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Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Just short and sweet, well, maybe sweet LOL

I am so tired, taught women's study tonight and still hanging onto whatever this ailment is. Snowing now and had to walk to and from church so hopefully it won't make matters worse.

Made a layout today. The pictures aren't great but I still wanted to scrap them. This past Sept our neighbors were plowing their backyard after the harvest. So, I look out my window and there is a horse doing the plowing! Somedays, it is easy to forget I live in a foreign country and then other days, I look out my window and am reminded-Toto, we're not in California anymore

I am yawning in exhaustion right now so lucky you-don't have to read my blabbers today lol :) I think I will just cruise the galleries for a bit until I actually can no longer move ~
Shine on:) Enjoy your day!
layout credits: Jen Wilson Seasonal Scraps CD
paper tear Traci Murphy (I love this paper tear!)
photo frames Gina Miller, "and" Shabby Princess
Today's Proverb:
Better is the poor who walks in integrity
Than one perverse in his ways, though he be rich.
Proverbs 28:6

Monday, February 27, 2006

Happy Monday

Hah! Is it actually possible? Isn't it funny how Monday gets such a bad rap?? I guess it's a bit different for me since my routine is different than most. Sundays are our exhausting days so I actually love Mondays! It's the day we all just try to stay home and do nothing except school and reading, computer stuff, whatever. At night there is prayer at the church and my husband gives some of the teens guitar lessons, but that's it for our schedule. No beforehand preparation.

The weekend was good-pretty tiring and even today I am so exhausted. I am still feeling sick and so is my daughter. We were saying today how we wish we would just get really sick and have to lay down all day and then let it get over with! It's horrible just having this hang on day after day-stomache pains, headaches, fever off and on for weeks now! I want it over with NOW!! I say that in my best toddler voice too :)

I made a special layout for my parents the other day. They are so special! My Mom's first child was stillborn and shortly after that happened they started to take in foster children. In the meantime, she got pregnant again and shortly after that, my brother and I came to live with them, another baby and then another child they adopted. This all happened within 3 years. Two birth children and 4 adopted! I was the oldest -about 51/2 at the time I met them and I can only say they didn't have it easy! I had such a horrid past and didn't like or trust anyone. It was so hard on them I know because people didn't really take to adoption then. They went to Catholic church and the priest told them they couldn't take Communion because there was no reason for them to adopt when they could have children on their own. I don't know about you, but I think that sounds a bit hyproctical since it contradicts the Bible and the teachings of Jesus!! Anyway, I think they are amazing!

(I used Dianne Rigdon's Dependable kit for the lo) You can click on the photo if you want to read the journaling

I so want to buy another Digital CD-this time it is the Summer Travels CD by Jen Wilson. I saw it but I just can't afford to spend any money right now because we want to go to the states in May. Someone posted a preview of part of the kit on 2Peas and I was amazed!! I am really enjoying using the Season 1 and Season 2 CD's. There is so much flexibility on them. I must save up for a new camera though. Someone was telling me at a chat the other day about the Canon A510 (I think that is what it is ). I looked it online and it's pretty affordable. But, I really want the Canon S1 IS. That is my dream camera right now. I want to get it without putting it on my credit card-we'll see how that goes in the summer.

Ok-gotta go and finish dinner. Made the sauce and now for the rest of it-Eggplant Parmigagna tonight. YUM!!
Have a blessed day :)

As iron sharpens iron,
So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17

Friday, February 24, 2006


Today would have been my husband's Grandma's birthday. Before her death she lived with us for 2 1/2 years. While living with us she suffered through 2 broken hips, one of which was never able to be operated on because she had heart complications. We nursed her through these times and eventually she had a stroke which only further complicated things. We eventually had Hospice care at the house. I have to tell you-if you are ever in need of Hospice then get in touch with Elizabeth Hospice. I don't know how we would have survived some days without them (and the Lord of course). They did everything possible for Grandma but also they knew how difficult it was for me and my family taking care of her and they always asked about us and went out of their way to help us.
Funny thing I remember one night-I had come home and went to put Grandma's pajamas on her and put her to bed. Well, she was getting so fiesty. I was trying to get her to turn her body the right way (up and down) and she would just go sideways. Now mind you, I am strong but only weigh about 110 lbs so when you try to lift a person dead weight it's so hard! So, I finally got her situated and in bed. I went downstairs to get something and I come up and she is fully dressed in her clothes. I went into her closet and found some of her outfits cut up with scissors!! So, I call the hospice and it's about 11pm by this time. I had to give her medicine because of the broken hip and then something else (that alone is a HUGE responsibility). There was another medicine that I had to give her as drops and didn't know if it was ok to give both-so I phoned Hospice and asked them about it-I just told them-someone is going to take this medicine tonight and sleep-either me or her! So, here they come over so late at night and bring another medicine for her!

Anyway, it was a wonderful experience I will never regret. We loved our Grandma so much. She was one of the sweetest people I know and I was so honored to take care of her at the end of her life.


There was such a lesson the Lord showed me in it too. When she died, the coroner people come over and take everything off her and even her false teeth! Then they put her in the body bag. And at that moment, it hit me like a ton of bricks! NOTHING goes with us when we die. We always hear the jokes that you can't take it with you-it's no joke!! It's so true! The only thing we take with us is our soul. All of our achievements and things we worked so hard to gain will not accompany us when we die. It is us preparing to meet our Creator! He doesn't care whose name you wore on your jeans or how big your jewelry was. He doesn't care what our last name was or how many zeros were at the end of our paycheck. (and yes, for us scrappers, He doesn't care how many digi kits we have, (sorry, couldn't resist lol) ) The only thing at that moment is Is our name written in the Lamb's Book of Life? These are not my words, they are the words of Jesus found in His Word.

With that, I changed my blog music today in memory of Grandma. I saw this video not long after she passed away and it always makes me cry. The ending of the video is just so close to home!

Well, I have so much on my mind, but it seems that I am such the blabbermouth and I don't want to bore those of you who are so sweet to take the time to read my long-winded posts!! I will save it for tomorrow.

Here's our Proverb for today:

Through wisdom a house is built
And by understanding it is established
By knowledge the rooms are filled
With all precious and pleasant riches
Proverbs 24:3-4

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Not sure if that is the right title, but it's what popped into my head! Ok-so I may step on some toes today with this post, but honestly, this is my opinion, this is my blog and we all have the right to our opinions-soooooooooo....with that out of the way.....

I have my home page set to Fox News so when I go online I see what the news is each day. Well, I happen to read an article this morning about people protesting at our Soldier's funerals! This is just absurd to me!!! The group are "Christians". Ok-what does the word "Christian" mean? It means Christ-like. Now I cannot for the life of me imagine my Jesus going around doing something like these people are doing and saying it is in His Name. No, folks, it's not in His Name. Jesus would be inside of the church with His arm around the wife, the husband, the parent, the child who just lost the person they love and admire. My Jesus would be comforting them, wiping away their tears. He would not be outside acting like an idiot and saying all sorts of things that have nothing to do with Him!! Where do these people get off? Is it any wonder that the world is easily turned off by Christians? This really annoys me! Why don't they use the energy and the resources they obviously have to travel from place to place, and help the families- rather than cause more pain and anguish??!!!
These protesters have a right to their opinion and they even have a right to their protesting. But, just because you can, does that mean you should? I better stop now because I get too wiled up thinking about it!!

Went to the outdoor market today. Found some good bargains. I got a pretty Bavarian teapot and some more glass bowls, my daughter got a Snoopy glass and some other odds and ends. I just love Wed and Sat when we go on our little treasure hunt! :) I have to start looking for things to bring back to the states with us this summer. I have so many friends that love old things so it's nice to be able to bring back stuff that they will enjoy and not have to spend much on it. Makes for very happy people :)
Other than that, not too much going on. Looking through some scrap kits trying to figure out which ones to use for a book for my parents. They went on a holiday through many different states this past summer so I am going to make a special book for them. I think I will use the Seasonal Scraps CD I got from Jen Wilson's sale this past Sat. The colors are great and I can mix and match and still keep with the same look.

Hope you have a blessed day!

Here's our Proverb for the day:
Train up a child in the way he should go
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Well, we received an email from the Warden today. Since we are Americans living in a foreign country we always get updated warnings when there may be a threat. Usually they are warning us about ter*r*orists threats and telling us to move our routine around. Yes, believe me, I shuddered the first time I received one of these! But, this time it wasn't about that-it was that they have found the bird flu in Hungary. In our county!! So, guess who will not be buying any poultry products for awhile!! So, beef is out, poultry is out, what is left for us to eat????? Guess we will stick to the pork. Atleast til they come up with something new about that.
It's really gross though because I go to the outdoor market twice a week and get my produce and my other finds (see some photos below) and there are little old ladies who sell pieces of chicken in bags. I always get my eggs from this one cute lady and my daughter and I just crack up because she always has some other stuff for sale that we are afraid to even ask what it is. But we just tell her no, just eggs today! Can you imagine that some of these people might get a hold of some sick chickens?? Maybe I am just paranoid. After all, it was found in swans so maybe they can do something quickly that it won't be a big problem. Oh well, we will have to wait and see what they say next!!

Had our women's bible study tonight. It's always good-the Lord always teaches us new things and we are encouraged to know Him more. We were talking about fighting the good fight. Being in the Lord's army. I thought about how would it be in life -in real combat if a soldier decided to quit because he thought the other soldier didn't like him, or gave him a bad look, or some other silly thing that we as Christians get all heated up about. I know people who don't go to church anymore because someone looked at them the wrong way, or atleast they thought they did! Imagine what our military would look like if we had those kind of people serving! I think we need to get over ourselves and start thinking more about what matters. We tend to let the petty things in life bother us more than they ought and then we find ourselves emotionally drained which can lead to being physically drained. Then, we are basically incapable of being used for much. I really believe that God is calling His people to stand up-to know what they believe and not waiver from the truth. I look around and see so much compromise these days-and yes, even in my own life. I see how easy it is to let a bit of this, a little of that. A tv show I would never have watched years ago now seems ok-just because I live in a country where it's limited English channels so the ones that come on in English are ones I never watched before. But now, oh well, it's the only thing in English. And on the surface, it does no harm, but do you see how we compromise. There's a scripture that says-A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands. But, praise God for His grace and mercy! Thankfully He tugs at us and reminds us of what is important and helps us to regain our right focus. We serve an amazing God!!

Did a scrap page today. I was actually quite happy about it. I found a template for square by Beverly Lee over at Rak Scraps and filled it in with Holly's kit papers. I bought the kit at Shabby Princess. I think it is only for sale over there. But it's a great kit and I had fun filling in the squares. I think that more designers or whoever should come up with these type of templates. They are so much fun for people like me who really struggle with ideas at times. But, I did look around at different sketches so I think I will make do with them for now. It's so hard for me to come up with layout ideas. Thankfully there are so many talented people to help out!!

I have to get to sleep now-it's going on 11:30pm my time and I am exhausted!

Here's the Proverb for today:

To do righteousness and justice
Is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice
Proverbs 21:3

Here's my lo of my cutey nephew -Holly's For The Boys Kit

Monday, February 20, 2006

Monday Monday

Ok-so when all else fails and you can't think of a title just use a song right!! Yuck, I am sick!! The virus that has plagued our family and our church has finally settled its little ole self into me! So far, just a slight fever and sinus problems. But, when you combine it with my asthma, it can be so bad at times. I swear I cough like noone I have ever heard in my life. For just once, I would love to hear someone cough like I do. Not because I wish them sickness, but just so that I know I am not the only one. It's not even a cough-we call it an event here. It's like some weird bark, howl, and then it just completely leaves me with no energy and at times lately I am dizzy afterwards. I had an x-ray last time we were in the states and there are no spots on my lungs so atleast that is good. I just can't imagine that my organs aren't ruptured or something the way I get.
We are going to the states this summer and I will get to be there all summer to help my daughter adjust to living in America again before she heads off to college. So, I think it's in my best interest to go to a specialist. There aren't any doctors here that can do anything for me. Honestly, I don't trust all that many.
I broke my hand the first year we were here and went to the ER-had to endure the Dr smoking his cigarette, someone else's blood still on the floor and the doctor yelling at me because when I broke my hand, I didn't think to take my ring off and if I didn't get it off, he would cut it off!! Boy did I pray-thankfully it came off (supernaturally I tell you!!) So, I get the x-ray and then he proceeds to tell me that "yes, I see you broke your hand, but it wasn't yesterday, it was when you were little." Ok-so it has taken that long for the bruising to show up and my hand to rise a few inches!! Yeah!! I ended up getting part of a cast and then took care of the rest of it myself!
And if I don't have your pity yet LOL, let me tell you about my husband. He was playing indoor soccer with the kids from the orphanage and twisted his ankle. Not a pretty sight! So, into the ambulance and to the ER. Next thing I know, after xrays and all, they get a drill, yes, a regular drill and start to drill his ankle from one side to the other-what's that you say-no big deal.....ok-try it WITHOUT, yes, I said WITHOUT novacaine. Nothing-just pure drilling. My husband is one of the bravest guys I know and has an incredible pain tolerance, but I couldn't believe the screams coming from him-it was horrible. I had to run out of the room!! (I have some photos of his accident at SBB in my Gallery if you would like to look).
All this to say...I don't think I will be entrusting my respiratory system to the medical system here! :)

Now that I have completely bored you with my traumas...
Had a great time at SBB this weekend shopping. I bought a couple of Jen Wilson's kits and then I woke up and thought,,,hmmm, if the Seasonal Scraps is still on sale I will get it. Sure enough, it was and I got the kit. I read a thread at 2Peas about it and everyone was talking about how awesome it was. My daughter just loves it and so that is what I am going to make her Memory Book with. I have to get photos scanned and then start on it. Hopefully next month we are going to get a scanner. But, I still might ask my DH to set up our old Epson and see how that does.

I leave you with the Proverb for the day (sorry, but over the weekend I forgot to blog so we missed a couple of Proverbs)

He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets.
Therefore do not associate with one who flatters with his lips.
Proverbs 20:19

Friday, February 17, 2006


Here are the lyrics to the song I was talking about the other day:
What If
(Nichole Nordeman
For a friend who thinks this Jesus stuff is nuts.

What if you're right?
And he was just another nice guy
What if you're right?
What if it's true?
They say the cross will only make a fool of you
And what if it's true?

What if he takes his place in history
With all the prophets and the kings
Who taught us love and came in peace
But then the story ends
What then?

But what if you're wrong?
What if there's more?
What if there's hope you never dreamed of hoping for?
What if you jump?
And just close your eyes?
What if the arms that catch you, catch you by surprise?
What if He's more than enough?
What if it's love?

What if you dig
Way down deeper than your simple-minded friends
What if you dig?
What if you find
A thousand more unanswered questions down inside
That's all you find?

What if you pick apart the logic
And begin to poke the holes
What if the crown of thorns is no more
Than folklore that must be told and retold?

You've been running as fast as you can
You've been looking for a place you can land for so long
But what if you?re wrong?

Proverb for the day:
He who covers a trangression seeks love,
But he who repeats a matter separates the best of friends.
Proverbs 17:9

It's Friday :)

Ahh, it's Friday. I don't really know that it has any special meaning to me, but there's just something about saying it's Friday LOL. Actually it is a pretty cool night because we have some kids here from the bible college helping out with the youth group tonight and tomorrow they will help us paint and do other stuff at the church. of them brought Duncan Hines Brownie Mix. Ok-so to all who have this stuff readily available it's no big deal I know. But, we haven't had these in ages. I make brownies from scratch and they are good but there's something about it being from a box that makes them extra special tonight. It's funny because when we lived in the states I wouldn't buy all the oreos and cake mixes, junk like that. Always liked to make cake from scratch and my weakness was always the salty stuff, not the sweet stuff. But, since living here for 4-1/2 yrs I find that anything that friends send over from America has a better flavor now!! I remember once someone sent a box of oreos and it must have been from Costco 'cause it was huge. So, we would only eat 2 oreos each every Sunday. See what living in another country will do to you LOL!

I realized today that you are never too old to learn something new! I decided to do the challenge over at Shabby Princess (make a lo using one of her kits) There were some rules and one said you had to use atleast 2 corner turns. Well, I go about starting on the LO (remember, I am very new at all this) and I keep thinking-how am I going to prove to them that I turned my photo two times! So, I went back to the message board and read through some more of the posts and found out they are the things you put on your photo! Ha! Did I feel dumb or what! And the worst is that I actually get these thoughts in my hand and get in a panic over them. Well, not a real panic, but sitting there wondering if they will believe I turned the photo or not!!! My goodness, whatever will I do next! Notice the two greenish things at top of photo-they are corner turners!

I used Shabby Princess Bluebell Road kit. Here's some info about the kit

For the next three months 50% of the price of this kit will be donated to the National DMAN Hero Light the Night Team for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Please visit for more information and a little background. I have incorporated some of Daegen’s favorite things (butterflies, rainbows and the color blue) as well as some inspiring quotes written by his mother, Janelle.
So, if you haven't bought the kit yet, you might want to go on over and buy it. You won't be sorry!

Enjoy your day-I am going to make another post with the lyrics I told you about the other day. Just didn't want to make this so long for one read :)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

On the tired side

Today is just a blah day. Nothing really exciting, just everyday normal stuff. I am just feeling a bit blah today. I don't know how to define blah-but I think it would cover it! I'm tired emotionally and physically. My asthma has been horrendous lately so I get out of breath and dizzy now. I never used to get dizzy but it seems to be getting worse. There are no doctors that I can go to here that I trust so I have to wait until summer when we visit CA after two long years! So much is on my mind it's hard to think straight.

I realize it was Christy Strum's site that I found the words to "What If". (if you want to visit her site, double click on her name where I list other blogs) I will post the lyrics tomorrow. I didn't get to it today.

Did some commenting today at SBB. I try to do it always and then went and visited the Shabby site again. So many cute lo's out there.

I'd like to write more, but my mind isn't functioning all that well today. Need to get ready for church tonight.

Have a blessed day!

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb,
Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.
Proverbs 16:24

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A bit of this and that

Well, I went to the big grand re-opening at Shabby Princess yesterday. There were so many beautiful kits to choose from. I rarely am able to do as much shopping as I did but I have to go back for more before Monday! I got the Flea Market, Bluebird, For the Boys by Holly, and one of my favorite new kits from Dianne Rigdon Love. I have nicknamed Dianne "DR. Love" (wasn't that the name of a movie or something)It's such a huge kit and so beautiful! I love the shabby papers and all the elements. Amazing artists in the digi world. I am in awe of the talent in the digi scrapping circle! I have to get some other things though because when I checked out Sara's new kit wasn't posted yet and my daughter wants that one so I have to order it. And, why just buy one item when I can buy a few and get another chance to win something! Ha!!! I have never won anything-probably because I don't enter anything so that would make it quite difficult! LOL

Hopefully with all the new kits I will have time to scrap a bit this weekend. I desperately want to get a new camera. I saw a thread at SP about what kind of camera's people have. Holy moly! I looked to see and then went "internet shopping" to see if they might be good for me-uh big fat NO!!!! Way too much money for me. Before being a PW, no problem, now, not even a figment of the imagination! We were so blessed to be given our camera when we moved to Hungary. Our friends bought it for us so we could put pics of the new church and congregation on the website so they could see. Now, it is in pretty bad shape. I have duct tape keeping the battery thingamajig together and the pixel size is 2. It's not taking very good photos these days either. It's been great having it though and since learning a bit better how to fix photos in PSP with some filters I can doctor them up a bit. But, I still am praying for a new one this summer. I really like the Canon s1 IS. They have a newer version out but I don't need that since it is about 100.00 more.

For any of you who have daily devotions or any who don't and would like to start somewhere-I read the Proverb for whatever day it is. So, today I read Proverb 15. I had an idea to leave one verse on my blog each day from whatever Proverb I am reading. I am also reading Revelation which is mind boggling at times. So many descriptions and I have to reread sometimes just to grasp what it is saying. I do get such a heaviness when reading it though. I was reading a thread from a message board a few months back and people were talking about hell and going there. And the attitude about going to hell as long as their friends were with them was so bothersome to me. I know that so many don't believe the way that I do, but it just made me cry to think that some people joke about spending an eternity in hell. People just don't believe the Bible. They believe everything else they read, but the Bible is a fairytale to so many. About a month ago I read the words to a song on someone's blog-I think it was Christine (I'll look it up later and tell you for sure tomorrow) and it was What If by Nicole Nordeman. It's such a powerful song. It goes straight to the heart of the matter. You can think I am wrong in believing every word of the Bible to be true, but have you ever considered as the song says-What if I'm right. Ok-I am going to find the right blog and credit them and google the song and put the words up tomorrow. It's so heavy!

I hope your day is blessed with all the things the Lord desires to give you today :)

So, here's a portion of today's Proverb.
A soft answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger
Proverbs 15:1

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day

Monday, February 13, 2006

American Dream

I changed the video today. The last time we were in America we were given free tickets to a 3 day concert event. It was Spirit West Coast and the host from KLove gave us 3 tickets for all 3 days. it was so awesome!

Since we hadn't been in CA for 2 years, or anywhere in the states for that matter, we weren't up to date on all the new Christian music and groups. So, the first night we went the group Casting Crowns was playing. They rocked! I couldn't believe how good they were. Their lyrics are so amazing. Of course I had to get the CD so I could learn every song!!
The one song is called American Dream. I thought it was just so thought provoking. The words are so good and yet sadly, so true in many a life. It's about a guy chasing down the American dream by working all the time and thinking he is doing his family a favor by making lots of money so they can have lots of things. In the meantime, he is slowly slipping away from his family because he is too busy working and misses so many of his kids events and can't find time to be with them. It's so sad that this is so true.

I got a couple layouts scrapped the past few days. It's been fun. Maybe I will post them tomorrow if I remember. It doesn't seem like that part of Blogger is working right now. I can't wait until tomorrow when Shabby Princess has her grand re-opening! I have not put anything on my credit card and I am just waiting oh so patiently to go there and shop!! I saw her previews of some of the kits and I want almost every one of them!!! Can't have them all though. I will have to limit myself to a few. If you haven't gone there yet, run on over!! I think everyone must have heard about it by now though.

We are returning to CA in May. It is coming upon us so quickly. No tickets yet. We are praying for great fares even though it is May. It is so darn expensive to fly from Hungary. I am so excited because I haven't been back to the states in two years. I miss everyone so much! Plus, I need some girlfriend time with my friends. I want to meet at Starbucks and Cold Stone, the mall, all the fun things I haven't been able to do in sooooo long!! Not that going to Sicily and Austria weren't fun, but just not the same. Plus, I think my one friend and I are going to take a trip to WA. That will be one exciting trip!!

Gotta go make some dinner now.
Hope you have a wonderful day!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Little Treasures

Hooray, today is Saturday!
When we lived in the states I was an avid garage sale shopper. Each Sat. I would get up early and head out the door with a coffee mug in hand and tour the neighborhoods for great sales. It was so much fun to do. I would always find my daughter's Barbie toys and playhouses, ride-on jeeps, etc for so cheap. I think at one point when my daugher was little we had our extra bedroom just for Barbie LOL

I found all kinds of furniture and once I stumbled across a bunch of beatiful tea cups and saucers from England and Germany. I asked the guy how much and he was just wanting to get rid of it (I think his wife left or something) and I think for about 15 cups I paid about $5.00! Not too shabby huh! Poor guy! Thus started my tea cup collection. It continues to this day.

When my daughter was in 1st grade, we decided to have an Easter Tea Party every year. The girls would come over in their pretty dresses and we would have real tea and use the real china. The parents couldn't believe it. But do you know that from 1st grade until 7th grade not a single thing was ever broken. It was always fun year after year to have most of the same girls over and a few more. After 7th grade, we moved to Hungary and had stop the Easter Teas. Now, I am waiting until the day I am a Grandma and can have teas for my granddaughters :)

We have a Women's Christmas Tea every year year at the church. God blessed us so much by providing for us to pack a huge container when we moved to Hungary and so I brought all my tea sets and china with us. I knew it would come in handy over here and it has. The women here always look forward to our annual Tea.

So, that brings me to today... (yes, as my husband would say, it always takes me a few paragraphs to get to the point lol) Hungary has joined the EU and now it is easier to bring goods from other EU countries over here. We have an outdoor market 2x a week and usually it is produce and some swap meet type clothes that I don't trust enough to buy. But, around Oct. we noticed a couple selling some used items at their table. Well, come to find out, they are travelling to Holland and Germany and getting so much stuff! I am not sure if they are buying from things that didn't sell at swap meets or what but the things they bring back are amazing! They seem to be from thrift stores because you can see the euro tags on them and we aren't using the euro yet. So, each week my daughter and I get so excited to go to the market and see what treasure we can find. Everything is so inexpensive it's unbelievable! I have bought Bavarian china, beautiful glass bowls, espresso sets, tons of things! They usually have the neatest tins too so I grab those for storing my craft supplies. I have had to start putting things in boxes for distributing to friends when we go to America this summer. We find such great deals. My daughter loves to collect the Disney cups now and has been able to get quite a few. Most are stamped with Disneyworld in France and today she found a couple of the glasses with Dutch writing. She is so thrilled!

I decided to take a few photos to share with you. I am so loving this white piece. I think it is so adorable.

Ok-gotta run. It's snowing and since DH is at band practice today (with no voice) I have to shovel the snow at our house and probably walk to the church and shovel the snow there too. Ah, all in a day's work :)

Blessings to you all!
Shine on :)

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I decided to add some music to the ole blog. I visited Autie Pea's blog and really enjoyed the music she had one one of the days. It was a beautiful song by Natalie Grant called "Held". I will put it up maybe next week. I put the photo back up too. I didn't really like the other one I had replaced it with so I took it down. I have to go into the digi sites and change my avatar too. It just doesn't do anything for me! Ha ha. As if that's what it's all about anyway LOL.

Ok-gotta run and do dishes and other stuff but hope to write more later today.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Busy busy

The past few days have been so busy for us. Physically doing things as well as emotionally draining at times. There is always another trial or crisis to deal with in my husband's position and we have to be sure to deal with these things with the right heart attitude. Not all that easy I tell you! And of course as others learn of the things going on, all eyes are on you and your family to see if you are handling the situation the right way, or the way others think you should. Our lives are constantly under a microscope. Without God's grace and mercy, I could never bring myself to do anything or to even continue on in the things He has called us to. It's just so overwhelming at times. Thankfully, He equips those He calls and we can yield to Him in all things. It's when we react in our own way and neglect to seek His wisdom first that we fail and can cause greater harm.

I am comforted when I read Psalm 56:8 and how God preserves our tears in a bottle. They are precious to Him. Why? I really don't know. Maybe as a Mom we can relate to when someone hurts our child and they come home to us crying and just so crushed. I remember times when I would pick my daughter up from school and she was crushed by the things some kids would say to her. Mind you, she even went to a Christian school. And because she is adopted, because she is part black, they would call her names and tell her they would beat her up-yes, many years ago and I can still vividly remember these things. She had such an innocence about her and couldn't understand at all why the kids didn't like her and why they wouldn't want to be her friend. Her tears were so precious to me then. It's hard to explain it in words, but I think you understand what I mean. Picture how we pick our kids up and put them on our lap and comfort them. And our God is so much more than that! He loves us even more than we can love our kids and cares about us so deeply. When people hurt us for no reason or try to wreak havoc in our lives just because of their own selfishness it can make us cry and have a lack of understanding as to why. And we go to God and maybe there isn't always going to be an answer but He love us and takes concern over our heartache and our tears.

I need to remember the lesson the Lord taught me from one such incident with my daughter. A classmate made some horrible comment about her skin color and as her Mom I was ready to just go off on him and who knows what. But, in her sweet way, after she finishes crying she says, but guess what Mom-I got to put into practice the memory verse we learned. Her verse was from Ephesians 4:32 "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God in Christ also forgave you." Ok-once again, it's amazing how God uses our children to teach us!

I volunteered to make wedding invitations for a gal who's getting married in July. She is from Romania and basically doesn't have parents. She doesn't have money at all so I am trying to help with whatever I can. Please pray that I can do a good job on these and it will be a blessing for her. I am not creative on my own, but as I plan women's conferences and stuff I am always amazed at what the Lord does through me. I also thought about making those candy wrappers with their names and wedding date as a wedding favor. I have to check the internet and see if I find any ideas. I made some for our Christmas Tea this year and they were a huge hit! Hopefully it will go well. If anyone has ever done this with digital papers and printed it out, please tell me how it turned out. I used some regular paper that people sent me when I made our Christmas ones. I can't imagine the digital wouldn't turn out nicely. We have just a normal printer though-nothing fancy so I will have to try it out for the quality when printing. Anyone with ideas, please, please feel free to send them my way. You can even email me.

I know-I wrote a book today...sorry, hope your eyes aren't sore :)

Have a blessed day:)

Friday, February 03, 2006

It's Friday :)

Friday afternoons my friend and I go to the women's shelter and do crafts with the kids. It's a lot of fun for us and them too. I brought a bunch of rubber stamps and paper scraps and they went to town making stuff. You can't buy these things here so it is always quite a treat for them. It's always bittersweet going there because you can become close to the kids and then they are gone the next time you arrive. Some have been there for so long though. It's a whole new concept here to have a shelter like this. The Director was telling me a couple years ago that not many women come because it is just not heard of to go to such a place. Many women don't even know they exist. Hopefully that will change in the near future and those that need the help will go.

Afterwards, I went to Becki's crop over at SBB. We actually had to have a sketch done by the time the chat was done. My goodness! I should have just forgone the freebie and chatted. I am not one who can scrap very well let alone have it finished in 1 hour or less! Gosh, it took me so long just to find a photo. It's so funny because if you were to see the LO you would probably think it took all of about 5 minutes. Oh no, not with this girl! I just don't have great creativity. But, it doesn't stop me and I love to do the scrapping.

My daughter and husband are at youth group right now so it's so quiet in the house it's almost eerie. The only light on is from my computer so it's double eerie. Utilities here are so expensive so we are frugal when it comes to electricity. I am not being frugal right now with the heat though LOL. I have it up to 22 because it so freezing in here. I'll have to run over and lower it right about the time they are due home:) My hands are freezing!!! I have to get some iron pills I know. I had to go to the hospital in Oct and they said I was anemic. Someone gave me some iron, but they got lost somewhere-who knows where. Getting medicine over here can be such a nightmare though so I will get some in the states this summer. Take my will never want to go to a hospital here. It's outrageous! I think I will share the stories with you tomorrow. I'm quite tired now and it's 9:24pm which means my brain is functioning at a lesser percentage than normal, which isn't hard :)

Tomorrow, tomorrow... big morning for my DH. He has to meet with someone who has been less than cooperative. Good thing it is him meeting with him because I just assume let the guy be out of our lives and go cause problems somewhere else. I don't have a kind heart like my DH when it comes to things like this. Plus, I can't be sensible and calm. I can be so emotional about things and just make it worse. Not always good as a pastor's wife so I have to avoid those types of things !!

You may have noticed if you have been to my Blog before, but I took off my photo. I just got the creeps when I came to the page and there it was. I hear all these horror hacker stories or creepy stories and decided I would put up something else. We'll see if I get a new one or not. I have got to take more photos soon.

Ok-until tomorrow! Have a blessed day and....
Shine on :)

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Edited: Ok-after lingering through many a site trying to figure out the archive thing, it seems to be working now. Now onto something else....does it ever end ???? :)

I am just not getting it!! If anyone can please be so kind as to tell me step-by-step how to archive my files. I just can't understand the directions given. You may notice that on the side it now says January and also February shows up. I don't know if this is the way it is supposed to be but I doubt it because I have checked others out and it doesn't look the same. I have even clicked on "view source" on other blogs to try to figure out the html codes but can't. I don't know how to do this and it is driving me crazy!
I am off to try to make a new header for Feb.
Thanks so much for your help :)

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Praise the Lord

from who ALL blessings come!! Yes, our household is filled with joy this evening! We received information that the college my daughter wants to attend in September has accepted her!! We are just so excited. I am so proud of my daughter too. Here I have been on pins and needles and she has remained so calm. She said that she prayed and knew that this is where God wanted her to go and she wasn't worried about it. Is it any wonder the Lord tells us to have child-like faith??!!! Thank you Lord!

I am having a difficult time figuring this blog archive thing out. Can't figure out the instructions they give. I'll have to wait until tomorrow when I am more alert-it's evening here and Singing In the Rain is on in the background so my mind isn't functioning all that great at the moment ! Does it ever LOL?

Did some shopping over at Sweet Shop Designs today. I couldn't get over the assortment pack they have for $1.62. Unbelievable!!! I couldn't wait to download it and see for myself that all that was on my screen was actually for such a low price! I managed to get a couple other kits while shopping. It's just too easy to shop online. I am usually very good at not spending any money frivalously (can't spell) but I couldn't help it. I want to make some special scrapbooks for my daughter and other friends so it goes to a good cause :) If you haven't checked the shop out yet, run on over! The prices are terrific!!

Here are the kits I bought today and it doesn't include the assortment pack. Designers are just so amazing to me. Their talents just WOW me :) I can't even draw stick figures correctly!! Kudos to all the digi-designers out there!

Blessings upon your day today :)

In answer to the question left in the comments "Do I believe in after life?" My answer is yes -just not sure what kind of after life you are referring to. I believe that we make the choice before we die where we will spend Eternal Life. I believe that if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Savior we will spend Eternity with Him. If we choose not to, we will spend eternity in hell. Heaven and hell are the only two choices I believe we have.
Hope that answers your question. :)
Gotta run-on my way out but will be back later tonight (well, my tonight anyways)

Shine on :)