Anway, I have no motivation whatsoever to do any scrapping. I am too tired to think about it. I start, then don't end up finishing anything!!! I did get my BB finished today. Didn't really get creative but I wanted to get it finished since I hadn't done one for yesterday. Most times I don't know what I am going to write for the day but God is so faithful and always reminds me of something to be thankful for each day and to see how I am blessed!!
Today we have guests for the night. They are actually students from the bible college. They come and help with the youth group sometimes and they are a real blessing. There are 8 that came tonight-and I was sort of worrying about feeding them all. They love to have a home cooked meal and really enjoy cooking for them when they are here. But, this is a rough month because we are doing so much construction at the church and of course we have our winter heating bills too! But, God!!!! So as I was creating today's Blessing Board I was reminded that God provides for everything! Sometimes I feel like the widow who's oil never ran out. I really can't explain it -how we continually have enough food to feed whoever shows up at our house. We had a delicious meal too!
I made pasta with chicken and pesto sauce!! So yummy!!! I made some foccacia bread with garlic and rosemary too. That is one of my favorite things to make. Ever since we went to Rome a few years ago I am hooked on the stuff. We stayed at a flat that was right above a bakery. Every morning at 4am we awoke to the greatest aromas!!
Well, I will bid you a good evening for now!! I am going to check around the internet for awhile while everyone is at youth group. I love my alone time :)
Here's today's BB. If you ever want to know the credits and I don't have them (like tonight because I am too tired to write them) please just drop me a note in the comments. You can drop me a hello anytime LOL :)
I really appreciate those of you who leave such sweet words for me!! Brightens my day :)
Have a blessed evening-think of how you are blessed today no matter what you might be going through :)