Just Schtuff
I haven't looked at anymore of my Forgiveness study. Things have been too busy and I have other stuff going on so I can't really just give it my full attention. If I do this, I want to give it my all. I don't want to do something half-hearted. Hopefully I will start it soon.
Haven't scrapped in the past couple days. Hopefully I will get some more pages done this week. I am looking forward to Gina's next sketch so that I can get some inspiration. I am hoping that this will build my confidence in learning how to put the papers and all the other stuff together.
Tomorrow I have a long day-going to go to see my friend about teaching our VBS this summer. Lots of stuff to go over. I love the drive, it's about an hour from where I live, but I don't like to drive too much at night in the winter. Fortunately the weather has been cold, but not so bad. I don't like the ice at all. In Nov, we got in a bad wreck on the bridge because of black ice. If you have ever wondered (like me) what you would be like in the moments before your death, well, I found out that night. Sometimes when I hear about a crash or other tragedies, I wonder what I would do, what would I say. Would I be mad at God, would I try to tell as many as possible about Eternal Life. That night, we hit the ice and spun around the bridge a couple times and slid about 50 meters. It was horrible. I just was speechless. Then, at one point, we started heading for the water and I just looked and quietly said to myself, "ok-this is it, this is how we are going to die." And we headed for the water and then the van smashed the guardrail and we spun again and the van stalled. Amazing! Then a huge truck was coming the opposite way (fortunately there was no traffic up til now) and my husband could start the van and we limped home in the van. It is an event that changes you. For days afterwards I just cried thinking about it but I had to drive over the bridge by myself in Dec and it was scary, but God was good!!! Wow, another rambling ---I think I have hit my limit of rambling for the night-maybe even the week LOL :)
Hope your day is blessed :)