful jet lag!! Woke up at 3am today and then went back to sleep for a bit and finally decided to get up. It's so crazy with the time change. Hopefully it won't take too long to get used to the time zone here. My poor daughter is sick-all congested and a sore throat. I think the air on the plane was too much for her. We went to our home church last night and it was so awesome! So good to see all of our friends again and have worship in English again. It was so overwhelming as we were singing How Great Is Our God and I was thinking how amazing the Lord is that we were in CA. How He provided for us to be there when there was no way we could ever do it on our own. We serve an amazing God!!
Hope you are all doing well-I imagine I will be spuratic with my blog while we are here-too many fun things to do and people to see. Plus we have to prepare for the cruise. We will leave Memorial weekend on that Sunday. Plus, we were given tickets to Spirit West Coast for Friday and Saturday. It's going to be a blast!!! Can't wait to see all the different bands!
Praying your day is filled with all the goodness of the Lord :)
Happy Mother's Day
Today was bittersweet as we celebrated Mother's Day but also my daughter's last Sunday in Hungary. The church had a big party for her and it was beautiful. Of course we were all in tears...the kids got up and sang in English a song by Michael W Smith "A Lifetime's Not Too Long To Live As Friends". That was just too much for me to handle and I about lost it. Marla did because it was just so moving to hear the kids sing to her in English. Then the whole congregation sang the chorus in Hungarian and wow-it was as if they knew the song all their lives. One of the gals in the church surprised us and translated it and taught it to the kids and then wrote the Hungarian words on a transparency so the others could follow along. What a day!! I didn't know it would hit me so hard but it did! First of all I woke up and realized it will be our last Mother's Day together for a long time! That was hard! Then, just as we reflected on all the Lord has done in her life since being here and her heart to serve Him-I realized a chapter in our lives is over now. Ok-I am going to stop now because I am bawling like a baby and can't read my typing!So, we pack away feverously tomorrow-of course I want to scrap some of the photos from today---maybe I will and someone will miraculously come to my house and finish cleaning and packing for me LOL
Hope you all had a blessed and very happy Mother's Day~!Mother's Day card made with Laura Apuluche's Sweet Elise kit
Passing by
so quickly....are the days!!!! Yikes, I can't even believe that we are going to CA!! Marla's room is slowly showing signs that there really is a carpet in there and my suitcases are filling up. We had to weigh the suitcases today which led to such drama and disappointment....not the suitcases, but the scale!! We bought a scale a few months ago and it's terrible!!!!! I think it's off by atleast 5 kilos. There's no way that we weigh what the scale said!! It's really heartbreaking for my daughter because she has been working out and watching her food intake so much in the past months. She isn't even 5' tall and has such a struggle with weight. I just don't understand why she never grew much. I saw her birthmom and her family was all short but we never saw the guy. We thought she would atleast get to 5'. Do you know if girls grow past the age of 18? I always was told that most girls grow til about 16 and stop. The poor thing just has such a hard time. So, when she went to weigh her suitcase she got on the scale first and was so bummed because it was so much more than she thought-so I tried to comfort her and tell her that I think the scale is off, but she's bummed. Her clothes are all loose though and you can tell she's lost weight, but I guess the scale got to her-I am ready to throw it out. I used to live my life by the stupid scale so I wouldn't mind getting rid of it LOL!!! Ok-so once again, I think I am going to write about one thing and it leads to another...I've been taking lots of photos at the church lately. Some of the girls are putting together a book for Marla as a going away present. They are so funny because they told me I had to stay out of it. They are doing it their way so I have to just be quiet. I am behaving and staying quiet!!! It will be a blessing to her and a great memory of her 5 years here.I made a layout with her and one of the girls. I tried the blending, erasing thing today. Not so thrilled with it, but I thought the paper and photo really went well together. I used Josafeen and Sally's paper (IOD) and Katie Pertiet's words.
We had our midweek church service tonight. We are finishing up 2Thess. and it's so good. It's great to be reminded that Jesus is coming back one day!! So often I get side-tracked in the everyday hustle and bustle of life and fail to live in the eager expectation of His return. Even when DH was teaching he said that at any moment Jesus could return-even now. So at first I was thinking to myself-oh yeah, that would be awesome, but then I realized that after a few seconds I was sort of casual about it like-well, we know it won't actually be now. It's like I really didn't believe it or have the expectation - I want to live more and more each day that this could be it-there's a song I heard before-I just remember the chorus and it says "I want to be found ready". That's what I want-ok so I am thinking of this analogy now-maybe it's weird, but my family and friends know that we are coming to CA to visit and they are preparing for our visit...and when the day arrives, they will be waiting with eagerness for our return to CA. They will plan their day accordingly around our arrival and be there to greet us when we arrive. It should be all the more with Jesus!! We don't know His time of return, but we know it will happen and we should have that eagerness and making the preparations in our lives for His return. Be found ready!!! What is He calling you to do today? What has He put on your heart to do now? Don't wait until a better time, a better day. Don't wait until there's financial security so you can freely serve Him-no, just do it!! I am reading in 1 Samuel for my devotions and read the greatest thing the other morning-Samuel was talking to Saul and said to him " ...that you may do as the occasion demands for God is with you. 1 Sam. 10:7b. I must have read that verse so many times in my life but it didn't stick out to me like now! Do what the occasion demands-don't put it off, don't fear or fret over it, just do what God wants you to do even if it doesn't make sense because He IS with you!!I have talked your ears off once again-sorry I am so long!!!Have a joyful day in Him :)
A week away
Yes, that's all the time I have now to prepare for our trip to CA!! Been so busy, but still have made time to do a couple of fun things!! I realized today how thankful I am for the creativity of others. The different gifts that we are all given are incredible!! Some have awesome artistic talent, others are hospitable, encouraging, great cooks, etc. Why is it that we tend to look at others gifts and talents and envy them and fail to be thankful for the ones we have been given?!! We teach our children that they are good at different things and encourage them to find their knack. We need to take our own advice. Often I would find myself looking at people's artistic talent or even musical talent and wonder why I couldn't have the same. But today, I finally got around to making a layout with a song that just expresses my heart right now and as I looked for a kit to use I decided to use Jen Wilson's. I found a beautiful paper to use and the font to write with-everything just flowed (atleast to me it does) I thought about how wonderful digi scrapping is because I can make my journal of pages look beautiful even though I am artistically challenged! Ok-sappy maybe but it really means a lot to me to be able to have nice journal pages and for the life of me I can't even draw decent stick figures!! I am no designer, never will be, but I can enjoy the work of others and use it for me! At the same time, I can realize there are areas that I am gifted in and visible or not, they are there and I can use them to glorify God and be thankful for what has been given to me. I made this layout with inspiration from Melissa's challenge. I just didn't get it done in time. But, since I had it in my head to do this I wanted to get it finished. I love the words to the song and they just minister to me so much. No matter what is going on in my life, no matter the circumstances, I want to not only trust God in those things, but I want to be able to praise Him too.!! That is the challenging part-praising Him in the situations!! But, I know it's possible because He has said it to be so. Where do I set my mind-where is my focus? Is it on the things that are true and right and holy, praiseworthy? Or are my thoughts bombarded about what everyone else is doing, how they are affecting my life, what do others think about me? I love the verse that says "I don't understand all that You allow". But, then today I was thinking, I really don't need to understand it. I just have to really believe that when Jesus said "I am with you always" and I will never leave you or forsake you" He meant those words. So, no matter what the trial or situation, God is with me!! He is upholding me and allowing me to feed on His faithfulness if I will trust Him. He is able, more than able!! Let us encourage one another and spur one another on in the things that are true!!If you are struggling or just need prayer, please feel free to let me know or email me if you don't want it on the comments. You can just write your name if you don't feel comfortable writing the details-don't even have to use your name-just say PLEASE PRAY-our Father in Heaven knows you and He knows your name and your needs :)Have a wonderful day in Him :)So, here's my layout using Jen's Spring Collection-the Linen Closet papers and the font is akafrivolity. Click on the image so you can see the words better if you want.
Can you say....
malathyon(I should be saying...can I spell malathyon) LOL!! Yuck!! This is what it's been like the past couple days. Thursday the city sent the trucks around the town to spray for mosquitos. They never give a warning and all of a sudden you smell this diesel smell and realize they are spraying. Then, on Friday, I am driving home and see this huge war like plane flying low and realize they are now spraying via the plane. They do it every year which is great to halt the huge mosquito problem, but my wreaks havoc on the lungs. I spent the weekend coughing and having such a headache. Still have it. I have never had a mosquito bite that I can remember. My husband and daughters get them really badly. My daughter's turn into welts. It's such a problem here too because we have no screens on the windows (too expensive here) and I will wake up in the middle of the night to my husband with a flashlight searching out the mosquitos!!! Of course I take no pity on him because he wakes me up and they don't bug me!! (pardon the pun)So, did you have a fun NSD? It was good!! Spent time at SBB chats -they were packed-so busy, but still fun. I won a coupon for Terry Maruca's work and one for Olivia and Co. Pretty cool huh!! Haven't picked it out yet. We had a full house again this weekend. I can't get any packing done because we are busy cooking and chatting, well, mostly chatting LOL!!! Love these kids and their enthusiasm!! They are such fun kids and love the Lord!! Good examples too. Plus, my friend came over Friday from the college and spent the night. She's awesome-always keeps me laughing, but also I am always encouraged spiritually by her. Great to have friends like that-holding us accountable too. Someone we can share our weaknesses with and ask them to look for certain things to keep us accountable. I struggle in one area (not just one of course, but one in particular) and so I asked her this past summer if she notices any changes in me to call me on it. That was a hard thing to do and I can't really take credit for it. We were just talking and the Lord just had me say it to her. I struggle with my weight but not in the gaining department if you know what I mean. I am not like I was years ago, but it's something I know is a weakness. When I am stressed, I don't eat and after awhile I can easily find myself in trouble again but don't want to go through that again. Anyway, enough on that subject......The Lord is good-we had Communion today which means extra time of worship so that was great. Then taught the kids-today's lesson was on the Rich Young Ruler. We have great talks together and it's just such a privledge to be able to have a role in a child's life. It's so exciting to watch them grow in their understanding of God's Word!! Very rewarding!Well, I think I have talked your ears off today....I am making up for lost time. Haven't done any scrapping for a few days now. Too busy and probably won't get much done since we have much packing and cleaning to do to prepare for our trip to the states. Ahh, I wish I could keep putting it off-or just have someone else come in and do it!!! HA HA Blessings upon your day!!!
Be glad in the Lord and rejoice-for He has done GREAT things :)
Yes, we are making progress in the packing realm! I am not making progress in remembering my English vocabulary though!! I had a title ready and couldn't think of how it is in English-I speak English-it's my first language, but it's amazing how quickly we forget some phrases. So, help me out-I wanted to say something like "Progressive Day" but I know that's not right!! Progressful isn't a word, so it's not that either-ugh!!! I can't remember!!! This happens to us all the time since we have been in Europe 5 years now. We go to say something and can't remember what it is in English! Sometimes during worship it happens too. Songs I have known forever in English I all of a sudden can't remember the words to them!! Anyway, we did some more packing today and the attic is looking so clean!! It's amazing how much was up there. When we moved here, we packed an 18ft container and moved our household stuff and shipped it over here. I am so glad we did that because the furniture is way more expensive and they don't have our kind of beds over here. So thankful I have my USA bed!!! The Lord knows what we need :) LOLSeems like there will be plenty of sales going on this weekend since it's National Scrapbook Day. I am excited to check out the different sites and see what is happening. Most good stuff goes on while it is the middle of the night here so I miss out on stuff, but it's still fun to check it out! I found a couple new sites-I told you of this one before Liddy's Loft, but you should go check it out. They are having a Grand Opening Sale and the kits are really great and the prices are perfect!! Plus the owner seems so sweet too!! I need to update my Sites and Blog list too.
Another great site is Scrapix-Designs. Kelly Shults is a great designer and I just love her kits!! I am so thankful to be finding these new (to me they are new) gals!!!! I am on Nancy DeMoss's mailing list and I read a great quote from her yesterday. She wrote:Several years ago a well-known Christian leader observed to me: “Lots of people are praying and lots of people are repenting, but so few are changing their lifestyles.”
Immediately I thought, There’s something wrong with that picture. Repentance has to do with a change, and if people aren’t changing their lifestyle, then they’re really not repenting. And if we’re not repenting, then our prayers, according to God’s Word, will be of no effect.
Repentance is a gift from God. Ask Him to grant the gift of repentance to your own heart and to His people in this nation and around the world.I really agree with this comment! So many times we ask the Lord for His forgiveness but we aren't willing to change our lifestyle. I often find myself just saying-Lord you can do anything and everything, can't you just make me .......blah blah blah! I love having free will and the choice God always gives us in our lives. But sometimes I am just wanting God to wave the wand and "make" me who I want to be. I am so thankful for His matchless grace!!!!May the joy of the Lord be your strength :)Here's my layout I tried to upload last night!
I used Fee Jardine's Lazy Dazy kit frame is from Trish Jones
2 weeks from today
My daughter and I will be on a plane headed to CA!!!! The time is just going by so quickly!! We are so excited though because we haven't been back in 2 years!My daughter is finishing her finals this week and so far so good! She worked so hard to finish early so she doesn't have any school to do when we are in the states. I can't believe my baby is going to graduate in a month. The years go by too fast and before you know it they are all grown up!I am still feeling a bit shaken from the incident the other day. I mentioned his name to some people but noone has ever heard of him before. Hopefully he won't come around anymore! Someone (a guy) actually asked me how come I didn't try to get rid of him or try to stop him-like I could really think about that-I actually did think about what to do but I thought it was better to stay calm because I didn't want him to react in a violent way-how am I supposed to know what people are capable of????? It made me quite irritated that this guy said that! Wonder what he would have done! Is it any wonder so many women never report the things that happen to them-Yesterday was Labor Day here. They had a big celebration in the town and my husband's band played during the festival. They play a lot of Darrell Mansfield and Third Day songs. Sort of bluesy-but it's all Christian and the people really like it. They are amazed to find out he is a Pastor!! It's really neat because the city always asks them to play now for different events and even though they are Christian people are coming out to listen. He witnesses during the songs and it's such a neat opportunity for people to hear the Gospel who would never think about walking into a church. They are going to play a few more concerts this summer so hopefully they will continue to have a good turnout.I made some time today to do a bit of scrapping. I think I tried so many different things and kept deleting everything-just don't have the flow of it going-not like I am "Miss Scrap" LOL, but I just didn't like anything today-finally I scrapped my beautiful daughter-and she is pleased with it so that's what matters!Well, I tried a bunch of times to upload the picture but Blogger is not cooperating again!! I will try again tomorrow!Thank you to those of you who were praying-it means so much!! The power of prayer is like none other!!!Praying for your day to be filled with the joy of the Lord :)