a gazillion more to go!! Yes, we made it into the attic today to get a few boxes down and start deciphering what is in there. I tell you...it's so hard to go through things with my daughter at times. I want to throw out, she wants to keep. Of course what I think she should keep, she wants to get rid of. Ok-so her sister gave her a frame a few years ago and it's scratched up-yes, it's cute, but do you really need to pack it to take back to America with you>????? She won, it's in the "To Pack" box. Boooks, books, and more books!! She has so many but we are going to keep most of them here with us. It's too much weight to bring back anyway. Plus, she will not have a place to live except the college dorm so we can't bring too much.Oh, I think I might cry thinking about that. My little girl, all grown up and we will be back in Hungary and she will be in CA. No home to go to during the holidays!! Ah, it hurts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have some terrific friends who will take her in and one in particular will be surrogate Mom to her. I love my friend dearly and she is really crafty and makes tons of stuff for our youth girls and sends them over. We are going to stay with her part of the time this summer so they can get to know each other better too. I did a layout with Gina's sketch and I really like how it turned out. The little boy is from our church and he is so adorable. He has the greatest personality too!! We had a little egg hunt for the kids after church and they had a blast!!! It was so much fun!
I used Kelly Shults Spring Chick kit. It's so cute and I had fun using it! I also got a couple more kits over the weekend from Kelly's site.

So I think that will be it for a bit with treating myself!! I really like my new kits though! Hopefully I will do them justice with some nice layouts.
I haven't been doing my Blessing Board this week. Too much going on in the day but I will restart it as soon as I can. Maybe I will make it easier on myself and do it once a week while we are so busy packing stuff up. I have to clean the whole house spotless in a month too!! I know, it sounds like I must be such a slob if it takes that long to clean it -lol-but no, I am not that bad!!! Just don't ask my husband~ha ha!!!! No, seriously, I have to go through every piece of paper, and all kinds of stuff to make sure everything is in its place and in order before I leave. I just have a fear that when I go away, if something happens to me I don't want people to go through my things and try and figure out what is what or have things in such disarray!! I have had this fear for years!! Once, about 16 years ago, my husband and I went away for a few days and came back to our house having been robbed. It was horrible-especially being that it was a family member on drugs!! Anyway, it was one of those rare spur of the moment things where my husband came home and said-hey let's get away for a few day. So, I scurried about the house and packed quickly-leaving clothing on my bed and also my daughter's room was a bit messy since we had to be fast. Well, once we were back home and called the police, the policeman says-oh yeah, I see your house was ransacked!!! Yikes, I felt awful and said-well, actually Sir, all the clothes on the beds were left there by me!!! I felt so ashamed!!! So, there's my pathetic story of the day!!!
I added a link in case you want to email me. I finally figured it out!!!
Have a blessed day my friends :)